"Pray for Die , I'm on it first!" Amanda greeted Qidie first, then moved towards Feng Yixiu and rushed over.

The reason why he wants to say hello is because of fear and the ability of Feng Yixiu Primal Chaos Demon sword. If something like Eric appears, they don't need to fight.

Feng Yixiu stood sideways, not daring to expose his back to the two, slowly pulling out the Primal Chaos Demon sword in his hand.

Amanda's movement speed has also been greatly improved after the magic armor is given. He expected Feng Yixiu not to expose his back to Qidie, but instead began to attack from the front.

The angle of attack was very tricky, the dark green blade traversed a weird curve, and moved towards Feng Yixiu's throat position to attack.

Feng Yixiu subconsciously lifted the knife and blocked it, but his eyes were always observing Qidie next to him, guarding against sudden attacks.


Compared with Eric, Amanda's power can be said to be as different as heaven and earth, and Feng Yixiu can easily resist it.

Then Amanda's left hand turned into a claw, and the arm moved towards Feng Yixiu grabbed it, very fast.

He obviously wants to get close to Feng Yixiu, and he also knows that Feng Yixiu has no poison immunity, so he is bound to be afraid of the venom on his magic armor.

"Thundering Eight Trigram Palm · Wushuang!"

Sure enough, Feng Yixiu did not choose to fight melee, instead, it was an Absolute Defense that shot Amanda away.

The moment Amanda was ejected, Qidie suddenly disappeared in place, and went straight to Feng Yixiu.

"Tornado is broken!"

Praying for the butterfly is like a tornado, the flower and the bones are combined into one, and it spins quickly like a rotating head.

This is Qidie’s strongest single-piece defensive swordsmanship. It uses high-speed rotation and has extremely powerful penetrating power.


Feng Yixiu's proud Absolute Defense was broken since it lasted only three seconds!

"Really strong destructive power!" Feng Yixiu couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring, coldly said: "Rapid thunder mode!"

Suddenly Feng Yixiu's speed increased suddenly, a very clever one. He dodged, but was still scratched his left arm by the terrifying sword qi.

Qidi stopped slowly, first glanced at the blood stains on the double knives, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

"Feng Yixiu, it seems that you have not made any progress..." Praying said with a sneer.

Feng Yixiu lightly glanced at the injury on his arm, indifferently said: "It's just some superficial wound, is this your trump card?"

hearing this, pray The butterfly browses tightly knit, the speed of the whole person skyrocketed again, and only the afterimage of one after another can be seen flashing by.

"You just came here!" Feng Yixiu also not to be outdone, and the whole person turned into a flash.

For a time, the electric lights flickered in the entire central camp, the cherry blossoms and the electric lights were constantly intertwined, and the metal collision sounded one after another.

Amanda couldn't help but sucked in a cold breath watching this scene. This speed was too exaggerated, and even her eyes couldn't keep up.

Both of them are blood Spirit Masters of the enhanced system, and speed is each other's strengths. Feng Yixiu is the fastest Thunder Element Blood Spirit Master among all blood Spirit Masters. It should be faster than Qidie.

However, Qidie’s advantage of possessing the magic armor can surpass Feng Yixiu in speed, but there is a big gap in strength.


Suddenly, the two stopped in a tacit understanding. Feng Yixiu's body was riddled with scars.

Feng Yixiu's stab wounds are obviously much more than Qidie's, but they are all relatively minor injuries, but they seem to be miserable, in fact there is not much damage.

It wasn't until Feng Yixiu's clothes were cut to shreds that Qidie and Amanda could see the light purple Dragon Mark flickering behind Feng Yixiu's clothes.

Qingdie looked at the Dragon Mark on Feng Yixiu's skin, frowned: "Feng Yixiu, it seems that you have not been idle for these three months!"

She clearly remembered that Feng Yixiu didn't have these strange Dragon Marks on her body three months ago, and her skin was far less tenacious than it is now.

Now she clearly feels that Feng Yixiu's skin is as hard as devil beast. She has tried her best, but she can only leave shallow scars.

Although there are not as many scars on her body as Feng Yixiu, there are only three scars, but bones are deeply visible in every place!

"To each other!" Feng Yixiu said indifferently with a face.

"But don't be happy too early." Qidie's eyes slowly glanced at Amanda, loudly said: "Amanda, is the time up? It's time for you to perform. "

hearing this, Feng Yixiu heart startled, looking at Amanda very vigilantly.

Although he has been fighting with Qidie at high speed just now, Yu Guang has been observing Amanda's movements and did not find that he has other small movements.

But looking at Qidie’s tone, it doesn’t seem to be pretentious. Is it possible that the other party has a killing move?

Amanda's eyes looked like a poisonous snake staring at its prey, and the corner of her mouth slightly raised and said: "Very poisonous explosion!"


With a light snap of his fingers, Feng Yixiu's heart seemed to be grabbed by someone fiercely. The intense pain made his face pale.

He reacted immediately, he should be poisoned!

But I was already very careful, Amanda's poisonous dagger didn't hurt me, and even the black ancient poison armor didn't touch it.

How could he be poisoned? !

Feng Yixiu suddenly felt the blood surge, the spiritual power in his body was scurrying back and forth, and his body began to become numb. It could only be barely maintained by inserting the Primal Chaos Demon sword into the ground. Live balance.

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