"Let’s practice breaking the clear sky and mastering the skills of fusing thunder first. It’s useless to think of so many and nothing." Feng Yixiu held the Azure Dragon sacred gun tightly in his hand. , A dazzling thunder burst into his eyes.

When I first started practicing, Feng Yixiu couldn't integrate Azure Dragon thunder with his original white thunder, let alone fuse the domineering golden thunder together. The difficulty is not high.

However, Feng Yixiu did not give up, but tried and fumbled again and again, mastering the skills of thunder fusion little by little, and then also mastered bits and pieces.

As time passed, Feng Yixiu has been immersed in the Spiritual Consciousness world to hone his Spear Art, and his strength is also advanced by leaps and bounds.

The Time Flow Speed ​​in the spiritual weapon space is different from the outside world. It can be said that one day in the outside world is equal to ten days in the spiritual weapon space.

However, this can only be applied to the martial skill of the training source, which has no effect on the improvement of realm, and this is enough.

He stayed in the spiritual weapon space for about ten months. He not only mastered the clear sky in the inverse chaos formula, but also mastered the integration method of thunder, which can perform three kinds of thunder. Perfect fusion, forming a brand-new three-color glazed thunder.

Sure enough, as the white clothed uncle said, after mastering the thunder fusion method, Feng Yixiu's basic attack has a terrifying explosion effect, and his attack power has been greatly improved.

It only took about half a year to master these Feng Yixiu, and in the next few months Feng Yixiu took out "Ghost Swordsmanship" and began to learn Sword Art afterwards.

"Ghost Swordsmanship" is Feng Qianjue's swordsmanship secrets left to Feng Yixiu. Among them, the sword-drawing style and the steel-cutting style have been mastered by Feng Yixiu, and the 3rd Style is called "Breaking Wind Style·Broken Army" .

This style emphasizes the ultimate speed. It can be said that Feng Yixiu's speed has been raised a step higher.

Feng Yixiu uses the hurricane style, his steps are like ghosts and charms when he is not out of the sword, and his speed is so fast that he can only see countless thunder shadows.

And when the attack is really launched, there is a tendency to break the army, just like a powerful army with thousands of men and horses launching a powerful attack, and there is a bold imposing manner of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

Feng Yixiu has been immersed in his own world. Luo Xueer served him food every time. This girl looked like a cold-hearted guy. Although I complain a few words every time, I will deliver food to Feng Yixiu on time next time.

The food here also requires blood points. As a newcomer, Feng Yixiu naturally has no blood points. If it weren’t for Luo Xue’er’s relief, I’m afraid he would really fall into the hands of others. Meals.

Therefore, there are often fights for a rough meal. It is not uncommon to lose lives in the fight. Even the corpses of the dead will be taken by some starving people. Snatch...

This way, the faith in the heart will gradually disintegrate for a long time. This is also the deliberate method of the Gourmet Demon Temple, in order to make these self-proclaimed and righteous Battle Spirit Masters realize the human nature Evil Thought.

Many of the newcomers starved to death in such an environment, or were beaten to death while robbing others of their food.

Although it is just ordinary meals, Feng Yixiu still hides these gifts in the heart. If there is an opportunity in the future, they will definitely be rescued.

"Hey! Arrogant, have dinner!"

Luo Xueer pushed Feng Yixiu, who was sitting cross-legged, to awaken him from the state of meditation.

Feng Yixiu slowly opened his eyes, his eyes unconsciously revealed an imposing manner, and immediately took the lunch box, said with a slight smile: "many thanks Miss Xueer... "

"Thank you, you don't have to...It won't cost much blood anyway." Luo Xueer's mouth slightly raised, and immediately returned to an ice cube face.

"What have you been doing this month? Why have you been meditating?" Luo Xueer finally asked the question in her heart.

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, indifferently said: "Nothing...I have been simulating the source martial skill."

"Oh..." Luo Xueer each minding their own business Sitting on his bed, a trace of sadness appeared on his cold face, said solemnly: "Tomorrow is the day of your debut, I hope it is not the last day I see you."

The so-called first Show naturally refers to the rookie's first appearance in the endless Colosseum, but most of the rookies will die in the first show.

"Don't you hate me very much? I'm dead, you don't need to see me anymore, you should be very happy..." Feng Yixiu gobbled up his meal while playing said with a smile. .

"Yes! I will definitely celebrate three days and three nights with joy!" Luo Xueer was very angry, frowned said.

"Then I am afraid I will disappoint you. Although you may not see me tomorrow, it is not because of death, but just and honorable to get out from here." Feng Yixiu laughed.

"Cut...Why are you bragging again, do you feel uncomfortable if you don't brag for a day?" Luo Xueer intervened, annoyed and looked a little cute.

"Don't worry...After I go out, I will try my best to rescue you. I believe it won't take too long. It will take two months at most." Feng Yixiu put his head on Buried in the lunch box.

There is only one opportunity to apply for food every three days. Even if you have enough blood spots, you will often be hungry.

"Hey...When will your delusion be cured?" Luo Xueer shook the head helplessly, and looked towards Feng Yixiu's eyes full of sympathy: "But you can have this heart, I didn’t give you a month’s meal in vain. You still have a conscience."

"That's natural. I have always had grudges and rewards for grace!" Feng Yixiu said heartily.

"In fact, you are pretty good, except for bragging. It would be nice if you were a boy. Maybe I really like you." Luo Xueer uses her hands. Embracing his knees, staring at Feng Yixiu for a long time, he said half-jokingly.


Feng Yixiu was so frightened that he spouted a big mouthful of white rice.

"Why do you react so badly? As for, wasting food..." Luo Xueer looked at Feng Yixiu, frowned with disgust.

"No... sorry, I already have a girl I like." Feng Yixiu laughed a little awkwardly.

If I remember correctly, it seems that this is not the first time I have said this sentence. I didn't expect that I would still encounter this situation when I changed to a girl.

Sure enough, the charm of this thing can be blocked without gender...

"Oh? That's right, what do you think of me?" Luo Xueer was even more interested Now, staring at Feng Yixiu with scorching eyes.

At this time, Feng Yixiu is full of question marks. What is just right!

"I...I am not such a person! I am very dedicated..." Feng Yixiu stammered.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, it doesn't mean anything at all. Good luck tomorrow!"

Luo Xueer smiled and squeezed Feng Yixiu's face, and then Each minding their own business lay on their own bed and turned their backs slowly.

" Hoo ..."

Feng Yixiu sighed in relief, ate the lunch box in his hand clean, and then gently put the empty lunch box aside.

This time he didn't go to spiritual weapon space cultivation anymore. Instead, he slept comfortably. Due to long-term exhaustion, he quickly fell asleep.

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