Nine-Tailed Monster Fox fully opened the nine tails behind him, forming a huge spherical umbrella, protecting Feng Yixiu and himself.

Each tail exudes dazzling rays of light, and those venom bombs are completely evaporated before they simply cannot get close to its body.

The sky poison bomb covering the heavens, shielding the sun is still attacking indiscriminately. The angry King Taishan seems to have noticed the appearance of the Nine-Tailed Monster Fox. All the bullets concentrated on the attack.

Chi chi...

Having a poisonous venom bomb, it attacked like a rainstorm. The protective umbrella formed by Nine Tails Guanghua was somewhat in this fierce attack. on the verge of collapse.

The gap in strength is too big. King Taishan deserves to be the Demon General in the ancient period. However, Fox Jiuer is already spare no effort and is still invincible.

If Wood Spirit Pearl were still there, Hu Jiuer would not be so constrained, but it is a pity that Wood Spirit Pearl had already been used up in advance.

Accurately speaking, the strength of Nine-Tailed Monster Fox is only around 2/3/2021 at the peak period. Only when the Nine Lives Spirit Bead is crushed, will the most powerful The power of nine tails.

Now there are only eight crushed pieces. Regardless of the difference between just one, it is the difference between perfect and imperfect. Strength is not as simple as one-tenth.

Feng Yixiu saw through the tail of the Nine-Tailed Monster Fox and saw that the brilliance of the protective umbrella was getting dimmed, so he said: "A Uh... Nine-tailed girl, you let me out. I'll help you contain that toad!"

Nine-Tailed Monster Fox shook the head: "No... the difference between your strength and King Taishan's strength is too big, and now letting you out is simply going to die."


"But you can't confront it head-on without Wood Spirit Pearl. You gave me Wood Spirit Pearl. At least let me play some role..." Feng Yixiu started fighting for reasons.

He is also very self-blaming. If it weren’t for the girl A Chou who saved the Wood Spirit Pearl in the Nine Lives Spirit Bead, she would not be so passive now. If nothing else, self-preservation would definitely be possible. Did it.

Nine-Tailed Monster Fox was silent for a moment, feeling the undiminished serial sky poison bombs. The outermost Nine-Tailed Monster Fox has become lighter and lighter. dissipate.

Rather than just waiting to die, it's better to fight hard!

"Well must be careful."

The airtight nine-tailed protective cover slightly exposed a small gap, just to accommodate a person freely In and out.

Feng Yixiu suddenly jumped out without the slightest hesitation. The moment he passed through the nine-color protective umbrella, his body seemed to be coated with a protective film of nine-color glaze.

Nine different colors of brilliance are constantly circulating among them, Feng Yixiu obviously feels that all the data of his body has been improved in an all-round way, both the speed power and the formidable power of thunder have been increased several times. more than.

This is Nine-Tailed Monster Fox who divided most of his nine-tailed power to Feng Yixiu, and the remaining power barely blocked the violent Sky Poison Bomb.

At this time, Feng Yixiu’s Nine-Tailed Power is complete, because he originally has the power of Wood Spirit Pearl. The full-form Nine-Tailed Guanghua has improved his strength by several big Class.

Feng Yixiu glanced back at the Nine-Tailed Monster Fox, and found that the poison qi bombs were about to break through the protection of Nine Tails, and he became anxious.

Now it can only be rescued when attacking the enemy. Only by letting King Taishan transfer the attack to his side can the crisis of Ah Chou be solved.

King Taishan seemed to have noticed Feng Yixiu, and half of the poison bombs that focused on the Nine-Tailed Monster Fox moved towards Feng Yixiu and flew over.

Faced with the huge sky poison bomb like a volcanic eruption, Feng Yixiu was constantly moving at high speed to avoid it. The speed was so fast that only a rainbow of nine colored glazes could be seen passing by.

Feng Yixiu moves at high speed while condensing the Primal Chaos Demon sword. The Sky Poison King also learned the lesson just now. Instead of observing Feng Yixiu's movements with his eyes, he uses his ears to judge Feng Yixiu's position.

xiu xiu!

Severing two huge sky poison bombs in succession, Feng Yixiu's figure resembles a ghost-like disappearing in place again.

It wasn't until Feng Yixiu saw this day of poison bombs with his own eyes that he knew the formidable power of poison bombs on this day was terrifying!

The black ancient poison mist that Feng Yixiu encountered before is not a toxin at all. The air is filled with paralyzing neurotoxins, and the ground is also full of green poison qi. , The whole poison qi hell!

Feeling that Wood Spirit Pearl in the body is constantly fighting against the poison qi that invaded the body, Feng Yixiu was barely able to keep his consciousness and body awake.

But this is only the influence of poison qi. If it is really hit by a poisonous shell that day, it is estimated that it will be corrupted on the spot!

Feng Yixiu is still moving frantically. Those huge dark green shells exploded continuously with his heel, but they couldn't really hit him.

"Pulling the sword, cutting the air!"

A very thin gray blade glow rushed out, forming a perfect and without blemish full moon sword qi, straight moved towards King Taishan moved towards King Taishan, very fast!

After King Taishan saw this sword qi, his face changed, not because he was afraid of its formidable power, but something else!

The full moon sword qi is extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, he came to King Taishan's eyes. King Taishan who had just reacted could only barely resist it.

The sword qi, which has always been invincible, lost its original sharpness in front of King Taishan's hard and thick armor. It only cuts out a shallow scar and shed dark green blood. .

"Why did you brat Sword Art?" Regardless of the pain on his body, King Taishan had a humane expression on his ugly face, and his face was full of astonishment.

Feng Yixiu brows tightly knit, and did not take the other party's words seriously. When the other party was surprised, he took the opportunity to get close to the other party.

At this time, Feng Yixiu is assisted by the power of the nine tails. His power has reached its peak state. The one-handed sword is silently changed to the two-handed sword, and dazzling thunder rays of are released from the whole body. light.

The strong muscles like a horned dragon reveal the ultimate violent aesthetics, especially the arms are hard like rocks!

"Steel-cutting style, breaking pole!"

The speed of this sword is extremely fast. Feng Yixiu appeared behind King Taishan as if he was instantaneous, and he lowered his head and glanced right. The dark green blood stained on the Primal Chaos Demon sword on the side of the hand slightly raised the corner of his mouth.

A completely penetrating blood line appeared on King Taishan's right arm, followed by a fountain of dark green blood rushing crazily.

King Taishan twitched all over his body in pain, and his eyes gradually shifted back: "Boy, who are you? Why do you use the swordsmanship of the cream of the crop?"

hearing this, Feng Yixiu's brows can't help but frown, the swordsmanship of the cream of the crop?

The information content of this sentence cannot be said to be insignificant. Could it be that my father is a horrible person!

King Taishan turned around slowly, looking towards Feng Yixiu with a solemn look, his eyes seemed quite jealous...

Impossible, Lord Emperor should be the same as himself He was sealed, maybe he was dead, but why did the man in front of him use the swordsmanship used by the emperor back then? !

This swordsmanship is unparalleled in the world, and he will never forget it even in hundreds of years, and he will never admit his mistakes. This is obviously extremely ghost swordsmanship.

He is now increasingly unable to see the man in front of him. Not only does he possess Power of Primal Chaos, but he also has the supreme swordsmanship of ghost swordsmanship!

The most important thing is that this kid also said that he is not a horrible person, and he couldn't help making King Taishan somewhat dreaded.

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