I saw her operate the machine in her hand for a while, and the name on the display began to flash continuously, not only the name of the player, but also the name of the devil beast.

This is all done in a random manner. Players who do not match the same realm match the corresponding level of devil beast, which has a lot of luck.

The first player to play is the name of a Level 6 Battle Spirit king. The matching devil beast is a disaster-level devil beast, which is also the first show of this rookie player.

"Now there is a rookie player who is invited to play first, Level 6 Battle Spirit Wang Suwen, against the devil beast Titan giant ape!"

The hostess who is responsible for hosting the scene is also It seemed very professional, and the loud and clear voices echoed continuously throughout the Colosseum.

The most central cage was gradually opened, and a somewhat nervous youngster walked out of the cage tremblingly, standing in the empty Colosseum seemingly at a loss.

As soon as youngster played, a huge dark crack appeared not far from him, with a height of more than 30 meters.

Before the dark crack was fully opened, a roar resounding through Heaven and Earth came out from the crack, and two hairy hands stretched out from the dark crack, tightly The ground grabbed the edge of the crack.

The powerful arm forcibly tore the dark crack apart completely, and a Titan giant ape with a height of more than 30 meters appeared in front of everyone.

The size of this Titan giant ape is very terrifying. Compared with that, the Battle Spirit king is like an insignificant ant at his feet, weak and weak.

The newcomer looked up at the extremely fierce Titan giant ape. His tiny silhouette was drowned in the shadow of the Titan giant ape. The powerful oppression force made his body tremble uncontrollably. .

Normally, he needs to team up to deal with such devil beasts, but this time he has to face it alone, and he is so close to himself!

Although he is constantly ordering himself to quickly pull a safe distance, his hands and feet are completely disobedient. The strong Heart of Fear has completely broken him...


The Titan giant ape won't give him preparation time, let alone have the slightest compassion for an alien, just like a small mountain-like giant fist blasting at the man.

Because the man did not go too far and was still relatively close to the cage in the center, a warm blood moved towards all around sputtered and spilled on everyone in the cage Body.

The huge fist is slowly raised, the man named Su Wen has become a piece of meatloaf, the red and white look horrible to see......

But that’s it The bloody scene evoked cheers from the audience. Some were cursing and some were laughing wildly.

"hahaha...this Uncle knows that the kid named Su Wen is not good at first glance. Fortunately, Lao Tzu is winning the Titan Giant Ape!"

"Damn! Lao Tzu is really misleading. I didn’t even insist on one minute. It’s a waste. I lost so many blood points, rubbish!"

"You don’t have any experience at first sight. That kid is just a rookie. The probability that a newcomer can persist for more than one minute is very small. You are a waste of blood!"


Infinite Colosseum not only charges high tickets, but also develops A betting game with different odds.

In the game just now, Su Wen’s odds of victory were as high as one to ten, and how long Su Wen can hold on, there are multiple options, ranging from one to ten minutes, but the odds are just It seems much lower.

The data of these bets are all displayed on the public display screen, and they are constantly updated and changed according to the data...

Feng Yixiu feels a little bit of warmth on his face Hot blood, Su Wen, who has just died, is one of the few people who haven't tried to please the old cow before, and a silent anger in the heart burns more and more prosperously.

These blood Spirit Masters are already indifferent to life, and even take this cruel game of death as a pastime!

Those players who were detained in the central cage and saw the scene before them were scared to face deathly pale, and many people began to retching seeing the bloody scene in front of them. stand up.

Lao Niu wiped a handful of blood stains on his face, glanced at Feng Yixiu, said with a sneer: "Little tiger girl! When I think of you, you will turn into a meatloaf, I will pay I 'm really reluctant..."

Feng Yixiu's eyes were extremely indifferent, but he faintly spit out a word: "get lost!"

Now there is a fire in his heart. Where is the mood to talk about other things.

"hmph! I want to see when you can be tough!"

If Feng Yixiu did not give him face repeatedly, I guess Niu Hao early It's about to start.

The next battle of the beasts soon began again. The number of people in the center cage was rapidly halved. Dozens of people went out and only a few returned safely. The blood has stained the entire Colosseum. .

The warm blood was guided by the peculiar blood groove pattern on the Colosseum, and all merged into the lava, and the scarlet's lava became more and more violent.

Most of those who can come back are old people who have been advised by Niu Hao. He is already experienced in this Colosseum, and he is also very familiar with the weaknesses of those devil beasts, even appearing. All the directions are well known.

All of these can greatly improve the survival probability of the players, and move ahead to open a safe distance, so as to prevent the Battle Spirit from being killed in seconds without summon.

This is the case and it is impossible to come back 100% alive. After all, it still depends on hard power and luck. Even if some people know the weakness and position of devil beast, they are not the opponent of those devil beast at all. Will still die tragically in the hands of strong demon beasts.

The screaming of the audience has never stopped, but the position of the VIP seat seems a bit quiet.

"Hatch..." The Bullhead Palace Lord yawned a little sleepily. For him who had seen winds and waves, facing the bloody death game before him, he was still not interested: "Is this the Endless Colosseum that you recommend to see? It doesn't make sense to me."

Originally, the gluttonous Palace Lord didn’t have time to come to the Endless Colosseum. I came to this place once, but I also came to have some fun.

Since the Long Family patriarch Long Xiao was captured, the original plan of the Gourmet Demon Temple has been stranded. Without the cooperation of the Long Family, they want to operate in the East China territory, but the risk is extremely high.

So you have to wait until Long Xiao is released before you can reopen the plan, and the Gourmet Demon Temple has become idle in these three months, otherwise the people who patronize the endless Colosseum will not be like this. many.

The black magic envoy smiled slightly, and said separately: "Palace Lord your anger...just now it was just some appetizers, the excitement is yet to come!"

"Oh? Then you are talking about what is wonderful behind this, is there any expert?" The Bull Head Palace Lord was slightly interested.

"Lord Palace Lord, please take a look. The tall man is called Niu Hao. He has reached 10,000 blood points. It can be said that he is the most likely person to stand out from the endless Colosseum." Pointing to Niu Hao in the center cage, he said with a smile on his face.

"Hmm...looks pretty good!" Niutou Palace Lord glanced slightly, nodded who was quite interested.

"In addition to that Niu Hao, there is another person who is also a genius. That tall woman is called Li Xiufeng. I heard that she owns a real dragon Battle Spirit!" The black magician while speaking, will slender fingers Pointing to Feng Yixiu, the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

"en? It's interesting to have a real dragon Battle Spirit!"

The Bull Head Palace Lord, who was still lacking in interest just now, suddenly became energetic and stared at Feng intently. Yixiu looked quite interested.

I saw him dizzy, and sternly said: "The warden, let the two people mentioned by the black magic envoy go first. If you see these wastes playing here, I will I’m going to fall asleep!"

"As you bid!"

Where did the prison guard dare to violate the meaning of the Bull’s Head Palace Lord? Empty quickly.

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