Amanda gloomy and coldly said: "Feng Yixiu, is it weird when you were poisoned?"

Feng Yixiu slowly lifts the When head came, the brain began to rotate rapidly, and suddenly divine light flashed, and slowly said: "Black ancient poison mist?"

Besides inhaling this poison mist, there seems to be no other way to get poisoned, but Why didn't he have any reaction just now, but now he is poisoned.

Praying butterfly seems to see Feng Yixiu’s doubts, indifferently said: "Why do you think I want to fight to death and hurt you? Because the poison of the black ancient poison mist needs to penetrate through the blood."

Feng Yixiu looked at his scarred body, and suddenly realized that Qidie was not aimlessly fighting with himself.

No wonder they have been staying in this center camp and can't get out of the camp. It is estimated that they want to create a closed environment so that the poison mist will not be dispelled!

It’s a big idea...

Pray for the butterfly to hook the head, said with a big smile: "We really didn’t expect you to make such a huge improvement in just three months. Today you I have to die here, otherwise the next time I see you, I'm really not sure I can kill you!"

Amanda coldly said: "Don't talk nonsense with him, kill this kid quickly, trouble will completely vanish !"

Qidi smiled slightly, and said indifferently: "This kid has no resistance. If you hate him so much, then you will kill him yourself!"

"Then many thanks!" Amanda readily agreed, and then slowly approached Feng Yixiu with a wicked smile.

"Feng Yixiu, didn't expect you to have today too, die!" Amanda raised high with the dagger in her hand.

But when he was about to cut Feng Yixiu's throat, a katana pierced his heart, and Amanda's movements seemed to freeze.

Amanda almost exhausted her strength and turned around, looking at Qidie with an incredible expression, her eyes full of unwillingness and regret.

"!" Amanda wanted to raise the dagger in her hand to stab Qidie, but was directly beheaded by another katana.

A headless corpse fell, and the hot blood rushed like a fountain, dyeing Qidie's pale face red.

Qingdie lightly licked the bloody lips, gently picked up the still-green head, and whispered: "Sorry, you are no longer worthy of use. I will take over the thousands of people at the gate of the underworld."

Then I wanted to close Amanda's head, but I couldn't do it anyway!

Qingdie tried a few more times but still failed, and immediately threw it aside, moved towards Feng Yixiu came over, said with a sneer: "It's your turn next."

"You are so poisonous!" Feng Yixiu braced his body, staring at Qidie with resentment.

"hahaha...Thank you for your compliment. You Huaxia doesn't have an old saying, if I remember should be called the most poisonous woman's heart, I think it is very appropriate." Qidie was smug. Laughed wildly.

"Are you so sure you can eat me?" Feng Yixiu said coldly.

I prayed for the butterfly to move towards Feng Yixiu slowly, and gently lifted his chin, indifferently said: "Can you have any other way? Now your hands and feet should be paralyzed and unable to move Right ?"

Feng Yixiu tried it a bit, and indeed found that his body was paralyzed and completely unable to move. It was very difficult to even move his fingers.

The black ancient mamba is worthy of being a complete blood spirit, after all, he underestimated Amanda's strength.

Pray Die fiddled with Feng Yixiu's head for a while, and whispered: "you brat is a lot more handsome than three months ago. If you promise to join me now, I might How can I say something nice for you in front of my mother and let you make a living?"

"hmph! You evil flower commiting any imaginable misdeed, you will raise those evil blood cherry blossoms like that. Shu, wanting me to join you is a dream!" Feng Yixiu refused without even thinking about it.

"That's really a shame! Since you are so persistent on courting death, then I will fulfill you!"

Although Qidie admires Feng Yixiu very much, she really wants to To recruit Feng Yixiu, but for those who cannot recruit, he has always been decisive.

Pray Die slowly combined the smallpox mad bones into a pair of scissors-like appearance, and put it directly on Feng Yixiu unable to move's neck, coldly said: "Goodbye, Feng Yixiu!"

"roar roar roar..."

A blood-colored field was suddenly released, and the powerful spiritual pressure was released instantly, blasting Qidie out suddenly.

Feng Yixiu slowly condensed the Shura phantom behind Feng Yixiu, and countless wraiths kept wailing in the small space.

Feng Yixiu's command is hardly needed, and those wraiths start to attack Qidie frantically. Even if these wraiths are dead, they will never forget the vicious woman who sent them to hell to pray for butterflies!

Perhaps the power of a single wraith is very small, but the power of these thousands of wraiths is amazing!

These wraiths began to crazily entangle Qidie, wailing and crying in her ears constantly.

These wailing and crying are like a curse, madly impacting Qidie's brain, and her clothes were soaked in cold sweat for a while, and her face turned pale.

Qidi's whole body is like a heavy yoke, as if he is carrying an extremely heavy mountain behind him, and the whole figure seems to be immersed in an extremely cold and cold pool, which is basically impossible to move.

"Don't come over, it's not that I killed you...Don't come..." Qidie's whole body was completely plunged into madness, and she kept moving backwards.

The spiritual power on her body began to become extremely unstable under the suppression of these wraiths in Asura Domain, and the two blood shadow wild butterflies flying in the sky also suddenly disappeared.

Feng Yixiu's body is indeed impossible to move, but he still has spiritual power, but Xiaobailou can still launch an attack!

Xiaobailou began to condense Power of Thunder quickly, and a bunch of violent "Crazy Thunder Anger roars" blasted directly on Qidie's body, directly turning it into fly ash.

Feng Yixiu's spiritual power was finally completely exhausted, and Xiaobailou gradually began to dissipate.

Feng Yixiu slowly moved towards Amanda's corpse and crawled in the direction of his body. There must be an antidote to fierce toxins on his body.

Otherwise, Qidie was also injured, but she was not affected by the black ancient poison mist, indicating that she must have taken the medicine in advance.

I like the Divine Grade pet evolution system, please collect it: ( The Divine Grade pet evolution system is the fastest to update novels.

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