
Hearing the killer's answer, Liang Xiao couldn't cry or laugh.

I've just spared your life. You're still telling me the rules. It's just a dead brain!

"Let's go, let's go, but I didn't ask." Thinking that he just promised to let him go, he couldn't go back, and didn't want to entangle with him, so he waved him away. This time, the killer didn't dare to stay for a moment, so he quickly turned and left.

"Well, don't you tell me? I'll let you take the initiative to tell me. " Liang Xiao's eyes flashed a trace of cunning, and hurriedly rode the battery car to follow up secretly.

In this way, the killer stopped near the village in the city and looked around with great vigilance. Fortunately, Liang Xiao turned into the nearby alley in time and was not found by him.

Then the killer walked into the village in the city. Liang Xiao parked his car in the alley and followed him on foot.

Soon, the killer opened the door and entered a dilapidated two-story building.

The diaphragm of the house should not be very good. You can hear a little girl calling her father.

Her voice was weak, but she could still hear the joy of seeing her father go home.

"Xiao Xiao, why haven't you gone to bed so late?"

"Dad didn't come home. I couldn't sleep."

"Little you, why do you have a fever again?"

"What's the matter with you? You're scared. Dad, don't sleep. You can't sleep. Dad will take you to the hospital right away!"

The conversation between father and daughter finally turned into his hysteria.


Outside the door, Liang Xiao really heard, guess should be the little girl's condition worsened. So I didn't think much about it, so I just kicked the door open.


The killer who just picked his daughter up from the bed was startled. He suddenly looked back and saw Liang Xiao come in, and his face was very blue.

"You, what do you want to do, what are you doing here?"

"Don't be afraid. I mean no harm. I'm here to save your daughter." Liang Xiao quickly explained.

Save my daughter?

Killer can't help but be stunned, "you, you talk nonsense, how can you save my daughter!"

"As you can see, my daughter is really sick. Please give me a few days. I, I will go back to your disposal

After all, he still went back to the origin and thought that Liang Xiao was rebellious and wanted to trouble him.


Liang Xiao sighed helplessly, and patiently continued to explain:

"I really didn't come to trouble and didn't lie to you. I can really save your daughter!"

The killer was stunned again and asked tentatively for a long time, "you, are you a doctor?"

"Yes, I'm not only a doctor, but also a very clever doctor." Liang said with a smile, and looked at the little girl who was tightly held in her arms by the killer.

[disease: brain tumor, has deteriorated, remaining life is half an hour, do you want to obtain the information scheme

After receiving the feedback from jishiyan, Liang Xiao could not help frowning.

At the same time, he was also secretly glad that he had just released the killer. If he delayed for a while, what he came back to see might be his daughter's body.

"You, are you sure you're not lying to me?" The killer still can't believe it.

"I don't have to cheat you, and I won't make fun of a child's life. To tell you the truth, I just let you go on purpose and come back with you to see if I can cure your daughter's illness. " Liang said with a serious smile.

"I've seen your daughter's brain tumor, and it must have deteriorated completely. What's more, she's very weak. She'll die if she stays up for half an hour at most. "

"You, what do you say? No, you must be talking nonsense The killer's mood nearly collapsed.

Liang Xiao fiercely interrupted him, "every word I said is true. She only has half an hour to live. It takes at least 40 minutes to get to the nearest hospital from here."

"Are you going to bet your daughter's life?"

"You, you can really save my daughter?" The killer asked again. His mood was completely out of control, and his tears came out uncontrollably.

"I can really save your daughter!" Liang Xiao emphasized his tone and repeated, "if you don't believe me, I can swear to God. If I can't cure your daughter today, you can kill me directly. I will never do any resistance! "

After hearing what he said, the killer hesitated and looked at his daughter, who had fallen into a coma and looked like the rest of the world. He finally decided to gamble.

"Well, I, I believe you!"

"You'd better cure my daughter, otherwise, even if I can't beat you, I'll try to pull you to bury her!"

"Put her on the bed." Liang Xiao didn't entangle with him and said directly in the tone of command.

Killer a listen, quickly obediently put her daughter back to bed. Follow your hands and pray silently.

Daughter, you'll be fine. You'll be fine!

"Go and get a basin of hot water!" Liang Xiao strode over and obtained the treatment plan while observing.

The killer didn't dare to be stunned, so he ran to boil the water.

When he came back, Liang Xiao had turned the little girl over and let her lie face down.

Because her tumor grows deep in the back of the brain, she needs a needle from the back.

"Here comes the water."

"Get a clean towel." Liang Xiao again orders a way.

The killer rushed to find a towel, while Liang Xiao took out the silver needle he carried with him, picked out the seven longest ones from the inside, and made a gesture that the length should be enough.

Soon, the killer came back with a towel. He took it and threw it into the basin. At the same time, he secretly injected a stream of genuine Qi into the heat.

After soaking for a while, take out the towel, wring it dry, spread it on the back of the little girl's head.

The air and heat absorbed by the towel seeped out slowly, wrapping the little girl's head.

In this way, she won't feel any pain when she is given the needle later.

After about three minutes, Liang Xiao removed the towel and began to give the little girl an injection.

First, she pricked one needle on each of the left and right temples and Tianling acupoints, then slowly penetrated the remaining four needles from the back of her brain until the tip of the needle touched the tumor in her brain.

"Well, does it really work?" The killer was very distressed and worried when he saw him put such a long needle into his daughter's head.

"This is your daughter's only chance to live. You'd better keep quiet. If I'm affected and make any mistake, she will be killed on the spot!" Liang Xiao looked back at him and warned seriously.

He's not bluffing. It's very difficult and dangerous to inject needles into people's brains. He has to concentrate.

The killer was so scared that he covered his mouth. He didn't dare to breathe. He was afraid that Liang Xiao would be affected.

Liang Xiao turned his head, gathered his true Qi on the middle finger of his right index finger, and then gently clicked on the seven new needles.

Zhenqi slowly enters the little girl's brain along the silver needle, wrapping the goose egg sized tumor in the back of her brain.

A moment later, the Qi suddenly dispersed, turned into countless tiny blades, and began to cut the tumor.

Within two minutes, the tumor was cut to pieces.

Liang Xiao quickly injects a stream of genuine Qi through the silver needle to re wrap the chopped tumor and purify it at a very fast speed.

After a while, the tumor was thoroughly purified and Reiki carried out of the little girl's brain along the silver needle.


Liang smiled and looked at the time. It would be half an hour in five minutes.

He took a long breath and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

If the time limit is exceeded, the little girl is likely to die during the treatment.

"My daughter, how is she?" See Liang Xiao begin to pull out silver needle, killer can't help but ask in a low voice.

"The tumor in the brain is clear and there is no life danger." Liang smiled and thought about the cableway, "but she has been ill for a long time. She has different degrees of problems in all aspects of her body, and she is very weak."

"I'll leave a prescription for you in a moment. You can take it according to the prescription and give it to her for a month. Then she will be fully recovered."

"Tumor, really cleared?" The killer's eyes widened and his face was full of disbelief.

Doctors who have seen her before all say that the tumor in her daughter's brain is too deep, so craniotomy is necessary, and the success rate is very low.

And Liang Xiao just pricked a few silver needles on her head, which cleared her daughter's tumor?

He couldn't believe it. He felt as if he had been cheated.

Just then, the little girl in bed suddenly reacted.

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