"Aunt Zhang, don't worry. Take me to see the children first."

"Can you cure?" Aunt Zhang asked.

"Well, my grandmother used to be a doctor. I know something about it. According to what you said just now, children may have gastroenteritis. It's not a serious disease. I can cure it."

"Yes? That's great. Come on, come on, come with me. I'm in a hurry. " Aunt Zhang runs inside with Liang Xiao.

Walking into a dormitory, I saw several children lying on the bed with pale faces and groaning in their mouths.

Liang Xiao goes to one of the children and immediately gets the feedback from jishiyan in his mind.

[food poisoning, gastroenteritis, high fever 40 degrees. The patient is weak and has low immunity. If he is not treated in time, his life is in danger. Do you have a treatment plan

"How's it going? Xiao Liang, what's the matter with them? "

Aunt Zhang asked anxiously.

"Food poisoning."

Liang Xiao frowned slightly, not thinking about the ropeway.

"What? Food poisoning? " Aunt Zhang was shocked. "I personally checked every meal, and I ate the same thing. How could this happen?"

Liang Xiao is also a little confused.

Lao Li and his wife are responsible for the canteen. They usually do things meticulously and choose the freshest ingredients. How can there be collective food poisoning.

"Yes, Aunt Zhang, they are all caused by food poisoning, gastroenteritis and fever. It should be caused by eating bad food or other things. If it is not treated in time, it may be life-threatening. "

Liang Xiao's tone was heavy and secretly obtained the treatment plan.

"But I had the same meal. Why am I ok?"

Liang Xiao shook his head, "I don't know about this, but you can rest assured that I will find out. Now it's the most important thing to treat children."

"Yes, yes! It's important to save people, Xiao Liang. Think of a way quickly

Liang Xiaowan bent down and checked carefully. "It's not too serious. I'll go to the back mountain to find some herbs. You prepare two barrels of mineral water first. I'll use it later."

In case of emergency, Liang Xiao did not dare to neglect. After arranging the task for Aunt Zhang, he rushed to the back mountain of the welfare home.

In the past, he often took children to play in the back mountain. He knew that there was a piece of green herbal medicine here, some of which could cure food poisoning.

Soon he came back with herbs, and Aunt Zhang prepared two buckets of mineral water according to his instructions.

According to the guidance given by jishiyan, he quickly mashed the washed herbs into medicine mud and mixed the medicine mud into mineral water. Finally, he secretly injected a stream of genuine Qi into the water.

In this way, as long as the children drink medicine, not only can cure the disease, but also enhance their immunity and physical fitness.

"Auntie Zhang, give these potions to the children quickly."

"Well, can it really work?" Aunt Zhang is somewhat worried.

"Don't worry, I'm sure the medicine will get rid of the disease!"

Seeing Liang Xiaoxin's oath, Aunt Zhang no longer hesitated and quickly ordered the nurse to share the potion with the children.

Then, quietly observe and wait.

After less than two minutes, the children's stomachs did not hurt, their faces gradually became beautiful, and they had strength.


See effective, Liang Xiao sent tone, Aunt Zhang is overjoyed.

"That's great, Xiao Liang. Thanks to you today. I didn't expect you to have such brilliant medical skills." She held Liang Xiao's hand tightly.

"Aunt Zhang flatters me. I'm not so good at medicine. I just remember some of the prescriptions left by my grandmother. It's just the right medicine."

Liang smiled modestly and then walked to one of the children.

"Xiao Mao, how do you feel now?" As he spoke, he reached out and touched the child's forehead. Sure enough, the fever subsided.

He can also clearly feel that his true Qi is flowing in the child's body and is slowly repairing his immune system.

"Brother, I feel much better. My stomach doesn't hurt and I have strength."

"That's good. You have a good rest first." Liang Xiaowei smile, "Aunt Zhang, the children are OK, but we still have to find out what's going on. I'm afraid it's not that simple."

"Well!" Aunt Zhang also felt that the situation was wrong and nodded her head.


Lao Li and his wife, who are in charge of cooking, are preparing lunch. They don't seem to know about the children and there is nothing unusual.

"Lao Li, come here for a moment." Aunt Zhang called with a serious face.

Lao Li quickly put down his tools and trotted over, "what's the matter, Dean Zhang?"

"I ask you, what did you give your child in the morning?"

"Everyone is the same in the morning. They eat porridge, steamed bread and some side dishes." Lao Li was confused and subconsciously scratched his head.

"Uncle Li, don't you know about children's collective food poisoning?" Liang smiled and asked in a deep voice.

"What, food poisoning?" As soon as Lao Li heard this, his eyes suddenly stared at the boss.

Liang Xiao saw that he should know nothing, so he quickly told him the matter.

Lao Li was flustered. "No, I bought and cooked all the meals myself. How could this kind of problem happen?"

"Damn it, am I really damn it? What's the matter with the children now, it won't matter, will it? "

"Uncle Li, don't blame yourself. It may have nothing to do with you." Liang Xiao quickly pacifies the way.

"Do you have anything left in the morning? Show me if you have any."

"Yes, I'll get it for you." Lao Li quickly turned around and ran back to the kitchen. He soon came back with a tray. His wife followed him with an anxious face. Lao Li should have told her what had happened.

"Xiao Liang, can you see anything wrong with this light?" Aunt Zhang saw Liang Xiao staring at the leftovers, a little confused.

Liang Xiao nodded gently, and then jishiyan looked at it carefully.

Sure enough, there is something wrong with the meal.

But it's not moldy, it's a special kind of toxin in the egg soup specially prepared for children. This toxin can cause gastroenteritis and fever.

"Who made the custard?" He came back and asked seriously.

"Yes, I did." Lao Li's wife replied tremblingly.

Liang Xiao thought for a while, but she didn't do it, so he asked, "Aunt Li, do you remember when and where you bought this egg?"

As far as the current situation is concerned, the problem is most likely to come from the raw materials, that is, eggs.

"These eggs were just bought this morning. I was going to buy them at the market. As a result, someone just sold it in front of the gate, and it was cheaper than the market, so I bought it directly. "

"Do you have any eggs?"


As soon as Liang's joke fell, she ran back to get some eggs.

Liang Xiao knocked on one and was injected with toxin.

Who in the world is so crazy that he's attacking a group of children?

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