"Hello, Mr. Liang!"

Leaving the city of the sky, Liang Xiao hurried to the jewelry store in Lin Yue last time, intending to choose a gift for ye Qingwen.

Manager Liu saw that he immediately put the customer aside and ran to receive him warmly. The attitude is better than before. I don't know hundreds of times. It's better than seeing my father.

"Go ahead, I'll look around." Liang Xiao is still polite developed a sentence, and then self-care in the shop up.

But after two laps, I didn't see anything satisfactory.

"Mr. Liang, what do you like?" Looking back, manager Liu stood behind him again.

After the last thing, Lin Yue told her to take good care of Liang Xiao when she saw him again. And he said, no matter what beans he likes, give them to him directly.

Up to now, she still can't understand why a young man in his twenties can make Lin Yue pay so much attention to him, even be respectful.

"Do you have anything better?" Liang Xiao shook his head.

"Higher?" Manager Liu was stunned.

This shop is already the best in Tianhai city. The jewelry in the shop is often hundreds of thousands, and the most expensive is even several million.

Liang Xiao now even asked her if she had a better one. Obviously, she didn't like everything in the shop.

"Mr. Liang, as far as I know, the best things in our family are in the store. If you want a better one, I'm not sure if you have one. You have to ask Mr. Lin first. " After a long hesitation, manager Liu made a response.

"OK, please ask."

Manager Liu calls Lin Yue in a hurry. Before long, Lin Yue comes in a hurry.

"Doctor Liang, listen to manager Liu, you want to choose a better jewelry?"

"Yes, I want to prepare a present for my wife's birthday in a few days." Liang Xiaobu thinks about the ropeway.

"You are married. I didn't expect that you are not only a good doctor, but also a good husband!" Lin Yue appreciated it all over her face and didn't mean to praise it.

Manager Liu and several other salesmen were envious, thinking which woman was so lucky to marry such a good man.

"Ms. Lin is flattering. I love my wife. Isn't that what a man should do?" Liang Xiao's mouth is clear, and he returns modestly.

"Dr. Liang, I don't know what kind of gift you want to prepare for Yilian and what price it is?" Lin Yue didn't say much. She returned to the topic with a smile.

"Money is not a problem, mainly desirable." Liang Xiao does not fake thinking about the cableway. Although his tone is flat, there is a heroic spirit of the five elements between the lines.

Not to mention manager Liu and salesperson, this time even Lin Yue, who has been in jewelry business for 20 years, was stunned subconsciously when she heard what he said.

After a while, he came back to his mind and said with a smile, "Dr. Liang is right. Of course, gifts for lovers can't be measured by money."

"Well, I'll take you to my private jewelry store. There are some personal treasures I've collected over the years. Maybe you can see them."

"These are all your personal treasures. How can I win people's love?" Liang touched his head with a smile.

"No, I didn't wear all those things. Doctor Liang has something he likes, even if he takes it. " Lin Yue quickly shook her head.

"Well, thank Ms. Lin first!"

Later, Lin Yue took him to a private treasure house not far from here. The treasure house is full of security guards inside and outside, and it is also equipped with the most advanced alarm system. At a glance, you can see that the things inside are valuable treasures.

"Dr. Liang, choose whatever you like." Lin Yue unlocked the door with her iris and made a gesture of please.

Liang Xiao is not polite either. He walks in directly. As soon as he enters the door, dozens of jewels covered with bulletproof glass come into sight. It can be said that he is full of treasure.

He glanced casually. Everything here was several grades higher than the best one in the jewelry industry. Although there is no indication of the price, they are definitely the best products of more than ten million levels.

After a pause, he regained his mind and walked in slowly. Stop in front of every treasure and watch carefully.

Although these things are all treasures, they still don't like to see more than a dozen in a row.

It wasn't until the 19th thing that he finally saw.

"Ms. Lin, can you show me this?"

Lin Yue quickly does not go past, Liang Xiao in front of a purple diamond, the shape of laughter are similar to the girl's eyes.

Moreover, the brick is not all purple, and there is a round pink gem in the center. At first glance, it looks like a smart and beautiful big eye.

"Doctor Liang has a good eye," said Lin Yue with a smile. "This gem is called the eye of an angel because it looks like a human eye. Moreover, it is formed naturally and has not undergone any artificial carving, so it is very precious. " Lin Yue introduced the angel's eye and took it out of the glass.

Liang Xiao takes it carefully, and can't put it down at a glance.

However, what he likes is not his valuableness, but that it is so similar to Ye Qingwen's eyes.

"Dr. Liang, you seem to like this angel's eye very much." Lin Yue asks tentatively.

"Well!" Liang smiles and nods heavily, "Ms. Lin, I wonder if you can give up your love and transfer it to me?"

"This..." Lin Yue suddenly frowned slightly and became a little embarrassed.

"What's the matter, Ms. Lin? Do you have any questions?" Liang Xiao asked.

"To be honest, it's not mine. It's deposited with me by a friend. If it's mine, don't sell it. It's OK to give it to you directly! " Lin Yue said with a little shame.

She had planned to take this opportunity to repay Liang Xiao. Who ever thought about the house full of treasures, but he picked the only one that didn't belong to her.

"Ms. Lin, I really like it. Could you please ask your friend if you can sell it to me?" Liang Xiao asked sincerely.

"OK, I'll call her right now!" Lin Yue then picked up her mobile phone and walked out of the treasure house.

The owner of angel's eye is Hu Ke, Lin Yue's best friend and the godmother of her daughter Jiajia.

She also likes this angel's eye very much. Originally, she didn't intend to sell it. Can't bear Lin Yue has been pleading, until heard that Liang Xiao is to cure Jiajia's voice, this agreed to sell the angel's eye to Liang Xiao.

Lin Yue sighed and quickly turned around and ran back.

"Doctor Liang, it's done. My friend is willing to give you the angel's eye."

"Really, that's great!" Liang smiles and finally smiles.

"Well." Lin Yue suddenly frowned again, "however, its price is a little high. I don't know if you can accept it."

"As I said, money is not a problem." Liang xiaomatchless firm, now as long as the price of angel tears does not exceed 80 million, he can afford.

If it exceeds this price, we have to find another way to get the money together.

"My friend said that when she bought the angel's eye from the auction house, it cost 55 million. If you like, I can persuade her to sell it to you at the original price. "

The person who can buy a gem at this price, not to mention in Tianhai, is a local tyrant even in the whole country.

Fifty five million?

Hearing the price, Liang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile came up at the corners of his mouth.

"Ms. Lin, I'm willing to pay 60 million yuan for angel's eye. After all, it's to win people's love. You can't let them suffer losses! "

Lin Yue Leng for a moment, followed by a smile.

"Mr. Liang is really fastidious!"

Later, Lin Yue replaced her friend Hu Ke and Liang Xiao to complete the transaction.

Liang Xiao takes angel's eyes and leaves happily.

A few days later, the news that the mysterious rich spent 60 million to buy angel's eye spread like wildfire, and people in Tianhai City knew it.

"Did you hear that the young mysterious rich bought the angel's eye!"

"Yes, it's said that it cost sixty million!"

"Tut Tut, it's too rich! I don't know what this mysterious rich man looks like. It seems to be making friends with him! "

"Why did he buy this gem? I don't think so. Are you going to propose? "

"I don't know which woman is so lucky to get the favor of this Shenhao. If only that woman were me!"


"How did it spread?" Liang Xiao stood on the street, listening to the comments of the people, a little helpless.


The mobile phone rings suddenly. It's Ye Qingwen.

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