"Xiao Liang, I have good news for you."

Three days later, Liang Xiao received a call from Lin Lao.

"Last time, I've dragged my friends to sell that soul fixing pearl for you. After deducting taxes and handling charges, the total income of 80 million has been transferred to your bank card. "

"Laurin is old." Liang Xiao was a bit surprised. He thought it would be good if he could sell 50 million yuan, but he didn't expect that he would sell 30 million yuan more.

"Ah, Xiao Liang, you're very kind. You've helped me so much. What's this. Besides, the soul pearl is a rare treasure. You didn't see how sensational the auction was at that time, and I followed suit. "

"By the way, Xiao Liang, do you remember that you promised me to be the vice president of the antiques Association last time? I don't know when you will be free. Come and take a process? "

Lin Lao's tone is a little impatient, eager to lock Liang Xiao to death immediately.

"I'll go over now." Liang smiled and wanted to promise directly.

"Where are you going?" As soon as I went downstairs, I was caught by my mother-in-law.

Liang Xiao hasn't been to work these days, which has long attracted Li Yuee's attention.

"I, I go to work." Liang Xiao said casually that he was a little guilty.

"Nonsense Li Yuee glared angrily, "do you think I don't know? You haven't been to work for several days. Say, "are you fired?"

"I..." Liang Xiao said for a moment, "Mom, I didn't get fired, but I have something to ask for leave recently."

"What's the matter? What can you do for me! " Li Yuee didn't believe it.

"Listen to me. You'd better not play tricks. There is only a little salary. If I lose my job, I'll see how I deal with you! "

"I see." Liang Xiao nods helplessly, thinking that apart from forcing me to divorce Qingwen, how can you deal with me.

"You wait for me!" He had just walked out a few steps when Li Yuee suddenly shouted him back.

"To be honest, are you hiding money secretly?" She thinks and thinks that something is wrong, so she thinks that Liang Xiao may not have given her all the money Lu Deming gave her.

"It's really gone. I gave it to you last time." Liang Xiao saw through her mind and said quickly and firmly.

"Better not let me find out you're lying!" Li yue'e glared fiercely.


As soon as Liang Xiaogang came out of the house, he received a short message from the bank.

"Your account income is 80000000, current balance..."

Before he knew it, Cary had nearly 100 million, which was really nothing to him before. But now, it is an amazing astronomical figure.

Fortunately, I didn't receive SMS at home, otherwise it's hard to guarantee that Li Yuee won't check. What would happen if he could see such a balance?

It's terrible to think about it.

After a short stop, he rushed to the antiques Association.

"Here comes Xiao Liang!" Mr. Lin was very enthusiastic and had been waiting in the hall early.

After finishing the entry procedures, Liang Xiao became the vice president of the antiques Association.

With a monthly salary of 30000 yuan, I have a special office, but I don't need to go to work. I'll come back when I want to come.

Of course, if Mr. Lin or the antiques association needs help, he should be generous.

"Xiao Liang, I'll show you around and get to know our association."

Mr. Lin took Liang Xiao to visit the whole building. Everyone passing by was shocked and envied that he could become vice president so young. Of course, what he envies more is his talent.

Finally, they came to the treasure house on the top floor of the building.

Open the door, can be described as a dazzling array, looking all Antique Baby. At a glance, there must be at least thousands.

"Can I look around?" Liang asked with a smile.

"Of course, of course!" Mr. Lin nodded again and again, "by the way, help me have a look. Most of these things are collected by the people at the bottom. It's inevitable that some of them will go astray. "


Liang Xiao is also not polite, directly opens the purple pupil to walk in. Slowly and leisurely turn a circle, and did not see what is too eye-catching good things. At the same time, more than a dozen fakes were also found.

"What's the matter, Xiao Liang? Have you found anything?" Old Lin asked softly.

"19, 23, 87... Are all fakes. You can decide how to deal with them." Liang Xiao immediately reported a series of numbers.

After a pause, Mr. Lin strode to the nearest shelf, picked up a vase that Liang Xiao had identified as a fake and threw it to the ground.


Liang Xiao was surprised when the vase fell to pieces.

"Mr. Lin, who are you?"

"I believe you, Xiao Liang. Since you say they are fakes, you can't be wrong. Since they are fakes, they must be destroyed, and the Department will let them flow to the market again to harm people. " Lin Laoyi just said.

Liang Xiao nods his head gently. Lin believes that he can understand. But he didn't expect that Mr. Lin would be so real.

Although these things are fakes, they are all exquisitely imitated, and can't be distinguished without any Taoist practice. In Tianhai, even in the whole Jiangnan area, it's not difficult to do it.

If you were someone else, you would certainly make mistakes and try to change hands as quickly as possible.

Liang Xiao returned to his senses and went on. After a few steps, he suddenly stopped. His eyes were attracted by a vase in front of him.

It turns out that this vase is the doucai peony vase he gave to Ye Daoming and sold by him for two million yuan.

"Mr. Lin, how did you get this vase?"

"Let me see." Mr. Lin was not sure. He went forward and looked at the records on the shelf.

"Oh, this vase was sent by an antique shop in the south of the city a few days ago. It cost four million at that time."

"Four million?" Liang Xiao thought about it. Ye Daoming sold it to the antique shop for two million yuan, and the price doubled. If ye Daoming knew it, he would be angry.

"Xiaoliang, do you think the price is suitable?" Mr. Lin asked.

"No loss." The beam laughs to return to a God to come, smile to return a way.

The value of this vase is more than five million. With his contacts, he will be able to sell it at a higher price.

After another stroll, Liang Xiao left the antiques Association.

Look at the time. It's already September 1. It's only half a month before ye Qingwen's birthday on September 15. He wants to surprise her, so he must hurry up and prepare.

Thinking of this, he took a taxi to the sky city restaurant.

Ye Qingwen once dreamed that his wedding could be held here. Let's hold a special birthday party here to fulfill her dream.

"Mr. Liang, do you want to make a reservation?" Zhao Chengpeng, the boss of the sky city, saw Liang Xiao and ran to him with an attentive face.

"Well, on the 15th of this month, I want to wrap it up." Liang Xiao came to the point.

"Wrap it up?" Zhao Chengpeng was shocked.

"Yes, what's the problem?"

Maybe Liang Xiao's tone was cold, and Zhao Chengpeng shook his head in fear.

"No, no, but it's not cheap to pay for our restaurant." If it's just a meal or something, he can give Liang Xiao a free bill.

But this is a private show. He can't afford it.

"Money is not a problem. I'll have to ask you to arrange it for me then." Liang smiled incomparably and said happily.

Zhao Chengpeng quickly looked at the reservation record and found that most of the seats on the 15th had been reserved. In this case, it will be difficult.

"Mr. Liang, I'm really sorry. I've just had a look at it. The seats on the 15th have been almost reserved. How about another time? " After hesitating for a long time, Zhao Chengpeng still insisted on asking.

"No, it must be the 15th?" Liang Xiao was resolute, "you can solve the problem yourself, and I will bear all the losses."

"This..." Zhao Chengpeng frowned, very embarrassed.

He can't afford to offend the reservation guests, but in contrast, he can't afford to offend Liang Xiao. Because offending Liang Xiao means offending Jiang ling'er. If you offend Jiang ling'er, you don't want to open this shop.

After the battle between heaven and man, he finally nodded heavily.

"Well, Mr. Liang is a friend. The 15th is the 15th! You see what you want me to do, just tell me. "

"Thank you, boss Zhao, for doing this..." Liang Xiao said his request again.

"Well, it's on me!" Zhao Chengpeng agreed.

"Well, I'll pay you a part of the deposit for the fee."

"No, we don't need a deposit in our relationship." Zhao Chengpeng quickly refused.

Liang Xiao did not talk nonsense, and immediately left the city of the sky.

The venue is ready. There is still a gift left.

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