Feng Yixiu's poisoning is getting deeper and deeper, and his limbs are completely numb, and he can only use the little by little movement of his shoulders to move towards Amanda's headless corpse.

As long as he can take off Amanda's storage ring, he will definitely be able to find the antidote to the fierce toxin.

"Damn...the consciousness is getting blurred..."

Fiercely shook his head, he only felt that the world was spinning around all day, and his body was completely gone. Under my own control.

At this time, Feng Yixiu is no more than a few centimeters away from the storage ring, but these few centimeters are like the ends of the earth for Feng Yixiu, which is beyond reach!


Feng Yixiu finally couldn't hold on, and his hard-lifted head dropped suddenly and hit the hard ground heavily.

The fierce toxin continues to wreak havoc on every cell in Feng Yixiu's body, and his entire blood vessels began to emit dark green rays of light, as if it might explode at any time.


The 5th layer cage guarded by the fairy girl of the thorns was also disintegrated under the attack of the evil flower elite. Seeing The last layer of defense is about to be broken.

If the members of the Flower of Evil come in and see the current situation, they will definitely give Feng Yixiu to pieces without the slightest hesitation.

Feng Yixiu is already in a big crisis in his coma!

Stab it!

A shining katana cut through the tent of the central camp and made a harsh noise.

Then the entire central camp was chopped into pieces by the elites of the Flower of Evil, and the broken thorn cage could not withstand the attack of the Flower of Evil.

The elites of the Flower of Evil rushed in one after another. The moment they entered, they were also speechless by the scene in front of them.

The scene can be described as tragic. Amanda’s body is separated, the big scars are still dripping with warm blood, and Feng Yixiu is lying on the ground knowing his life and death, his whole body is glowing. Green rays of light.

The head of the flower of evil, Qidie, disappeared mysteriously, but then they saw a pile of charred powder on the ground, and some broken clothes with cherry blossom patterns, and they immediately understood what .

"Our leader is...dead!?" The black clothed woman is the deputy leader of the entire team and Qidie's most powerful assistant. She has fast eyes when she sees this scene. Stared out.

She is very aware of the power of Qidie. She thought that with the help of the head of the gate of the underworld, Amanda, this War General would have no suspense.

But I didn't expect that Qidie would end up with a skeleton doesn't exist, which is worse than Amanda's corpse separation.

The black clothed woman fell to the ground, her eyes full of sadness and surprise. No one thought that Feng Yixiu would be so powerful!

This is the teamwork of two Battle Spirit super powerhouses, and Feng Yixiu actually killed them!

"Master leader...I will give you revenge!"

The black clothed woman hasn't moved yet, and an elite man behind her can't help moving towards Feng Yixiu Rushed over.

Raised the katana in his hand high, fiercely's stabbing to Feng Yixiu's heart.

"Don't be impulsive!" The black clothed woman wanted to stop, but it was too late.

The elite man’s knife seemed to pierce a piece of invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable steel, and Feng Yixiu's chest suddenly appeared one after another dazzling purple Dragon Mark.

Feng Yixiu absorbs the immortal dragon blood, how powerful is the defensive power, Qidie's attack power is so powerful, but it leaves only shallow scars on his body, you must know that Qidie's flower-sky crazy bones are SSS- Rank Other super demonic weapon, and excellent swordsmanship.

The demonic weapon of this elite man is not S-Rank. Swordsmanship is naturally not as powerful as the butterfly. It is not enough to get rid of Feng Yixiu's Dragon Mark skin.

Followed by a ray of dark green light, like strips of tiny poisonous snakes, they quickly climbed up the man's katana, extremely fast!

The black clothed man immediately released his hand, but still allowed the fierce toxins to contaminate his fingers, and then the fierce toxins spread at an extremely fast speed, just like criss-crossed complex spider webs. generally.

In just one breath, the entire body of the black clothed man quickly turned into a pool of green blood at the speed visible to naked eye, and it continued to bubble.

The black clothed woman's complexion sank, and he didn't expect this fierce toxin to be so terrifying.

It can be seen that Feng Yixiu's physical fitness has reached a terrifying situation. After such a long time, the toxin still did not kill him completely.

"Feng Yixiu! Since the fierce toxin can't kill you for a while, then I will take revenge for the leader!"

The black clothed woman stood up slowly, The expression in his eyes revealed his hatred for Feng Yixiu, extremely cold and bloodthirsty.

The evil Spiritual Qi of ink-black slowly wrapped her right hand, and after the black mist dissipated, a huge crossbow appeared in her hand.

This is her other demonic weapon of SS-Rank. Although it is not as good as the commander's demonic weapon, it still has no problem to deal with Feng Yixiu who can't resist for a long time.


The demonic weapon's mechanical expansion begins to accumulate the maximum power. The target position is not the heart, but the temple at the center of Feng Yixiu's brow. The defensive power at this position is much weaker than the heart.


The powerful hand crossbow made a powerful sound of sonic boom, and moved towards Feng Yixiu's temple with a very accurate shot.

Just when everyone thought Feng Yixiu was bound to die, a golden Spirit Bead suddenly floated over and hovered directly above Feng Yixiu, forming a golden protective shield.


The moment the rapidly spiraling arrow touches the golden protective cover, it turns into dust and disappears invisible.

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