
The black clothed woman heart shivered with cold, immediately looked around, but did not see half of her silhouette.

"Without the permission of the deity, no one is allowed to move him!"

Suddenly, a white illusory shadow suddenly appeared behind the deputy commander, appearing out of thin like a ghost air.

The moment the white illusory shadow appeared, a strong spiritual pressure broke out in an instant, and all the elites of the Flower of Evil had to kneel down in front of this strong spiritual pressure.

The whole body is fiercely suppressed in the mud, even looking up at this person's face can't do it. Only the deputy head of the Flower of Evil is slightly better, only one-knee kneels, and the limbs can move slowly, but it is also very difficult.

In an instant, the deputy head of the Flower of Evil felt that it was not a person standing behind him, but an Unparalleled Ominous Demon, and his intense fear made him sweat continuously.

However, she still managed to hold on to the fear in her heart, and slowly turned around. What caught her eye was a terrifying face like a ghost of hell.

This person is not someone else, it is Hu Jiu'er who turned into A Chou girl. At this time, her eyes were red, the messy long hair wafting in the wind behind her, and her fingernails on her hands became sharp like wild beasts.


As soon as the deputy head turned around, Ah Chou made a sharp shot, and her right paw easily penetrated her chest.

A beating heart was firmly pinched by A Chou in the palm of his hand, and after a few seconds it stopped beating.

A Chou kicked the woman in front of her away, and there was already a huge cavity in her chest, completely losing her vitality.

I saw A Chou sniffed the heart in his hand first, frowning coldly, as if disgustingly said: "It's too dirty..."

After saying this, he gave the heart in his hand Throw it on the ground and trample it into meat sauce with one foot.

A Chou's actions frightened many elite members of the Flower of Evil. Some elites who were far away moved towards the distance and climbed, trying to get rid of her spiritual power oppression range.

"You all have to die today!"

Nine Spirit Beads suddenly appeared on A Chou's body, exuding dazzling rays of light, and then quickly began to disperse.

The Nine Lives Spirit Bead possesses the completely different destructive powers of the nine, each of which represents a different elemental power.

Among them are the nine elements of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth Wind, Thunder light and darkness, each of which has the terrifying power of destroying heaven and extinguishing earth.

Although it was suppressed by the power of the Asura Tower, it still has the absolute power of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

At a time, nine Spirit Beads moved towards different directions scattered out, carrying a huge imposing manner of different elements, various rays of light covering the heavens, shielding the sun, and formed like a Nine Colored Lotus Flower The brilliance of grandiose, grandiose attacked the members of the flower of evil scattered everywhere.

The entire central camp simply couldn't bear such a mighty force. In an instant, it was exploded from the middle by the powerful oppression force and turned into countless powders.

Hundreds of Evil Flower Elites had no time to resist and were instantly evaporated. The formidable power like crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood formed a huge hole, like a lotus with nine petals.

Only the most central location of the entire lotus pit is not affected, that is where Feng Yixiu is located...

Suddenly, it seems that the entire world is quiet. A Ugly crimson's eyes began to regain the clearness of the past.

The bloodthirsty anger was gradually replaced by tenderness, but it was incompatible with his ghostly face.

A Chou walked towards Feng Yixiu slowly, her eyes full of worry and anxiety, she first probed Feng Yixiu's heartbeat.

"Fortunately, it's still too late..." A Chou waved his hand gently, calling out one of the light green Spirit Beads among the Nine Lives Spirit Beads.

She just came here too soon, since the last time she separated from Feng Yixiu, she has completely lost news of Feng Yixiu.

Since she has lived alone all this time, her ability to obtain information is slower than that of ordinary people. After inferring that Feng Yixiu might return to the Flower of Evil, she immediately moved towards this side. come over.

Fortunately, I came at the right time when I happened to hear the deputy head of the Evil Flower call out Feng Yixiu's name. This is what happened just now.

Otherwise, this man full of aristocratic and evil temperament in front of her, it is estimated that she will not be able to associate him with Feng Yixiu.

She also didn't know that Amanda's storage ring might contain detoxification spiritual medicine, but it is not important anymore. Because both the corpse and the storage ring evaporate with the huge elemental lotus just now...

A Chou very gently lifted Feng Yixiu's head up and gently pried it open with one hand. When Feng Yixiu's mouth came, he gently sent the light green Spirit Bead to his mouth.

This is the Wood Spirit Pearl in the Nine Lives Spirit Bead. It has the ability to cure hundreds of poisons and also has the effect of quickly restoring spiritual power.

Generally, the poison of the attribute devil beast below the immortal level can be easily solved, and the venom of the trifling blood spirit is nothing difficult. It is estimated that it can be solved in a moment.

However, the size of Wood Spirit Pearl is still very large. Although Ah Chou has tried to compress it to the limit, it still has the size of half a fist.

Feng Yixiu can't even blink his eyelids now, and has completely lost his muscle control, let alone swallowing such a large Wood Spirit Pearl.

Seeing that Feng Yixiu could not swallow, Ah Chou took out the Wood Spirit Pearl from Feng Yixiu's mouth, and took it into his own mouth without even wiping it.

Seeing his silver teeth bite hard, he bit Wood Spirit Pearl into small lumps. At the moment Wood Spirit Pearl was bitten into pieces, Ah Chou was also browsing tightly knit, as if he had endured great pain!

As her Life Source demonic weapon, the Nine Lives Spirit Bead is closely connected to her body. If it were not for compelled by circumstances, she would not easily break the Nine Lives Demon Bead.

Although the Nine Lives Spirit Bead will bring explosive power when it is broken, the damage it brings to Ah Chou is also very huge.

After squeezing a Nine Life Demon Orb, although it will bring a short-term strength bonus, his own strength will also drop by one-ninth after the explosion period.

It usually takes about three days to restore a Spirit Bead with nine lives. However, where the spiritual power of the Asura Tower is suppressed, the time required to restore a Spirit Bead will be much larger. It takes three months to recover a broken Spirit Bead.

This is also the reason why A Chou did not do his best to fight when facing Qidie, Eric and the others.

Although she was sure to kill the three people, the price she paid was heavy, and she couldn’t guarantee that no one would attack her during the period of weakness, so she wouldn’t if it wasn’t necessary. Easily sacrificed the Spirit Bead of Nine Lives.

However, she almost didn't hesitate to save Feng Yixiu, so she chose to sacrifice a nine-life Spirit Bead to save Feng Yixiu.

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