However, this shortcoming will no longer exist with the help of the Blackthorn Queen’s Senluo domain, but Feng Yixiu does not intend to use the second Battle Spirit now.

Because he wants to save his own strength as much as possible, after all, the skill characteristics of the Little Demon's Battle Spirit are still very obvious, and it cannot be easily used without being a last resort.

The magic Spirit Treasure code automatically has no wind. Two magic Spirit Treasure codes flew out quickly, one gold and one black gold devil card, both of which are Thunder Element devil cards.

Crazy electric Tyrannosaurus Rex-Overlord!

Exterminate the robbery dragon-tribulation thunder!

Under the arms of two Thunder Element demon cards, the azure thunder around the azure jade dragon began to change.

Several different thunders have gradually merged into a three-color glazed thunder with a more powerful formidable power!

The Evil-Eyed Sky Spider felt the terrifying thunder energy, and it also consciously retreated a dozen steps back. It was a little bit awkward, who had always been arrogant!

"Lightning storm!"

Feng Yixiu was ready to do it quickly, and immediately began to prepare to launch a fierce offensive, and his hand took advantage of the time and place.

A huge colored thundercloud began to grow on the heads of the seven azure jade dragons, and the thunder contained in it was the Sancai Liuli Lei.

And these thunders began to gradually merge together, the coverage area became larger and larger, and the harsh thunder sounded from time to time.

When the thunder reaches a certain range, it is when the'Thunder Palace' is activated. When the time comes, the Evil Eyed Sky Spider will become a roasted spider...

The Evil Eyed Sky Spider looked at everything in front of him, only brace oneself started to attack, but the target of his attack was not the Azure Jade Linlong, but Feng Yixiu standing on the head of the Azure Jade Linlong!


The sound of a catapult like a strong offensive crossbow rang out, and the Evil Eyed Spider's abdomen slammed out of a large net spreading over the sky, and the coverage reached The horrible five hundred meters!

This is one of the proud devil beast skills of the evil eye spider, called inescapable net, a very powerful control skill!

As long as you are tied up by Skynet, the probability of escape is extremely small. It is not only very tenacious, but also terrifying fire!

The blue-eyed poisonous scorpion and the lava giant beast suffered from this, and eventually became the prey of the evil eye spider...

Feng Yixiu looked at the inescapable net approaching gradually , But it didn’t take seriously at all, and didn’t even move a step.

I saw a golden lightning burst out of the sky green jade dragon, as if forming a golden protective cover.

As soon as the huge Skynet approached, it was bombed out by the golden lightning cover. The overbearing golden thunder played vividly and thoroughly.

"Sorry...My domineering Jin Lei is in a state of uncontrollable hegemony, little spider, don't waste your efforts!" Feng Yixiu sneered, loudly said.

Seeing that the control has no effect, the Evil Eyed Sky Spider can only launch a powerful attack again, and the flames on the eight strange Evil Eyes gradually become more dazzling.


Eight evil eyes burst out a crimson flame beam at the same time, and then they all gathered together to form a larger flame beam.

This is the most powerful attack skill of the Evil Eye Sky Spider, Evil Eye Aurora!

"hmph! Useless struggling!"

"The roar of Thunder Dragon!"

Feng Yixiu gave an order, and seven sky green jade dragons spoke The glaze-colored lightning burst out suddenly, and the seven rays of light gathered into one, as if the Nine Heavens Milky Way had landed.


Under the collision of the two extreme forces, a dazzling white light group was formed, and then the stormy sea-like terrorist shock wave spread out.

All the spectators in the entire endless Colosseum are forced to cover their eyes, and they can barely see what's happening on the stage through their fingers.

"Oh my God! Is this really a complete Battle Spirit? Why do I think some Ultimate Battle Spirit is also only this..."

"Level 6 Completely body Battle Spirit hard bar Disaster Grade devil beast, I only said two words, outrageous!"

"Have you not heard what the Lord Palace Lord said? This real dragon Battle Spirit is beyond the limit Battle Spirit!"

"What! Is there really an ultra-limit Battle Spirit in this world?!"


The white light is gradually extinguished Immediately, a huge smooth pit appeared in the center of the endless Colosseum.

However, the Evil Eyed Sky Spider didn’t seem to have suffered much damage, it just looked a little weaker...

Feng Yixiu looked at the unharmed Evil Eyed Sky Spider, secretly Exclaimed: "It's really troublesome... If it weren't for not revealing the cards, just trifling the Evil Eye Sky Spider, raise your hand to kill!"

However, he suddenly thought of a key issue, killing Evil Eye. The sky spider is not difficult, but isn't it impossible for him to become a traitor!

This is a good opportunity to take the opportunity to become a rebel, otherwise it will not be so easy to find a reason to become a blood Spirit Master...

"Almost missed the major event Feng Yixiu scolded himself angrily, "Hey...acting is really tiring."

He slowly looked up at the glazed thundercloud above his head and found that the lightning storm's range was sufficient. Is big.

Seeing that he waved his hand gently, the huge thundercloud moved towards the evil-eyed sky spider slowly moved over.

The moving speed of this colored glaze thundercloud was deliberately slowed down by Feng Yixiu, but it was not too obvious.

When the Evil Eyed Sky Spider saw the colored glaze thundercloud moved towards his side, his heart collapsed.

The covered area of ​​the glazed thundercloud has reached several hundred meters, the kind of horrible scene like the arrival of Thunder Punishment, the evil-eyed sky spider not even think just run away!


The horror is that lightning storms descend like rain, but wherever they are swept, they leave a piece of scorched earth!

However, the Evil Eyed Sky Spider was unable to catch up with the high-speed escape, and could only follow it closely.

"Hehe...this effect is what you want!"

Feng Yixiu secretly smiled in his heart, but a sad expression appeared on his face. Jumped over his head.

The evil eye spider is overjoyed to see Feng Yixiu jump down. This can't do the sky azure jade dragon, but you can't do you a little human!

I saw it moved towards Feng Yixiu like crazy and jumped over, and the spring-like legs made a light leap and it was over a hundred meters high.

Feng Yixiu held the Azure Dragon holy gun in his hand, and secretly sighed "Good job!"

With a sudden step, the front moved towards the evil-eyed sky spider rushed over, a fierce and domineering shot exploded with a dazzling lightning.

The Evil Eye Sky Spider not to be outdone, the Eight Paths of Evil Eye Aurora moved towards Feng Yixiu indiscriminately, and Feng Yixiu can only evade.

“clang! ”

The first collision between the Azure Dragon Holy Spear and the claws of the Evil Eye Sky Spider produced a dull metal crash.

I like the Divine Grade pet evolution system, please collect it: ( The Divine Grade pet evolution system is the fastest to update novels.

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