Feng Yixiu was also taken aback when he saw the SSS-Rank bulletin board. The difficulty of the task here can be said to have reached the extreme.

He actually saw the rewards of the seven Great Marshals here, as well as the rewards of the other three patriarchs besides Que Long Xiao!

These are the mainstay-like figures in the Battle Spirit industry, and didn't expect these big figures are also on the list of rewards from the crowd.

The reward amount can be said to be an astronomical figure. The Central China Marshal Luo Xingyun offered a reward of up to 100 million!

And this is not the highest. The highest is North China Marshal Gu Yuan. His bounty is an astronomical figure...

From the dusty situation on the reward order Look, these bounty orders have been hanging for a long time, and no one takes on such suicidal tasks without opening their eyes.

The reason why Feng Yixiu watched all the bulletin boards like a whirlwind is not just being idle, but searching for valuable information.

Because these reward orders can reflect a lot of things, such as those who should have appeared on the reward order but did not appear, these people are likely to be the inside line of the heaven and the crowd.

Long Xiao’s not on the reward order has proved this point. As long as the reward order is reversed, I am afraid that all the worms of the Battle Spirit alliance can be removed!

High level blood Spirit Master can be disguised as Battle Spirit Master, but Battle Spirit Master wants to disguise as Blood Spirit Master but cannot do it. Most people who want to be undercover have become The real blood Spirit Master.

Long-term blood drinking and brutality can almost quickly destroy the belief of a normal person and assimilate it into a blood Spirit Master with no bottom line.

After paying a heavy price, the Battle Spirit Alliance gave up the plan to insert the inside line in the crowd. Because it is really not worth the loss, the Battle Spirit Alliance has lost many outstanding talents for this.

Bai Yuan is one of the few people who have mixed into the crowd, but he was also forced to become a blood Spirit Master by accident. It was not caused by the Battle Spirit alliance plan, but it is difficult for such a person to become a priest. The above core cadres.

Not only did they have no dignity among the crowd, but they simply didn't have the opportunity to contact the High Rank mission. They can't even go to the Second Layer of Tianxuetang, let alone provide any valuable information.

Feng Yixiu can be said to be the only insider who has entered the highest level of Tianxiutang, so he will naturally not waste this excellent opportunity...

white clothed man see Feng Yixiu in If I watched the SSS-Rank bulletin board for a long time, said with a big smile: "Are you sure you are not here to make fun? Are you really here to go shopping?"

Feng Yixiu Not indifferent to saying: "I don't seem to need your consent for what I do?"

"I can't control where you go, but our gods and people never raise idlers. Today, you If you don't complete one of the S-Rank or above tasks, don't blame me for going to the Blood Blade Hall to sue you!" the white clothed man sternly said.

Sylvia reminded in a low voice: "Our priest level must complete one S-Rank or higher mission every month. If you don’t complete a mission today, you will really be severely punished by the Blood Blade Hall. .Otherwise, I wouldn’t be so anxious to take you to Tianxuetang to take the task, or let’s just take an S-Rank task. Although the blood points are less, at least it will not be severely punished."

"Eldest Senior Sister, don’t waste your words. If I remember correctly, today should be the thirtieth day of this great red man’s visit to the Hall of Gourmet Demon. That is to say, unless you complete the task today, otherwise. If you do, I’m afraid that your position as a priest cannot be kept, and I’m afraid I will suffer some flesh and blood!" white clothed man coldly said.

"Zhou Yuan, how did my Junior Sister offend you, how did you target her like this?" Sylvia glared at the white clothed man, gnashing teeth said.

Although this is the rule of the gods, if no one reports it, the Blood Blade Hall will not check it one by one, but once someone is more truthful, I am afraid it will not be so easy to escape.

In order to maintain the strict rules of the Heavenly Swordsman, the Blood Blade Hall will not care about Feng Yixiu's identity, and will definitely enforce the law impartially. When the time comes, I am afraid that the Bull Head Palace Lord will not be able to protect her.

Zhou Yuan sneered and said indifferently: "Hehe...how did you offend me? I think she should be very clear in her heart! Even if the heavenly king comes today, I can't keep him, I said!"

"You are forcing me to do something to you!"

Sylvia's eyes gradually became gloomy, and the brilliant six wings gradually appeared behind her, and the violent spiritual pressure gradually Spread out.

"Eldest Senior Sister, I'm indeed not your opponent, but to shoot against my colleagues for no reason, this is a felony, besides, the people in our worship hall also not to be trifled with, you are sure you want to treat me Do you want to do it?"

Zhou Yuan simply didn't mean to fight, spread his arms with a rogue expression, and made a look as if a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water.

"you are courting death!"

When Sylvia was about to take a shot, she was stopped by Feng Yixiu.

"What are you stopping me for? If he really reports you, do you know how serious the consequences will be?" Sylvia asked somewhat incomprehensibly.

Feng Yixiu shook the head, indifferently said: "Senior Sister, don’t worry, it’s still half a day, I can’t finish it in half a day, and it’s not the worst thing, no As for such a big fight..."

"Hey...what you said is easy. Even if you want to complete the S-Rank task now, it will take three days at the earliest. Now there is only half a day. It's obviously too late." Silvia sighed.

"Don't panic, half a day is more than enough." Feng Yixiu smiled, casually said.

"hahaha...I think your brain was kicked by a donkey. A newcomer would dare to boasted shamelessly, but I want to see how you can complete the S-Rank mission in half a day!" Zhou Yuan roared. .

Feng Yixiu ignored Zhou Yuan's ridicule, but reached out and took off the dusty Bounty Mission on the SSS bulletin board.

For a while, everyone was stunned by Feng Yixiu’s actions. They thought Feng Yixiu would go to pick up the S-Rank Bounty Mission, but they didn’t expect him to pick up the SSS-Rank mission. !

In their eyes, this behavior is no different from suicide...

Feng Yixiu took advantage of Silvia's daze, and connected to three SSS-Rank Bounty Missions. , And is also ready to reach out and continue to tear the reward order.

Sylvia finally reacted, and immediately grabbed Feng Yixiu's wrist, and said with astonishment: "Junior Sister?! What are you doing, don't think about it!"


Zhou Yuan was trembling with excitement, said with a smile madly: "hahaha... this is not a matter of skin and flesh. If the access task cannot be completed, the blood will be deducted twice. Click, these few rewards have made you die dozens of times!"

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