Early the next morning.

A battallion, a blood Spirit Master in black armor, walked neatly towards the dark dungeon and walked towards the dark dungeon. The leader was still the ghost-faced woman, the prison envoy.

They will come every day and bring a group of people to participate in the endless Colosseum, which is also one of their daily tasks.

I saw that she was holding a close and numerous list, and immediately handed it to a black-armored guard beside her to read it.

The black armored guard slowly expanded the list, loudly said: "Everyone who reads the name, come out with me. Niu Hao, Zhang He, Li Xiufeng..."

This There are dozens of people on the list, and these people are the people who need to participate in the endless battle of beasts today, including Feng Yixiu naturally.

The cycle for everyone to participate in the endless beast is one month. Feng Yixiu has been here for a full month. Today is his first time to participate in the endless beast.

All the people whose names were pronounced were gathered together, the door of the dungeon opened slowly, and the entire group was escorted to a huge prison car in turn.

No one in this entire group dared to resist, because they had seen too many people who died tragically due to resistance.

For example, half a year ago, a Level 8 Battle Spirit wanted to escape, and he defeated the prison envoy at that time and successfully escaped from the dark dungeon.

But before he ran far, the warden took action. In less than one minute, the Level 8 Battle Spirit who had escaped was cut off and sent back again, as usual. Participating in the endless beast, he lost his legs without a doubt and finally died in the mouth of the powerful devil beast.

These people were sent in batches to huge prison vehicles one after another, and they were also heavily shackled. This shackle seems to have the effect of suppressing spiritual power, which makes people feel very heavy.

The prison guard was a little surprised when she saw Feng Yixiu. She didn't seem to expect that Feng Yixiu would actually survive the rookie period, and it seemed that she lived quite moisturized.

"Didn't expect you to be alive. It seems that you will take advantage of being a woman..." The prison envoy looked at Feng Yixiu coldly, indifferently said.

Feng Yixiu faintly smiled, and did not pay attention to the prison guard, but calmly walked into the prison car, sat on the ground very casually, and began to close his eyes and rest.

The prison officer saw that Feng Yixiu ignored him, and the face hidden under the grimace mask showed a trace of anger, and said angrily: "But the devil beast on this Colosseum will not have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex, today will be the last day of your life, enjoy it..."

After all the numbers are handed, the huge prison truck moved towards the exit of the dark dungeon slowly.

"Arrogant, must come back alive!"

"Miss Xueer, don't be aggressive, we wait for you to come back!"

Close your eyes Feng Yixiu, who was in a state of meditation, heard a familiar voice, opened his eyes and saw Luo Xueer and Roland and the others leaning against the pillars of the dungeon, moving towards himself and waving his hands.

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, silently nodded, but felt a little warm in his heart.

But I won’t come back anymore. I don’t have time to wait for next month...

Everyone is detained in the same prison car, almost most of them The faces were very scared, especially the newcomers who went to the Endless Colosseum for the first time.

Although they have never been to the Endless Colosseum, every day all will see a group of people being taken to participate in the Endless Colosseum. Those who can return safely will not save one in ten!

But some very few people don't seem to be too nervous. These people are not the first time to participate in the endless Colosseum, and they are considered old people here.

Their strength is undoubtedly indisputable, otherwise they would not be able to survive in the endless amphitheater.

And these people are all around one person, it is the burly giant who has troubled Feng Yixiu before, that is, Niu Hao, a Level 7 Battle Spirit powerhouse.

"Brother Niu, you are the only one of us who has reached 10,000 blood points. Later, you have to give us some pointers..."

"Yes, yes Ah...We don’t have the strength of Brother Niu. We can only rely on you to give us pointers. If we can come back alive, your servant will definitely repay you..."

"We are really lucky this time Okay, I got into a group with Brother Niu, and I feel more at ease!"

Several charming women have several points of pretty and charming women standing beside Niu Hao with flattering faces, constantly Knead his legs and shoulders.

“This is naturally not a problem. I have been here for eight years, and I have eaten more salt than you have eaten. I can say that I know the devil beast here well, as long as I With a little pointer, you can point out the characteristics and weaknesses of each devil beast. As long as you follow Lao Tzu, you can ensure that you can come back safely." Niu Hao seems to enjoy the feeling that everyone has touted, said with a big smile.

hearing this, the newcomers who were still a little unknown at the beginning also moved towards the old cow and surrounded the past. Everyone talking at once began to ask about the situation of the endless Colosseum.

Only Feng Yixiu and a few people did not take any action. Feng Yixiu sat calmly and closed his eyes and calmed down, ignoring the noise of those people.

Niu Hao naturally noticed Feng Yixiu. He thought he would eagerly come up to the floor for advice after hearing these words, but he did not expect that he would still remain unmoved.

"Hey! Little Tiger Girl, do I need to explain to you the situation of the Colosseum? I won’t know how to die when the time comes..." The old cow looked condescendingly at Feng Yixiu , Indifferently said.

Feng Yixiu didn't even open his eyes, indifferently said: "No, I have no interest in knowing, and I don't need to know."

I am a person who owns the system, no matter what devil beast can grasp all the information at a glance, still need to listen to you?

Moreover, the purpose of this old man is not simple, and he does not need to owe others a favor...

"hmph! Unable to tell good from bad things..." Niu Hao scolded angrily.

"Brother Niu, I think this woman is fail to appreciate somebody's kindness, you kindly help her, she doesn't appreciate somebody's kindness, so you can let her fend for herself, what should she do?" An enchanting blue clothed woman mystifying said.

"It's also... why should I care about a dying person." Niu Hao shook the head with a light smile.

"Brother Niu, you said you have reached 10,000 blood points, why haven't you got out of this ghost place? Is it so difficult to be a rebel?" The blue clothed woman who just spoke Some curiously asked.

"You know what a fart! Brother Niu stayed here on purpose, otherwise he would have gone out long ago with his ability." The red clothed woman around Niu Hao gave the man a glance, coldly said.

"I didn't see it, you Little Lass really knows a lot." Niu Hao glanced at the woman who had just spoken with some surprise, and then said: "Actually, I deliberately rejected the gluttonous demons. The invitation of the temple is to come to this endless Colosseum!"

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