When Eric was about to go out from the door, Qidie stopped him, "Don’t go out from the door. It's done."

A Chou’s strength just now has completely given birth to fear. Eric and Amanda are complex ashen nodded, following Qidie’s steps, directly from the window Jumped out.

All three of them were able to step on the volley, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Their primary goal now is to gather all the teams of the Gate of Hades, the Seven Deadly Sins and the Flower of Evil, and look for Feng Yixiu's traces together.

Among the three organizations, the largest number is the Gate of Hades, but the Seven Deadly Sins and the Flower of Evil team are all elites, so the combat ability is not weaker than the Gate of Hades.

As long as the members outside these three organizations, they will involuntarily massacre all of them in the process of searching in order to increase their blood points.

But even though they turned the entire ruined city upside down, they still didn’t find Feng Yixiu’s location. He seemed to completely disappear from the face of the earth, no one saw him again. Pass him.

At this time, next to Feng Yixiu's starting room, a black clothed man covered in blood was sitting in a dark corner and healed his injuries.

No matter how smart those people were, they didn't expect Feng Yixiu to run far at all, let alone hide under the ground, but hid next to the room where the fierce battle had just occurred.

This seems to be the most dangerous place, but it was the first place they excluded when searching.

Because a normal person simply would not hide in such a dangerous place, if at that time, if they searched in the room in the vicinity, then Feng Yixiu would face a real despair.

But he was right this time, in order to win precious time to recuperate.

Feng Yixiu spit out one mouthful of impure air, slowly opened his eyes, and burst out an astonishing murderous aura, said with a sneer: "It’s black under the lamp...you think you are smart Absolute guy, I didn’t expect me to hide in such a dangerous place."

Since he jumped out of the window, he decisively got into the next room, separated from those people by a wall, so I’m not nervous. It's definitely impossible.

He was very afraid that they would break this wall during the fight. Fortunately, such a thing did not happen.

He has been observing everything that happened in the next room with thunder and lightning. At first, he felt a little sorry for the Ahou girl, but when he saw her so fierce, he realized that he was thinking too much. People simply don't have to worry about it.

When A Chou passed the door of his room not long ago, he clearly felt that A Chou stopped for a while at his door.

At that time, Feng Yixiu really had to mention his heart in his throat. I was afraid that A Chou girl suddenly broke in, but after Qidie and Eric and the others left, A Chou Ye Slowly left.

"Where is this sacred A Chou? She obviously noticed my existence, but she didn't seem to be malicious to me, but I don't know this girl either..." Feng Yixiu was a little puzzled shook the head, puzzled.

He tried to remember where he had met this ugly girl, but if someone with such a face saw him once, it would be unforgettable for a lifetime, but he didn’t have any impressions, indicating that he had never known him at all. Haven't seen each other.

Feng Yixiu thought for a while, shook the head and said, "Forget it...it’s not the time to think about this now. The three people glare like a tiger watching his prey on me now, I must Seize every minute and one second to become stronger!" Among the three, Qidie’s comprehensive ability is the strongest. He not only possesses a double Battle Spirit, but also a double demonic weapon, especially It is his cherry blossom magic armor that can bring him a very high speed increase, which can make her surpass her very high speed.

The speed that I am proud of seems to be a little insufficient in front of Qidie. It seems that the strength perception between the Battle Spirit and the Battle Spirit king is not so easy to be wiped out.

Although this is in the Asura Tower, the spiritual power of both parties has been suppressed to the same level, but the strengthening of the magic armor and the advantages of the complete blood spirit have not been completely obliterated.

Just when he was sitting cross-legged to treat his injuries, he had been thinking about how to deal with these three people. Now it seems that the only way is to defeat them separately.

Currently, my biggest enemies are Eric and Qidie. Amanda may be tricky for others, but it is not a threat to him who has the drug immunity Xiaobailou. Very big.

Eric's defensive power is too powerful, and his full moon sword qi is difficult to cut with a single sword. Not to mention defeating the opponent.

"Father said that there are eight styles of Extreme Ghost Swordsmanship. I don't know if there are any other styles to break the defense." Feng Yixiu muttered to himself for a moment, and then closed the two again. Item.

However, before entering the demonic weapon space, he opened the largest range of lightning eyes in advance, and everything within a radius of 500 meters could not escape his eyes.

Whenever there is danger approaching, he can also anticipate the enemy first and avoid the enemy's search in advance.

Since the first experience of entering the demonic weapon space, this time Feng Yixiu entered the demonic weapon space very easily. After reaching deep meditation, he came to the demonic weapon space.


Feng Yixiu easily pushed away the Gates of Hell. Who expected that father was already waiting for him? Feng Yixiu will come in.

Quickly walked over, Feng Yixiu bowed his respectful moved towards father, and then said: "Father... are you waiting for me?"

Feng Yixiu Jue slowly turned around and whispered, "I saw the battle between you and those three people just now. You did a great job!"

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