A Chou looked at Feng Yixiu who was in a coma with a painful expression, and said vaguely: "Feng Yixiu, if you dare to bear me, I will let you break your body..."

Fearing that the spiritual power would fall apart, Ah Chou could only leaned over and approached Feng Yixiu and delivered Wood Spirit Pearl into his mouth mouth-to-mouth.

Feng Yixiu, with the help of A Chou, finally swallowed Wood Spirit Pearl a little bit, and suddenly a surging life force rushed through his body.

The fierce poison was very fragile in the face of this violent force of nature, and it was almost instantly dispelled.

Almost the moment Feng Yixiu swallowed a small portion of Wood Spirit Pearl, his fingers began to tremble slightly, and his eyelashes flickered.

A Chou closed his eyes all the time, and didn't dare to look directly at Feng Yixiu's face. He obviously didn't know that Feng Yixiu was about to wake up.

Although she usually behaves in a bohemian and even light-hearted manner, she is still very pure in the bones, so she closed her eyes shyly.

It's just that she is influenced by the Nine Tails, and charm is something they are born with. In the overwhelming majority, men take the initiative to provoke them, and they do not need to take the initiative to attract them.

In those days, she took the initiative to fascinate Feng Yixiu, which was the result of her exhausting efforts. Normally, she was very cold when facing men.

Feng Yixiu gradually recovered his mind, and the moment his eyes opened, an extremely ugly face appeared in front of him.

The most important thing is that the ugly woman in front of her is kissing herself, Feng Yixiu subconsciously wants to break free.

But now I have just recovered, at most I can only control my eyelids, and I can't even move my fingers.


Feng Yixiu tried hard to make a sound, but it turned into a weak wailing.

A Chou seems to notice Feng Yixiu's changes, and slowly opened his eyes, just to face the horrified Feng Yixiu.

In an instant, both Feng Yixiu and A Chou were stunned, both of them felt a very familiar look.

Feng Yixiu looked at the clear water-like eyes in front of him. These were a pair of beautiful pure eyes, which formed a huge contrast with their ugly face.

For a while, Feng Yixiu didn't feel a little dumbfounded. She seemed to have seen this look, so she subconsciously said: "Fox Jiuer?"

A Chou was stunned for an instant. , There was a panic in his eyes, and the whole person hurriedly got up from Feng Yixiu's body, turned around and dared not look directly at Feng Yixiu's eyes.

She didn't expect Feng Yixiu to see through herself at a glance. Could it be that her disguise was fake?

However, there are still some inexplicable little chuckles in her heart, which shows that the other party has been missing herself all the time, and the corners of her mouth suddenly began to rise.

Feng Yixiu finally got some sensation in his body, and slowly got up. He also knew that his mouth was the antidote to save himself, so he chewed and swallowed it.

Looking at A Chou’s back, his dry and straw-like hair, dark and chapped skin, and a thin body like a firewood, it is difficult for him to distinguish between this A Chou and that peerless grace and The Fox Jiuer of elegance is linked together.

Maybe it’s just that the eyes are a little similar...

"A Chou girl, did you save me?" Feng Yixiu slowly stood up and walked to A Chou’s before.

"I just see you pitifully, don't think too much." A Chou's eyes still dodge a little, and he turned his body sideways again.

Feng Yixiu walked directly to A Chou’s body, held her shoulders, and whispered: "Anyway, many thanks. The girl helped me. Although I don’t know why you want to save me, I still want to thank you. You!"

Feng Yixiu pressed her shoulders forcibly. If she were an ordinary person, she would have gone crazy a long time ago, but when facing Feng Yixiu, she completely changed her appearance.

"A Chou girl, why don't you always look up at me, am I so ugly?" Feng Yixiu saw that A Chou had been looking around, but he didn't dare to look directly into his own eyes.

A Chou finally lifts the head and looked towards Feng Yixiu: "You are not ugly, but I am too ugly. Most people see me for fear of avoiding it. Are you not afraid? "

Feng Yixiu laughed very tenderly, indifferently said: "The appearance is given by my parents, and only the inside is my own. Since you saved me, it shows that you are very kind in your heart, how can I be afraid? I’m so grateful that it’s too late..."

"Do you...really think so?" A Chou said softly.

"Of course I think so, since you saved me, then I owe you a life. If you need it at any time, I can go through water and tread on fire for you at any time. Let's not leave." Feng Yixiu said sincerely.

A Chou was silent for a moment, indifferently said: "What if I let you marry me?"

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu was also taken aback for a while, and then said: "Girl A Chou , I already have a beloved one, can I change my request?"

"hmph...I just said that any conditions are fine! Do you dislike me for being too ugly?" Face changed, directly breaking free of Feng Yixiu's shackles, and said in a sullen expression.

"Don't get me wrong, I am definitely not because of the girl's appearance. Except for this condition, I will agree to any condition!" Feng Yixiu lowered his head and was silent for a while, his heart was also very struggling.

"If this is the case..." A Chou circled Feng Yixiu, then stood in front of him, saying word by word: "Then give me your heart."


"My heart is for you?" Feng Yixiu was also at a loss. He didn't know which heart A Chou was talking about.

A Chou pointed at Feng Yixiu's heart, coldly said: "It's your heart."

"My heart?!" Feng Yixiu was so scared that he screamed loudly stand up.

"Why? Afraid?" A Chou chuckled lightly, his voice gradually becoming serious.

Feng Yixiu just thought for a while, and without answering, he immediately condensed himself into the Primal Chaos Demon sword, which stabbed his heart at a very fast speed.

If there is no A Chou, I’m afraid I’m already dead, and indeed I owe him his life...

A Chou will judge himself if he doesn’t say anything, and is scared. Grabbing Feng Yixiu's sword with his hand, coldly said: "Are you crazy? Let you give it to you?"

Feng Yixiu said with a slight smile: "I don't like to owe Other people’s things, if you need it, just give it to you."

A Chou looked at Feng Yixiu's serious eyes, and saw that he was serious, absolutely not falsehood.

If she hadn't been strong enough, she really couldn't catch Feng Yixiu's exhausting sword!

"You remembered it for me. From now on, your life will be mine alone! No one is allowed to take it without my permission. Remember?" Ah Chou changed his cowardly Look at Feng Yixiu with a very strong look, saying every word.

Feng Yixiu was also stunned by this powerful aura, subconsciously nodded: "Remember..."

"Just remember, I will Covering you, I will take you safely to the 100-story Asura Tower." A Chou smiled.

"Do you also want to seize the heart of Shura?" Feng Yixiu asked very seriously.

"Nothing... Actually, I am not interested in the position of the Lord of Sin. I am just curious about the secrets of the 100th floor of the Asura Tower. I don’t care about that shattered thing..." said with some guilty conscience.

She also knows that Feng Yixiu's determination to seize the heart of Shura is very strong. She can't guarantee that after saying that she will also seize the heart of Shura, Feng Yixiu is willing to walk with her.

So her goal is to deceive Feng Yixiu's trust to win the heart of Shura, naturally she can't tell her true purpose.

Feng Yixiu's nodded: "In that case...then we can form a team. I believe that with our strength, no one can stop us."

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