"My lord prison, who Niu Hao and Li Xiufeng will be on the court first?" the prison envoy asked in a low voice.

"Let Niu Hao go first. This is an excellent opportunity to be appreciated by the Palace Lord." The warden thought for a moment, then whispered instructed.

The appreciation of the current Palace Lord of the Gourmet Demon Temple is very important. Many blood Spirit Masters have never had the opportunity to say a word to the Palace Lord in the Gourmet Demon Palace in their lifetime.

If the Palace Lord can remember Niu Hao, it will be very beneficial to Niu Hao's development in the Underground City in the future, and he may be able to quickly get reuse and promotion.


After saying that, the prison envoy began to slide on the tablet in his hand, but the corner of his mouth evokes an intriguing arc.

The name on the left on the public display has been fixed, and it is Niu Hao. The devil beast on the right is still continuously updating and beating, and finally fixed to a Disaster Grade devil beast.

Niu Hao, as a Level 7 Battle Spirit, the devil beast that matches the level is Disaster Grade, but this devil beast is a little different from the general devil beast.

The name of this Disaster Grade devil beast has a black gold frame, and the top of the frame is also written "NO·3" in golden font, which is very different.

When the constantly beating devil beast's name was fixed, the auditorium, which seemed a little silent just now, boiled instantly, like a few drops of cold water dripping into the hot oil.

"Oh my God! I haven't seen the devil beast on the natural disaster beast list for a long time. This time is a feast for the eyes!"

"This Niu Hao is also really unlucky. I actually encountered the top three monsters on the natural disaster list. I am afraid it is bode ill rather than well..."

"This is not necessarily true. I heard that Niu Hao is also very strong, but he is One of the few people who have the opportunity to break out of the endless Colosseum, the result is hard to say!"


Everyone was seeing the Thunder Titan on the Ranked 3rd Scourge List. It seems very excited, this is a situation that has not been encountered for a long time.

The average Battle Spirit Master doesn’t look good even if it meets it, because it’s all spike-kill scenes and there is no suspense at all, but this time the battle against the ever-victorious general Niu Hao, this There is some suspense.

The so-called natural disaster list refers to the top ten ranking of Disaster Grade devil beast in the endless Colosseum, and the ninth place Thunder Titan has a record of 82 consecutive victories, never having a single The defeat shows its strength!

When the ghost face woman saw this result, she didn't seem to be too surprised, but showed a smug smile.

In fact, this result was not accidental, but was caused by her illegal operations, in order to hope that Niu Hao would lose face in front of Lord Palace Lord.

Her techniques are so hidden that the prison guards on the side didn't notice anything, but thought it was Niu Hao's bad luck.

However, the black magic envoy glanced at the ghost-faced woman gently, and there was a cold expression in his sharp eyes, but he didn't say anything.

When the ghost-faced woman met the black magic envoy's eyes, she dropped her head somewhat guilty, she didn't dare to look directly into the other's eyes, as if she felt a sense of being pierced through her mind.

When the Bull Head Palace Lord saw this battle, he laughed and clapped his hands: "hahaha...this is Interesting! Thunder Titan is a well-known figure in Disaster Grade devil beast. That kid Hao has a hard time!"

The dark magician said with a smile: "Palace Lord Lord is happy...I believe there will be more exciting games behind."

At this time, Niu Hao's heart is a little broken. He has participated in so many games and has never encountered a strong demon beast on the natural disaster list!

It is also the Thunder Titan of Ranked 3rd. It is a very powerful Disaster Grade devil beast in Titan Race, and its data has reached the top in all aspects.

The general Titan Race devil beast's strength and size are very exaggerated, but the speed is very slow, but the Thunder Titans are an outlier, because they are the devil beasts of Thunder Attribute, and they naturally possess Terrifying speed and explosive power!

"Now I have invited player Niu Hao to play against devil beast, the Ranked 3rd king of the natural disaster list, Thunder Titan!"

"One party is the most promising to stand out from the endless Colosseum One side is the strong demon beast on the list of natural disasters. Who can have the last laugh, let us wait and see!"

Pushing to the climax, deafening cheers and shouts one after another.

The betting data on the public display screen is skyrocketing, which shows that people are looking forward to this game very much...

Some daze Niu Hao was finally caught by the violent cheers. Waking up, slowly walked out of the center cage, looking a little nervous.

Feng Yixiu saw this said with a sneer: "Lao Niu, weren’t you sneer before? Why do you look scared now?"

"I ’m excited, It's not afraid! It's a Thunder Titan, I don't care about it!" Niu Hao strode out of the central cage under the stimulation of Feng Yixiu and stood in the middle of the endless Colosseum.

Naturally, he was not idle either, and immediately began to gather spiritual weapons and spirit armors, followed by summon's Spirit Treasure canon.


As soon as Niu Hao just played, the violent thunder with the thickness of the bucket exploded above his head, a darkness of more than sixty meters The cracks gradually opened.

Before the Thunder Titan came out completely, the terrifying imposing manner made the audience hold their breath, only the violent lightning was constantly flashing.


When the dark cracks were not fully developed, a huge spinning ball wrapped in dazzling lightning violently broke through the cracks. The hurricane moved towards Niu Hao rushed over!

This spinning ball is similar to the Titan war chariot before Feng Yixiu. It is almost identical except that it cannot fly, but the oppression force it brings is even more terrifying.

Thunder Titan is like a steel essence. The defensive power poured in the body is amazing. Its back and fists have sharp bone spurs. The destructive power is amazing under the state of rapid rotation.

The arena arena made of high-density alloys can’t stand this terrifying destructive power, but wherever it is crushed, it’s a mess...

Titan spin ball Not only the weight is amazing, but the speed is so fast that you can only see a thunder shadow flashing past, and the target is directed at Niu Hao!

At this time, Niu Hao still has time to summon out the Battle Spirit in the future, just condensing the spiritual weapon and the spirit armor, seeing the Thunder Titan, which is attacking like Mount Tai, subconsciously waved the steel in his hand. Meteor Hammer Go and resist!


Only hearing a dull impact sound, Meteor Hammer only persisted for less than a second before being bounced off.

The steel Meteor Hammer is completely out of Niu Hao's control. The solid strikes are on his chest, and a crack appears in the thick spiritual armor instantly.

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