Sylvia quickly snatched several reward orders from Feng Yixiu and prepared to re-hang them on the bulletin board.

"Eh, eh! Eldest Senior Sister, don't be fooled! Everyone is watching... If you do this, it is equivalent to her accomplice, and you two will be finished!" Zhou Yuan revealed An ugly face of a small man intoxicated by success, smiling very happily.

Sylvia just hesitated for a while, and then she was ready to hang all these reward orders back, but Feng Yixiu stopped her.

"Junior Sister! Don’t worry, the master won’t just sit back and watch. Let’s start at the worst from a low-level deacon. It shouldn’t be executed..."

When Wei Ya said this, she didn't have much confidence, and she didn't know whether the Palace Lord would favor them.

The sum of the blood points on these three reward orders exceeds 300 million. According to the double compensation rule, even the combined blood points of the two are not enough.

If it is an ordinary occasion, it may be partial, but the witnesses at this time are all core backbones above the priest level. The Bull Head Palace Lord is estimated to be concerned about the impact and reluctantly cut love...

Feng Yixiu shook the head, indifferently said: "Sister Qiangwei, there is no need to do this. It's not just a few SSS-Rank missions to research spirits. Let alone half a day, I can complete it in half an hour."

At this time, Feng Yixiu's impression of this Silvia has changed a lot. He did not expect that she would choose to stand in the same boat as herself at a critical moment.

Feng Yixiu also feels warm in his heart. It is even more rare for him to meet such a kind person in this gluttonous hall of eating people without spitting out bones.

If it weren’t for a different stand, I really can’t bear to deceive her...

Sylvia glanced at Feng Yixiu’s dusty reward order in her hand, shaking slightly After a while, it was discovered that they were indeed all Bounty Missions.

"Are you a Spirit Master?" Sylvia asked in surprise.

"Well...normally there is a little research." Feng Yixiu replied truthfully.

After seeing the Bounty Mission in Sylvia’s hand, Zhou Yuan smiled and shook the head, indifferently said: "Even if you are a special-level Spirit Master, receive the spirit-reward order of this level, then It is also an act of courting death. Besides, you only have half a day. I will see how you complete it!"

Sylvia took a closer look at the reward order in her hand, she couldn't help but sweat coldly, and her hands began to start. Unstoppable trembling.

The difficulty of these three spirit research reward orders can be said to have reached the extreme. Published by Hall Master!

Blood Spirit Hall is a professional organization that specializes in the evolution of blood spirits and devil beasts. How simple is the spirit research task issued by their Hall Master?

The Ngau Tau Palace Lord released a mutation and evolution plan for the Sovereign-level devil beast, and the spirit research tasks issued by the Vice Palace Lord and the Blood Spirit Hall Master are also extremely difficult. A mutation of the ultimate body The evolution plan is an evolution plan that is fully embodied to the ultimate body, and the requirements are extremely demanding.

The Bounty Missions of these four Great Demon Halls are all shared. No one can complete it for so long, which shows how difficult this spiritual research mission is!

"It's over, it's over... This time is completely over." Silvia's face was desperate.

"Don't worry, since I dare to take it, I naturally have the confidence, Senior Sister don't worry about me." Feng Yixiu took the reward order in Sivia's hand and said relaxedly.

"Do you know how serious this problem is? It's also frivolous. You said that you didn't choose what task is not good, but you chose these three copies. How long do you know how long these three reward orders have been hanging here? Don't know?" Silvia said angrily.

Feng Yixiu's head aches after being talked about. He immediately looked around, and then moved towards a place with a desk.

Zhou Yuan thought Feng Yixiu was about to escape, so he immediately blocked the stairs and saw her sitting down casually, full of question marks.

"I want to see when you can pretend to be!" Zhou Yuan browsed tightly knit, stuck in the only exit position, for fear that Feng Yixiu would run away.

Feng Yixiu spread a blank piece of rice paper in front of him, but he didn't immediately write the pen. The moment he picked up the pen, he froze for a long time.

It is naturally not difficult to complete these spiritual research tasks by himself, but he suddenly remembered a crucial question.

These people are their own enemies, why do you want to make them stronger?

But now that the arrow is on the line, I have to send it out. If I don’t write the spirit research plan, I’m afraid it will be difficult to get out of here...

'system system...Is there anyone cheating? That kind of evolution? It looks like evolution, but it's a degenerate one! '

Feng Yixiu can only help Divine Pet Evolution System in desperation. If there is no other way, he can only write three correct spiritual research plans. After all, life is still important.

After a while, the white evolutionary tree in my mind began to undergo tremendous changes. The evolutionary tree that originally exuded holy rays of light began to become a black evolutionary tree that exuded demonic energy.

'What kind of evolutionary tree is this? Why is this ghost color? Looking at the weirdness...' Feng Yixiu was full of doubts.

'Black evolution is extremely powerful, it can greatly increase the strength of blood spirit and devil beast in a short time, but the side effects are also extremely strong. '

Mechanical electronic sounds sounded in Feng Yixiu's mind, explaining the role of this black evolutionary tree.

'What exactly are the side effects? 'Feng Yixiu asked immediately.

'The side effect is that the black evolution has a validity period, after the validity period, there will be permanent degradation. 'system mechanized explained.

'hehe...... This is Interesting. Can the length of the validity period be controlled? 'Feng Yixiu gave a meaningful smile.

'It can be adjusted according to the quality of the evolution material. The higher the quality of the evolution material, the longer the validity period of the evolution. 'system answered immediately.

'The Dark Evolution will not be seen by people, right? 'Feng Yixiu is a little worried, after all, the guys in the Blood Spirit Hall are not to be trifled with.

'Black evolution has not been discovered yet, nor has it been studied by anyone, please rest assured to use it. 'system explained.

Zhou Yuan saw Feng Yixiu in a daze for a long time, said with a big smile: "If you can’t write it, I think I’d better give up! Don’t pretend to be there..."

'Look, I won't cheat you to death! '

Feng Yixiu came back to his senses, smiled and shook the head, spread out the rice paper in front of him, and then started to write Dragon Snake, his pen was extremely fast.

Among the three evolution plans, the evolution plan of Palace Lord is the most complicated and difficult. There are hundreds of auxiliary materials needed for evolution alone!

This is also the first time Feng Yixiu has written an evolution plan for devil beast. It is indeed much more difficult than the general Battle Spirit evolution plan...

The evolution route of devil beast is the same as the general one. The Battle Spirit is also different, they have a common evolution plan.

That is the devil beast and Battle Spirit Master who swallow High Rank. As long as they swallow enough, they can evolve successfully.

But this is not the only evolutionary route. Devil beast can also be refined through spirit transformation liquid to complete evolution. As long as the evolution plan is good enough, it is much better than evolution through low-quality devouring. .

However, the intelligence of low-level devil beasts is generally not high. Most of them evolve through swallowing. Only when they reach a certain realm will they pursue the ultimate. For example, the current Bull Head Palace Lord is an example.

And the devil beast Feng Yixiu has seen is the most evolved devil beast that belongs to Hu Jiu'er. She accepted the inheritance of Death God Anubis and swallowed the heart of the dead. The upper limit of the evolution of Sovereign-level devil beasts.

Within less than one hour, Feng Yixiu had written all three extremely complex evolution plans. The words close and numerous on it contained more than a dozen pages in total.

These three evolution plans are all black evolution, and the evolution materials used are not very high level, and the evolution validity period is precisely controlled within one month!

I like the Divine Grade pet evolution system, please collect it: ( The Divine Grade pet evolution system is the fastest to update novels.

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