"What? Brother Niu, what are you doing in this ghost place?" The blue clothed woman couldn't understand.

"On the one hand, I force myself to become a traitor, but the most important thing is to accumulate blood points. Although the endless Colosseum danger lurks on every side, but the so-called danger lurks within the riches and honour , This is also one of the fastest ways to accumulate blood points. Once people leave here, they are at least a high level deacon!" Niu Haolang said.

"High level deacon! The prison envoy who has been in charge of looking after us is only an intermediate deacon. If you really go out, wouldn't it be her boss. No wonder she has been so polite to you." blue The clothed woman looked surprised.

"hahaha...what a trifling prison envoy, Lao Tzu's goal is to become a high level deacon, which is on the same level as the warden!" Lao Niu smiled smugly.

"Brother Niu, why do you know this place so much?" The blue clothed woman said curiously.

"Tell you the truth...The secret here is what the warden told Lao Tzu! When the warden was not a blood Spirit Master, I had a fateful relationship with him." Lao Niu said with a big smile.

"If Brother Niu is really developed, remember when the time comes, don't forget us!" The red clothed woman said softly, showing her charming attitude.

"As long as you take good care of me, I won't forget you when the time comes!" Niu Hao's hand squeezed the person next to him unfaithfully, and he hugged and laughed. NS.

In the whole process, the prison leader of the team did not say a word, but the face hidden under the mask was already flushed with anger, and his eyes could burst into flames.

"hmph... just because you want to be a high level deacon, you want to step on my head, dream about you!" the ghost face prison envoy in the heart scolded.

Feng Yixiu didn't interject from beginning to end, but he kept these key information in his heart. It turns out that this endless amphitheater is still such a place where opportunities and dangers coexist.

It seems that it is not all a bad thing that I came here by mistake, maybe I can get a higher starting point by virtue of this.

From the words of Niu Hao just now, you can hear that the blood spots obtained here are also universal in the entire gluttony Underground City, and the blood spots have a vital relationship with their location.

Ten thousand blood points can become a high level deacon, but I don’t know what level it is to become a high level deacon, so I must find a way to get more blood points...

The noise and cheers were getting closer. Feng Yixiu slowly opened his eyes. After a month, he finally saw the endless Colosseum again.

The huge prison car slowly advanced into the endless Colosseum. The deafening cheers made Feng Yixiu unable to help browse tightly knit. The circular Colosseum auditorium was already full of seats.

Most of the audience here are blood Spirit Masters, and the other half are devil beasts that can be transformed into human forms. Their nature is to like violence and blood, and the endless Colosseum is one of the most sought-after entertainment projects by these people.

However, the tickets for the endless Colosseum are very expensive. The average low-level blood Spirit Master does not have extra blood points to spend here. The blood Spirit Master who can come here is all good high level blood Spirit Master.

Feng Yixiu glanced around, and found that the scale here was much larger than he thought, and the number of people probably exceeded 30,000.

When his gaze swept to a certain place, his gaze instantly froze, because he saw an acquaintance, it was the black gauze woman who personally sent him over, the black magician!

The black magic envoy seemed to have also noticed Feng Yixiu's gaze. Looking at each other from a distance, the corners of his mouth evoked an intriguing arc, unspeakable pride and ridicule.

But the status of this black magic envoy is not the highest. Next to her is this more noble domineering throne, on which sits a fierce face and a burly middle-aged man. Closing eyes and resting.

However, the image of this middle-aged man is a little different from that of a normal human being. He is more than five meters tall and has exaggerated large muscles. On top of his head, he has a pair of magic horns exuding Dark Aura. Some are like horns, but the whole is a personal beast.

The huge prison cart slowly moved towards the center of the endless Colosseum, slowly approaching, and finally all transported to the center of the Colosseum.

There is a huge semi-circular cage, which seems to be prepared for these players in the Colosseum.

Sure enough, the prison guard removed all the shackles of Feng Yixiu, Niu Hao and the others, and then violently drove them to this small cage.

After everything was ready, the prison envoy led the evacuation from the site of the endless colosseum, but in an instant they left, Heaven and Earth turning upside down began to happen throughout the endless colosseum. The change.

A pale red Formation appeared on the periphery of the Colosseum, which completely separated the Colosseum and the auditorium. There was also this wide lava gap on the periphery, which was still gushing hot from time to time. Flame.

Before the fighting beasts started, the atmosphere on the scene was already very warm. Those crazy blood Spirit Masters and devil beasts were all cheering excitedly.

On the VIP table, the bullhorn man seemed to be awakened by the lively atmosphere, and gradually opened his eyes, and a fierce imposing manner unconsciously spread out.

In an instant, the imposing manner of the imposing king covered the entire endless Colosseum, and the noisy auditorium just now became audible and terrifying.

The imposing manner of this bullhorn man is simply too amazing. It doesn't seem like the imposing manner of the blood Spirit Master, but the fierce aura of a real devil beast!

Feng Yixiu's expression became a little heavier when he felt this powerful aura. This bull-headed man turned out to be a Sovereign-level devil beast...

This The powerful aura is only a bit weaker than the imposing manner of Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox, so it is already terrifying existence.

Be aware that Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox is a legendary powerful race, a kind of existence that can be equal to True-Dragon Clan. Tauren is only weaker than Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox imposing manner, presumably The body is also an extremely powerful devil beast race.

At this time, the tauren seemed a little lack of interest, and slowly looked towards a man with trembling with fear beside him, coldly said: "Now that you are ready, let's start..."

"Yes! Palace Lord Lord!"

The person who was just named by the Bull Head Palace Lord is the manager of this endless Colosseum, and the warden of the dark dungeon, a Level 8 Blood Spirit Emperor powerhouse.

However, for such a powerful existence, he did not dare to speak loudly in front of the Bull Head Palace Lord, which seemed extremely cautiously.

The warden was wearing a scarlet uniform, his expression looked a little solemn, and his eyes motioned to the ghost-faced woman next to him.

The ghost face woman immediately picked up a tablet device, which was connected to the public display of the endless Colosseum.


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