"Father overpraised, I just picked up a life by good luck." Feng Yixiu bitterly laughed, indifferently said.

Feng Qianjue shook the head with a smile, and whispered softly: "Don’t undervalue oneself, you must know that you are facing Peak young, talented people from the three empires. If they work together, you can still It’s the best result to be able to abolish one’s arm and then retreat all over."

"But can I only hide like a mouse? How can I get it like this? The heart of Shura..." Feng Yixiu whispered.

"Isn't there a father..." Feng Qianjue smiled and stroked Feng Yixiu's hair, and said with a smile.

Feeling the powerful aura exuded by father, Feng Yixiu's heart has also settled a lot, and he said softly: "Is there a way for father to break the defense of the magic armor? My full moon sword qi is temporarily I can’t help with the defensive armor. I can’t even hurt him."

"It’s not that difficult. The steel cutting style in extremely ghost swordsmanship was created by breaking defense. , But the training conditions are more difficult than the sword-drawing pose, you have to be psychologically prepared..." Feng Qianjue pondered for a moment and responded.

"Steel-cutting style, is his formidable power stronger than sword-drawing style?" Feng Yixiu said curiously.

"It’s not that the formidable power is stronger than the sword-drawing style, but each has its own strengths. The sword-drawing style is a bit related to the accumulation and attack range. There is only enough distance and time. It is nothing difficult to be able to kill thousands of people or even tens of thousands at one time, but it is also sword qi after all, there is still a big gap between the defensive ability and the real slash." Feng Qianjue explained patiently.

Feng Yixiu listened very carefully to the teachings of father. He also gained some experience in using the sword-drawing style of the other party, and he indeed wiped out nearly a thousand people with a might of a single sword. The formidable power is beyond words. Not surprising.

But this is only limited to large-scale battles, and it still takes a long time to accumulate, for one-on-one battles, especially against defensive opponents like Eric , The effect is not so great.

Because the opponent will not be stupid enough to give Feng Yixiu such a long time to accumulate momentum, and then choose to fight personally.

"Father, I must learn how to cut steel, no matter how difficult it is, I have to learn it!" Feng Yixiu looked at father with a very firm look, his eyes full of fighting intents.

Feng Qianjue was satisfied and nodded, indifferently said: "In that case, then you come with me."

Feng Yixiu followed in the footsteps of father and came to a very low-lying basin , Here all around there is almost no vegetation attached, it looks a little bare.

The extent of this low-lying basin is very exaggerated. Feng Yixiu and Feng Qianjue’s feet are already very fast, but it took more than ten minutes to reach the center of the basin.

At first, Feng Yixiu thought it was a natural basin, and there was nothing special, but after seeing a small black meteorite in front of him, he was shocked. NS.

It turns out that this is simply not a basin, but a very exaggerated crater, where a lone meteorite stands alone.

A small half of them have been completely submerged in the ground, fuse together with them, but most of them are still exposed, exuding a simple black metallic luster.

Feng Yixiu tried to push this huge meteorite, but no matter how hard he tried, this black meteorite is still completely motionless.


Some unbelievers of Feng Yixiu subconsciously turned on the violent thunder mode, but this meteorite is still motionless.

This meteorite does not seem to be very huge, with a diameter of only about five meters. It stands to reason that even if it is all metal, it will not be completely unmovable.

Feng Qianjue said solemnly: "Don’t waste your effort. A meteorite of this size can cause such an exaggerated destructive power. Do you think its density will be small?"

After trying various postures and failing, Feng Yixiu gasping for breath sat on the ground, "What the hell is this? How can I say it is a third-rank source Martial Artist, I can't even shake it..."

The current Feng Yixiu can barely lift a fully armed small tank, but he can't shake the meteorite at all.

"This meteorite is called Hei Yaoxing, it is not a product of this world, it can be said to be one of the hardest natural metals, as long as you can cut off the black Yaoxing At that time, breaking the demon armor of the defense system is naturally nothing difficult." Feng Qianjue said while patted Hei Yaoxing.

Feng Yixiu just now can't push the Hei Yaoxing in Feng Qianjue's hands. It was shaken easily, and it swayed a few times.

Feng Yixiu looked silly on the side, father's power is beyond his imagination, just a light beat can shake this meteorite like a mountain.

This incomparably hard black meteorite made a dull sound under Feng Qianjue's slap, and one by one palm prints appeared.

"Father, you should be a little lighter! Don't break me..." Feng Yixiu said stiffly.

"hahaha..." Feng Qianjue immediately retracted his palm, first laughed a few times, and apologized: "Sorry, confiscated power for a while..."

Feng Yixiu laughed with a black line, thinking that his father is really terrifying, and he has such terrifying power in every gesture.

He is a little grateful that he didn't accidentally shoot himself to death. When he shoots himself in the future, he must remind him, otherwise it would be too wrong to be accidentally slapped to death.

"Now you can condense the Primal Chaos Demon sword, I will show you it again."

Feng Yixiu obediently condensed the Primal Chaos Demon sword, and then gave it to the father's hands .

I saw Feng Yixiu slowly pulling the Primal Chaos Demon sword out of the scabbard, first waved it randomly, and then suddenly his expression became serious.

"Steel-cutting style·Broken pole!"

Feng Qianjue held the sword in both hands, before he swung it, Feng Yixiu observed that the muscles on father's arms suddenly bulged .

Even though Feng Qianjue’s clothes are very loose, Feng Yixiu clearly saw his muscles suddenly doubled and even the veins on it were clearly visible.

There is hardly any skill, even sword qi is condensed in the sword, just a relaxed slashing action, but it cut off a small piece of the hard black star. .

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