"Come out, are you tired after such a long time?"

Liang Xiao stops the battery car, then turns around and looks at the dark night ahead.

After a while, a figure came out of the night, stopped for a moment, and then walked slowly towards him.

Liang Xiao stood in the same place and waited quietly, because he got the inheritance of the ghost eye God, and his eyes could see clearly in the dark.

The uninvited guest who followed him was slender, dressed in black, wearing a cap and mask, and couldn't see his face clearly. But in terms of body shape, it should be at most 30 years old.

What's more, there was a faint cold light in his fierce eyes, which should be a fierce character.

"If someone pays for your life, you can catch it. I'll make you suffer less." The man in black stopped about three meters away from him. His voice was cold, probably because he often smoked and drank, and a little hoarse.

"Are you so sure you can kill me today?" Liang smiled and asked.

The man in black is certainly a master, but he has got the inheritance of the ghost eye God. Moreover, as soon as he is free, he secretly practices the unique skills that he has inherited. It's nothing to deal with him.

"Hum, since you don't cooperate, don't blame me for being too cruel!" The killer also didn't put Liang Xiao in the eye, coldly said a word, then took out the knife which carried with him.

The blade was shivering in the night.

The next second, he launched a direct attack and rushed to Liang Xiao.

The speed, the strength, and the attack at such a close distance, if ordinary people can't escape, they will be killed by him.


And Liang Xiao unexpectedly also stopped for a while, then just sideways one Dodge, easily avoided his attack.

How is that possible?

The killer was a little shocked. He thought that even if he could not kill Liang Xiao directly, he would never be defeated. At least he could hurt his vital points, make him lose his ability to act and become a prey to be slaughtered by him.

But he never thought that Liang Xiao could avoid his attack, and he looked so relaxed.

It seems that the boy was not talking big just now. He really had some information.

Think of here, he quickly back a few steps, 45 degrees knife, extremely alert looking at Liang smile.

"Boy, I don't see any ability. But then you won't be so lucky. "

Liang Xiao's mouth curved, did not make any response, but also very arrogant to hook his fingers, almost did not say the classic line - you come here!

"To die!" The killer was annoyed, and immediately launched an attack, faster and more fierce than before.

Liang Xiao still stood in place and waited for him to rush in front of him before he began to dodge slowly. The killer handed out several knives in a row until the key, but each knife was the same as before, and Liang Xiao easily avoided it.

After this, the killer gradually lost his strength. He quickly withdrew for a distance, gasping for breath and staring at Liang Xiao.

"Boy, what are you doing?"

"The person who hired you should have said that I'm a worthless waste." Liang Xiao doesn't think so.

The killer frowned.

The employer did say that, but now it seems that he has been fooled.

Damn it, if you know this guy is so powerful, you should charge more money.

"Are you ok?" Just in a trance, Liang Xiao suddenly asked, "if you want to kill me, hurry up. It's late. I should go home, or my wife will worry."

"You..." killer is not stupid, naturally can hear Liang Xiao, this is in red fruit fruit ridicule him, suddenly angry. I couldn't manage so much. I immediately took a deep breath and rushed over.

However, this time, Liang Xiao did not stand in place to wait. At the moment when the killer rushed to him, he also rushed out.

"Go to hell!" The killer looked at him right in front of him, shouted angrily and slashed the knife at him. However, Liang Xiao suddenly disappeared.

"What's the matter, people?" A knife cut empty, the killer was dragged by inertia, stumbling forward to progress, and then stood in the same place.

I saw that boy right in front of me. Why did he suddenly disappear?

He quickly left and right to wait and see for some time, all around a dark, no figure.

"Come out, don't play tricks!" In such a dark environment, Liang Xiao suddenly disappeared, which made him a little flustered. Subconsciously, he raised his vigilance, and then cried out.

"Stop yelling. It's here." As soon as the voice fell, Liang Xiao's voice came from behind.

The assassin judged that Liang Xiao was less than two meters behind him by his voice. He didn't talk. He suddenly turned around and stepped forward with a lunge and stabbed him out.

This knife is impartial, straight into Liang Xiao's heart, and Liang Xiao stands there straight, it seems that he really doesn't react.

Got it!

He was secretly happy, but the next second there was a stabbing pain in his wrist.

Looking back, I found that Liang Xiao had grasped his wrist.

This power is terrible!

He tried his best to stab the knife into Liang Xiao's chest, but he couldn't advance at all.

"Well, I won't play with you." Liang said with a faint smile, and then he suddenly made a force on his hand.

"Ah! My hand. " The killer screamed, and the whole arm seemed to be broken. It was in great pain. He lost his strength in an instant, and the knife fell to the ground.

Ding Dang

A crisp sound reverberates in the night, and Liang Xiaoshun presses the killer to the ground with an anti joint.

"Well, I didn't lie to you. It's not so easy to want my life."

"I'm not good at it. If you want to kill me or cut me, it's up to you." The killer gritted his teeth. "Before I die, I have a request. I hope you can promise me."


Liang Xiaoxin is curious, "tell me about it."

"I, I have a five-year-old daughter who is seriously ill. I hope you can give me some time, and I'll settle my daughter down and come back at your disposal. " The killer hesitated for a moment. From his helpless tone, Liang Xiao heard a trace of resentment towards fate.

"Is that true?"

"Don't worry, I didn't lie to you. So, please give me some time! " The killer said in a deep voice.

Liang xiaolue pondered, and probably guessed that he came out to do this kind of thing because he wanted to find money to treat his daughter who was seriously ill.

And what he wanted at this time was to go back and settle down his daughter, and then his friends would deal with it by themselves, instead of blindly praying to let him go.

From this we can see that he is a man of backbone and a good father.

"You go." After a moment's hesitation, Liang Xiao finally let go of his hand and didn't intend to embarrass him any more.

"Thank you The killer got up and moved his arm, which was almost broken by Liang Xiao.

"Don't worry, I will come back to you in five days."

"No need." Liang Xiao shakes his head gently.

"You, you want to go back?" The killer was a little flustered.

"Do I look like a man who can't keep his word?" Liang smiled and asked.

"Well, what do you mean."

"I mean, you can go, you don't have to come back to me. Take good care of your daughter. Don't do that again. Haven't you thought about what your daughter would do if something happened to you? She's only five years old Liang said with a smile.

"I..." the killer stopped for a moment and lowered his head in shame, with tears in his eyes.

"I know you are a good father, and I know you may be helpless. But before you do anything, focus on your daughter! "

"Thank you, I, I really have no way to go, otherwise I would not do such a thing! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! " The killer was very excited and bowed several times to Liang Xiao.

"Come on, you go, or I'll regret it." Liang Xiao waved his hand.

"Thank you The killer didn't dare to stay, so he turned to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Before he could step forward, Liang Xiao suddenly spoke again.

No, you regret it so soon?

He subconsciously frowned, turned back and asked cautiously, "you, what else can I do for you?"

"I've let you go. Should you tell me who hired you to kill me?" Liang smiled and asked in a deep voice.

"This..." the killer looked embarrassed, hesitated for a long time, or gently shook his head.

"I'm sorry, although I'm in this business for the first time, I still have to abide by the rules. I, I can't sell my employer. "

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