"So you must be superior to you?" Qidie's face sank immediately, and she couldn't help but tighten her hands tightly.

The two blood shadow mad butterflies that were in a paralyzed state once again regained their vitality, and both flew to Qidie's side.

Eric and Amanda are also very tacitly standing beside Qidie. Although Eric has only one hand and a storm axe, he is still fighting intent. .

In the face of such a powerful enemy, the three of them rarely became in harmony. With Eric's angry roar, the three of them moved towards A Chou almost at the same time and rushed over.

A Chou turned her palm into claws, and saw that her hand could hold the sword qi of the butterfly and the heavy blow of the storm battle axe.

Her skin is like the best armor. The defensive power is not weaker than Eric's magic armor. The sword can only make the sound of collision between gold and stone.

Although the Nine Lives Spirit Bead doesn't look big, each one weighs several tons. Under the light attack, the formidable power is no less than a heavy hammer.

The Nine Trees and Nine Life Spirit Beads form an airtight defensive net, and the three people headed by Qidie are simply difficult to get close.

But they then adopted the strategy of guerrilla warfare, and instead of meeting force with force with Ah Chou, they chose to consume her spiritual power.

Although A Chou's physical power is almost invincible, the fairest thing in the Sin City is the limitation of spiritual power. As long as its spiritual power is exhausted, there is only one dead word!

Why doesn’t A Chou know what abacus the other party is playing, said with a sneer: "Want to fight a war of attrition with me? Then you guys are too naive..."

After saying that, A Chou pinched a light blue bead next to him in his hand, and then squeezed it directly.

At this moment when the light blue Spirit Bead was squeezed and exploded, a halo of wind representing the rapid speed was attached to Ah Chou.

"Let you see what is the real speed!" A Chou sneered, and then the whole person suddenly disappeared in place.

"Where is the person?" Eric said with a look of horror.

"Behind you!"

Suddenly, Ah Chou suddenly appeared behind Eric, and his palm broke through Eric’s magic armor defense easily. When it was about to succeed, a sharp sword qi struck.

"Cut it down!"

The double knives in Qidie's hand crossed, forming a sharp strangulation like scissors.

Faced with Huatian Crazy Bone's attack, A Chou could only avoid his sharp edge, give up continuing the attack, and withdrew his hand in time.

A Chou silhouette disappeared again. When it appeared, he was already ten meters away. Coldly said: "Pray for butterflies...you still have some abilities, but a Spirit Bead like this I have nine, how do you fight me?"

hearing this, all three of them were pale, just squeezing one of the nine lives of Spirit Beads was so terrifying.

If the "Nine Lives Spirit Bead" were all crushed, they couldn't believe how this kind of power destroying heaven extinguishing earth!

Pray Die immediately bowed his head and said: "Your Excellency, we didn't intend to offend. We hope that the senior will let us have a way of life. I promise I will never dare to confront the senior opponent in the future."

coldly said: "You're still interesting, how about you two?"

Eric and Amanda hurriedly nodded and almost said in unison: "We too, where you will go in the future, we will never show up !"

A Chou nodded, whispered softly: "Then I will spare you a dog. If you dare to do anything to me in the future, you won't be as polite as this time."

After saying that, A Chou opened the door of the room under the watch of the three people, and walked out straight towards the door.

As soon as A Chou disappeared in the room, Qidie and Eric and the others felt relieved, and the whole person became relaxed.

The imposing manner that A Chou exuded just now was too powerful, and it was so powerful that they felt desperate.

They were very afraid that A Chou would do something if they didn't agree, but luckily she didn't do it.

"Who...Where is this Ah Chou? How terrifying is his strength." Eric sat down on the ground, a little shocked.

Qidi said with a serious face: "Although I don't know where he is, but one thing is certain... She must not be Human Race!"

"What? Not Human Race? What do you mean?" Amanda exclaimed.

"Isn’t the meaning obvious enough? Have you ever seen someone’s power that can resist the storm and fight the bears? This Ah Chou should be a humanoid devil beast, and the realm is definitely not low, but I don’t know. People like this level, how could they come to this kind of place?" Qidie said with some doubts.

People of that level generally cherish their lives very much. If it is not necessary, they will not venture into places like Asura Tower.

And the status of the king of evil is almost the same for the characters of that level. It stands to reason that they don't look down on the position of the king of evil. Why would they come to compete with a group of juniors for the heart of Shura?

"Then can you see what devil beast this is?" Eric asked.

Praying butterfly shook the head, indifferently said: "The reason why she is dressed up like this is to make people unable to see her body, how can I see it."

"In this way, don't we have no chance to seize the heart of Shura?" Amanda said with a desperate expression.

"Can’t say the same. After all, the test of the 100th floor Asura Tower is not all hard power. As long as we enter the top 100, we still have a chance, but now it’s true. You can't fight separately." Praying said solemnly.

Amanda immediately agreed: "Qidie is right. The three of us are very reluctant to face this Ah Uhudu. If we separate, wouldn't she kill us like a pig and a dog?"

Eric also nodded agrees, but he is frowned: "It seems we must cooperate now, don’t forget that there is another Feng Yixiu glare like a tiger watching his prey in the dark! It’s just that since it is. For the temporary alliance, there must be a Captain, right?"

"The three of us are the same as Captain, anyway, I have no opinion." Qidie coldly said.

Amanda hurriedly said with a smile: "It's just a matter of talking! In terms of strength, I pray that you are the strongest among us. If you are inappropriate, it is possible that you can let the handicapped be Huh?"

"Don't forget who made Lao Tzu's arm!" Eric lifted Amanda's skirt up and roared.

"That was caused by the kid Feng Yixiu, is it possible that I did not do it on purpose!?" Amanda refused to give in, coldly said.

"Don’t quarrel, now is not the time for infighting. At present, we can have hope after together. Don’t forget our common enemy!"

The voice of praying for butterflies though It's not big, but it has a very strong deterrent. The two people who had just been arguing should settle their affairs.

There is no doubt that Qidie is the most powerful house among the three, and both the way of behavior and the way of thinking are much more mature than the two of them...

"Since which of you two If you don't agree with anyone, then I can only take the role of the Captain. Until Feng Yixiu is killed, I hope you will not have infighting." Pray said solemnly.

"You saved my life just now, I am taking you! I will listen to you!" Eric nodded and said.

"I don't have any comments! As long as you don't let him be a Captain..." Amanda echoed.

"Now our top priority is to gather our respective teams and find Feng Yixiu's traces together. As long as he lives for one day, we will be in danger for one more day." Qidie said with a serious face.

"Okay! Don't let Lao Tzu find this kid, otherwise Lao Tzu will have to smash this kid to pieces to solve my hatred!" Eric fiercely roared.


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