"Although I am the Spirit Master of Blood, but I am not a horrible person, please don't get close to me." Feng Yixiu said with a sneer.

"Isn’t someone from the celestial crowd? Then I will not have the burden to kill you!" King Taishan suddenly said to A Chou, "Since there is a person who is not from the celestial crowd, then I There is no need to eat you, as long as you help me kill this kid, this king promises that you will call the wind and summon the rain in the crowd in the future!"

A Ugly said with a smile : "Okay..."

King Taishan was also shocked by Ah Chou, but if you think about it carefully, he is only a human being. Presumably Ah Chou didn't take seriously.

According to the logic of devil beast, the life of a trifling human is not enough to care about.

After all, the status of human beings in the crowd is still far inferior to the status of devil beast, so it will not be taken seriously at all.

Feng Yixiu looked at Ah Chou moved towards King Taishan with horror on his face and walked away, as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

But I was already snickering in her heart, she knew A Chou too much...

A Chou went straight to King Taishan and said separately: "Look at this Stupid human beings came to rescue me without looking at themselves how many catties and how many taels......"

Feng Yixiu's eyes are dim, standing still in silence, just staring indifferently. Ugly girl, the hand behind her back began to slowly condense the Primal Chaos Demon sword.

"Stupid humans, you will die obediently!" King Taishan suddenly opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and the scarlet's tongue pierced Feng like a sharp sword. Yixiu.

Feng Yixiu stood in place and didn't move. The Primal Chaos Demon sword behind his back suddenly pierced the long tongue in front of him, nailing it firmly to the ground.

The Primal Chaos Demon sword emits dazzling purple rays of light, and the magic eyes are also turning frantically, staring at King Taishan's eyes.

"The Eye of Chaos?!" King Taishan looked at the Demon Sword, and he was lost in confusion.

Isn't this the power of Demon Lord Chaos?

Isn't the man in front of you saying that he is not a horrible person? Why do they have the supreme power of the gods? !

Then King Taishan felt that his brain was in chaos, and the whole person lost his brief consciousness.

At this moment, A Chou beside King Taishan suddenly squeezed another Nine Life Spirit Bead, and a Spirit Sword emitting a white radiance of snow appeared in her hand.

This is the Light Spirit Bead turned into a lightsaber, with Light Attribute attack and strong penetrating power.

"Go to hell! Smelly toad!"

A dazzling white sword light flashed past, and the snow-white lightsaber actually pierced the thick armor of King Taishan skin.

The lightsaber formed by the Light Spirit Bead has a hot Light Attribute attack. It can pierce King Taishan's armor not because it is sharp, but because the extreme heat melts it!

"You!" King Taishan said vaguely.

Due to the severe pain, King Taishan escaped from the chaotic state, but he felt the severe pain in the heart.

She really did not expect that A Chou would actually attack herself for a human being!

In his opinion, a human being is no different from an ant on the ground. He really did not expect that A Chou would help an ant instead of helping himself!

"Five Elements Sealing Array!"

A Chou still didn't dare to be careless. Before King Taishan could react, he slammed his hands towards the ground and suddenly five different colors The element of violent skyrocketing.

These rays of light formed five circular beams of light, covering the entire King Taishan in them, followed by the five beams of light forming a circular seal Formation.

The violent beam of light enveloped the entire King Taishan.

Then came a burst of angry roar from King Taishan, heaven shaking, earth shattering!

The entire pyramid was shaken by this terrifying sound wave. Both Feng Yixiu and A Chou could only cover their ears to prevent them from being broken.


Five Elements seal formation formed a huge beam of light. Suddenly a crack appeared. King Taishan's huge foot slammed out, and the powerful body directly knocked A-Chou out in front of him again. .

A Chou was hit and flew in the direction Feng Yixiu was in. Feng Yixiu quickly caught the opponent, but he was hit by a huge force and flew out a distance of tens of meters.

"Die! You have to die for me!"

King Taishan angry roar, with dark green rays of light all over his body, and the pitted poison glands behind him began to slowly expand open.

Feng Yixiu was stunned for a while when he saw King Taishan still not dead. It is worthy of being a Sovereign devil beast. Even after hundreds of years of suppression, the strength is far less than before. But it is still terrifying!

"Heavenly Poison Eruption!"

Huge venom bombs are like volcanic eruptions, constantly moving towards all directions, spraying frantically.

For a time, the top of the entire pyramid became a venom pool. Feng Yixiu watched the highly toxic shells move towards the rain, and there was no way at all.

In spite of her serious injury, Miss A Chou stood up immediately and suddenly squeezed the last Spirit Bead of Nine Lives.

Suddenly, A Chou changed into Heaven and Earth turning upside down. The phantom of the human skin outside her was instantly broken, revealing a huge nine tails, and her whole body turned into Nine-Tailed Monster Fox!

This is her true body of Nine Tails, I saw him hang Feng Yixiu and put it firmly behind her back, and then use Nine Tails to form a circular protective umbrella. Protected myself and Feng Yixiu.

Outside the nine tails, there are eight different colors of brilliance shining, but there is no brilliance of Wood Attribute that can detoxify!

Feng Yixiu was shocked by the sudden change in front of him for a while. It turned out that what Anubis said was true. A Chou girl is not only a devil beast, she is still a devil beast. The terrifying Nine-Tailed Monster Fox......

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