"hahaha...it really can’t hide anything from your eyes, I’ve entered the gluttony Underground City, this ghost place danger lurks on every side, I can’t learn something new Things are next to you.” Feng Yixiu touched the back of his head a little sorry.

"You are really not so courageous. You dare to enter this vicious place alone. Are you not afraid to tell me here?" The white clothed uncle looked at Feng Yixiu with a serious face.

"I'm afraid...but if you wait until Long Xiao that Old Guy comes out, I guess he will die sooner or later, I might as well do it first!" Feng Yixiu said fiercely.

"It's not bad...you brat has several points of courage, this is a bit of my style back then, in that case I will help you."

white clothed uncle Looking into the void of his palm, Feng Yixiu's Azure Dragon Holy Spear appeared in his palm. The Azure Dragon on it seemed to be alive, and it started to emit a low sound of dragon's roar, an ancient and heavy breath slowly. Spread out.

"The name of the 3rd style in Niranba Style is Po Qingkong! A kind of Xeon Spear Art that takes extreme penetration and true meaning to the extreme. The reason why it was not taught to you before is because you have not yet integrated Azure Dragon Sacred Pearl, the overbearing Dragon Spear at that time was absolutely unable to withstand this amazing penetration spear intent, but now the time is ripe."

white clothed uncle each minding their own business said Then, the pure white and golden azure thunder constantly exudes dazzling rays of light beside him, and the sun in the sky is also embarrassing in front of him.

"The old rules, I will only demonstrate it once. Whether you can understand it depends on your perception!"

After saying that, the white clothed uncle disappeared in the same place in an instant, and it still remains when it is reappeared. Above the high altitude, the violent spiritual pressure and imposing manner continue to spread like a stormy sea.

Feng Yixiu didn't even dare to blink his eyes, for fear that he might miss some key details.

Suddenly, the terrifying Power of Thunder surrounding the white clothed uncle began to gradually condense. It was divided into pure white thunder and Azure Dragon’s own blue thunder. The two merged and condensed into a liquid-like streamer. The thunder is attached to the Azure Dragon holy gun.

It is extremely difficult to compress two different kinds of thunder, not to mention compressing two kinds of thunder into liquid like white clothed uncle, it is even more difficult as heavenly ascension.

At this time, the Azure Dragon Holy Spear was covered with glazed dazzling brilliance, and the faint thunder began to slowly move towards the spear tip to condense, forming an extremely small spot of blue and white light.

But it is such a small spot of light that bursts out with a harsh thunderstorm. It can be seen that the energy contained in it will be prestige of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth!

Feng Yixiu now somewhat understands why the white clothed uncle refused to teach 3rd Style before. I am afraid that such terrifying energy will instantly burst the domineering Dragon Spear...

" Random style·Break the clear sky!"

A dazzling thunder beam jets out from the tip of the Azure Dragon Holy Gun, and a slight dragon roar can be heard faintly.

This time white clothed uncle chose to attack a series of majestic mountain ranges far away. I saw lightning penetrated eight majestic mountain ranges in an instant, and there was still no intention of stopping, as if this The limit of rays of light is the end of the world!

"gu lu ......"

Feng Yixiu looks stupid as a whole. It is worthy of the extreme penetration spear intent. If this formidable power is really appalling.

A smooth hole of the same size is left in the eight mountains, and the thunder ripples of light azure are still flashing on it.

Just as Feng Yixiu calmed down a bit, a series of rumbling sounds sounded again, and the azure thunder had a violent rumbling sound again.

The original fist-sized hole was deeply blasted into a cave with a diameter of about one meter. This is still the effect viewed from the front. If Feng Yixiu detours behind these large mountains, he will definitely find more For a scene of horror.

On the back of these majestic mountain ranges, there are majestic deep pits, as if they were blasted from the inside, there is not much damage on the surface, in fact, most of the mountains have been completely destroyed. .

Feng Yixiu didn't realize this at first, but after hearing the rumbling sound, he noticed the abnormality. He immediately walked around behind a mountain range and looked at the flower-like mountains. speechless.

The white clothed uncle instantaneously appeared beside Feng Yixiu, said solemnly: "Breaking the clear sky not only has the ultimate penetration power, if several different thunders are merged, this kind of roar will occur. The sexual effect can perfectly integrate penetration and roaring true meaning. If you learn this technique, you can use it not only to break through the clear sky, even a basic attack will have a roaring offensive power."

"But how do you integrate different thunders?" Feng Yixiu asked immediately.

"This depends on your own perseverance and perception. The Azure Dragon Holy Spear has this ability, without him, it is only familiar with your hands..."

while speaking , The white clothed uncle suddenly threw the Azure Dragon holy gun back to Feng Yixiu, and then the silhouette gradually began to become illusory.

"Uncle, I will ask you one last thing, do you know where the Vermilion Bird Secret Realm is?" Feng Yixiu immediately asked loudly when he saw that the white clothed uncle was about to disappear.

"sorry...I can't tell you about this. If I say, you will never find Vermilion Bird Secret Realm." The white clothed uncle's figure has completely become illusory.

"Huh? But why is this?" Feng Yixiu was puzzled.

"If you have a destiny, you will meet it naturally, and you can't force it..."

The voice of the white clothed uncle fades away, and finally disappears completely in the long-lasting echo.

"Hey...white clothed uncle, why is it so maddening every time I speak, so why can't I just be a little bit more crisp." Feng Yixiu shook the head helplessly and sighed.

However, Feng Yixiu can only obediently and honestly start to practice the 3rd Style of the Nichaan Bashou, breaking the clear sky!

It is no exaggeration to say that this break through the clear sky is definitely the strongest and most difficult one for Feng Yixiu to master Spear Art.

This is not to say that the other two styles are useless. The First Style Spear Art can be said to be the Spear Art with the largest attack range, which can sweep the battlefield on a large scale. However, if you want to use this move to kill a strong enemy, it is probably a bit whimsical, and the scattered attack will not be too strong after all.

The moonslash is somewhere in between. It has both spear intent, not a simple single attack or group attack. It does not require energy to be used, and it is naturally more flexible.

As for breaking the clear sky, it is the strongest single offensive. If you master the skills of fusing thunder, the roaring formidable power will feel terrifying if you think about it...

Feng Yixiu slowly looked towards the Azure Dragon Holy Spear in his hand, whispered: "Why do I feel that this Azure Dragon Holy Spear is not the same spiritual weapon in my hand and Uncle's hand!"

After a long period of thought, Feng Yixiu finally came to a conclusion reluctantly. It's no wonder that the Azure Dragon holy gun is too weak...

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