The eight flexible spider legs are as flexible as dancing, constantly attacking Feng Yixiu, so fast that only one after another afterimage can be seen.

Feng Yixiu, after all, only has one Azure Dragon holy gun. Gradually, he cannot withstand such a high-density attack. He can only fight and retreat...

The entire endless Colosseum Only two afterimages, one red and one green, were chasing, followed by the constantly moving thunderclouds behind him. Tianqing Yulin attacked from time to time, but he was a little afraid of hurting Feng Yixiu by mistake.


Feng Yixiu deliberately bought a weak spot. The Azure Dragon holy gun in his hand was shot off by the evil eye spider, and the sharp spider legs instantly Feng Yixiu left a scar on his abdomen.

The blood flow continued for a while, Feng Yixiu seemed to fall into the wind, and the evil eye spider was chasing after seeing this. After a while, Feng Yixiu's body was left behind. Scars on the bones are scarcely visible.

After losing the spiritual weapon, Feng Yixiu has no power to parry. The sharp claws pierced Feng Yixiu's palm and nailed it firmly to the ground, unable to move.

Niu Tau Palace Lord stood up nervously, for fear that the Evil Eye Spider would really kill Feng Yixiu...

At the crucial moment, Feng Yixiu was in his hands for a moment. Condensed a long sword of light purple, and slammed the cheeks that held him with a sharp sword.

At this time, Feng Yixiu's appearance has changed a lot. Silver-white hair has gradually become light purple long hair, and the color of his pupils has also changed to a certain extent.

Feng Yixiu, who was just righteous and awe-inspiring, became an evil and awe-inspiring character in the blink of an eye. The violent purple demonic energy surrounds it, making her look terrifying......

"Awaken the traitor! She actually succeeded!" The Bull Head Palace Lord looked a little excited and stood up abruptly.

The dark magician's face was gloomy, and her lips were bitten and bleeding. She thought that as long as Feng Yixiu was not a Blood Spirit Master, she would stay in the endless Colosseum.

I always have the opportunity to do something with her, but now it seems that I don’t have this opportunity. She has really become the Blood Spirit Master, and she is also a traitor who has awakened on her own!

However, Feng Yixiu did not open the Eye of Chaos in order to hide the Primal Chaos Demon sword. As long as the Eye of Chaos is not exposed, there is no risk of exposure to the Primal Chaos Demon sword after changing its form.

When the Evil Eyed Sky Spider felt the breath of Feng Yixiu completely different, it took a long time to react.

Feng Yixiu took advantage of this gap, completely ignoring the pain, and suddenly pulled out his hand from the broken cheek!

The Evil Eyed Sky Spider finally reacted. The sharp teeth wanted to bite Feng Yixiu, but they only gnawed at the dirt.

Feng Yixiu's speed just now is so fast, his silhouette seems to be a real ghost, completely confusing.

"hmph...little spider, do you really think I am afraid you will not succeed?" Feng Yixiu moved towards the evil-eyed sky spider laughed in front of him, and the evil pupils of light purple made him look like a demon.

The Evil Eye Sky Spider only realizes how terrifying the humans in front of them are, and the subconsciously want to escape!

"Run now? It's too late. I will show you what is called, real speed!"

"Hytest Style·Break the Army!"

tone barely fell, Feng Yixiu instantly disappeared in place, the naked eye was so fast that it was impossible to catch it. You could only see the black illusory shadow shaking within a radius of 100 meters.

"shua~ shua~ shua~ ……"

When Feng Yixiu reappeared, he was already 100 meters away from the evil eye spider, and the long sword in his hand was slowly slowing down To return to the edge.

When the Primal Chaos Demon sword was fully restored, countless purple sword lights flashed behind him, as if connecting hundreds of afterimages in series.

The evil-eyed sky spider simply did not respond for the time, when the countless sword lights dissipated, it reluctantly found that all its eight spider legs had been cut to pieces!

Immediately after hearing the sound of thunder coming closer and closer, it constantly wants to climb forward, but it is completely impossible to move...

"Boom boom boom... …"

The glazed thundercloud finally covered the sky above the evil-eyed sky spider, and the dazzling lightning instantly drowned it!

The king of Disaster Grade devil beast, the Evil Eye Sky Spider was extinguished in the thunderstorm of the Temple of God, and completely turned into a powder......


Feng Yixiu snapped his fingers, the sky green jade dragon and lightning storm disappeared instantly, and the evil eye sky spider disappeared together.

Quiet, deadly quiet!

Whether it is the auditorium or the VIP seat, everyone seems to be in a dream state, and has been in a daze for a long time.

Niu Tau Palace Lord looked towards Feng Yixiu's eyes were full of admiration, while the black magic envoy looked towards Feng Yixiu's eyes were full of envy, jealousy and hatred!

"Let’s congratulate the contestant Li Xiufeng! She once again created an incredible miracle!"

The host’s voice pulled everyone back from a dreamlike state , There was a burst of warm applause.

"My god! This little tiger girl is too fierce!"

"You better pay attention to your words. The little tiger girl in your mouth will immediately become your boss. , Don’t you have any points in your heart?"

"I've decided! This woman will be my role model in the future, I'm completely convinced!"

"Wow...she looks like this really I’m very handsome! I’m in love..."


Everyone's reaction is different. Although Feng Yixiu made them lose miserably, none of them dared Speaking badly.

The internal ranks of the Tianxiaozhong are very strict. Talking about the chief behind is a felony, and they dare not speak ill of Feng Yixiu even if they feel uncomfortable.

Feng Yixiu didn't have the mind to listen to these blood Spirit Masters' praise, but instead set his sights on the public display.

He is now very curious about how many blood points he can get, which will play a vital role in future operations in Taotie Underground City.

This time, the blood point data statistics time is a bit longer than the last time, and it took more than a full minute for the statistics to come out.

The final blood point data on the public display is 17,82730 blood points, which is more than 1,700,000 blood points!

The evil eye spider alone contributed more than 300,000 blood points, and the other devil beasts added up to achieve this terrifying data...

But this is not yet Counting the blood points Feng Yixiu invested in him before, the 110,000 blood points have doubled ten times, or 1.1 million blood points.

If the two add up, that is nearly three million blood spots, which is simply shocking!

Blood spot is very important in the crowd, its amount directly determines the contribution and status of a blood Spirit Master or devil beast in the crowd.

This endless amphitheater was originally established as a punishment and selection of talents. The main purpose is not to contribute to the blood Spirit Master, but to select talents.

However, someone has brushed nearly three million blood points in just one day. It is estimated that this is a situation that no one expected...

The dark magician is in the Gourmet Demon Temple. I've stayed for a few years, and it's a smooth journey along the way. It only has more than 800,000 blood points. It's just a high level deacon, and there is still a certain distance from the low-level priests.

One hundred thousand blood points to one million blood points are high level deacons, and one million to five million blood points are low-level priests, and five million to ten million blood points are middle-level priests. Tens of millions or more are high level priests, also known as High Priest.

Except for Palace Lord and Vice Palace Lord, High Priest can be said to be a very important person in the crowd. For the Palace Lord, sometimes you have to refer to the opinions of High Priest.

Feng Yixiu became a priest at the beginning. This is unprecedented in the whole world...

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