"Palace Lord, forgive me...this guy confuses me, or he will give me a hundred daring disciples who dare not move your love!"

Great Elder was already shocked by the Bull Head Palace Lord, and pointed towards Zhou Yuan in a panic.

"Yes, yes, yes! It was this kid who brought me here!" Dafu also quickly agreed.

When everyone heard that the Niu Tau Palace Lord called Feng Yixiu his lover, they all looked a little weird.

Niu Tau Palace Lord has not summoned Feng Yixiu for a month, and has not arranged any position for him. Are you embarrassed to call Feng Yixiu?

But they only dared to mutter a few words in the heart, no one dared to disobey the meaning of the Bull Head Palace Lord.

Niu Tau Palace Lord slowly fixed his gaze on Zhou Yuan, who was kneeling on the ground, his brows frowned.

Zhou Yuan was completely terrified, and kept moving towards the Niutou Palace Lord and knelt down in the direction, but before he could plead, I saw the palm of the Niutou Palace Lord moved towards the void.


The person who had just been alive instantly turned into a cloud of blood and disappeared completely.

There was a faint smell of blood in the air, and the Palace Lord of Bull Head was still expressionless, as if he had just slaughtered a pig or dog.

What Zhou Yuan said is also one of the top ten worships in the worship hall. The realm has reached the level of Level 8 Battle Spirit, and was killed by the Bull Head Palace Lord with one move!

If the previous Bull Head Palace Lord couldn't do it, it means that after evolution, his current strength has reached an extremely terrifying realm.

Niu Tau Palace Lord looked around, indifferently said: "Feng'er is a lover of the deity, let alone a trifling worship, even if you two dare to touch his hair, he will end up with this person The same!"

"Yes, yes..."

The Great Elder and the Great Worship are nodded like pounding garlic, as if avoided a catastrophe.

The two of them have never seen such a big fire before the bull head worship, they are somehow important figures in the hall of gluttony, and they were so ridiculed in public.

It can also be seen how important Feng Yixiu’s position in the Palace Lord in mind is...

Sylvia sees that Feng Yixiu is still sleeping in hu hu and is preparing Went to wake him up, but was stopped by the Bull Head Palace Lord.

"The deity heard that the task of researching spirits is very mentally exhausting. It is estimated that Feng'er was forced too tightly by these people, resulting in excessive mental exhaustion. This is so tired, so he let him sleep for a while. Right..." Bull Head Palace Lord whispered.

"Palace Lord is right..."

The always cold Vice Palace Lord also nodded a sentence.

"Well, after Junior Sister wakes up, I will let him find you again?" Sylvia said solemnly.

"No, I'll just wait for him to wake up here..." The Bull Head Palace Lord waved his hand, indifferently said.

After saying that, the Bull Head Palace Lord actually stood in place, quietly waiting for Feng Yixiu to wake up.

The scene at the scene was extremely weird. The two Palace Lords of the Gourmet Demon Temple were guarded by Feng Yixiu like doormen, and they didn't mean to be impatient at all.

The Great Elder of the Blood Blade Hall and the Great Sacrifice of the Enshrine Hall wanted to leave here quickly, but seeing the two Palace Lords obediently waiting here, how dare to move half a step!

The two squatted their bodies and waited nervously for Feng Yixiu to wake up, but they were afraid that Feng Yixiu would chase them after waking up, and their hearts were extremely tortured.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw this scene, and the shock in their hearts could no longer be expressed in words.

Normally these aloof and remote figures still have such a humble side, which is simply eye-opening.

A few big men didn’t leave, and the other priests didn’t even dare to move. They didn’t even dare to find a place to sit down, even if their feet were already numb...


About two hours later, Feng Yixiu slowly woke up from his deep sleep and stretched out very comfortably.

But when I saw the picture in front of me, the whole person was stunned, and some wondered if I hadn't woken up yet...

I saw the Bull Head Palace Lord with a smile on his face. Standing in front of him, there was a black robed man he had never met, also showing a somewhat stiff smile.

After seeing Feng Yixiu waking up, Great Elder and Dazhuo looked at Feng Yixiu with a flattering expression. The nodded look of bowing seemed a bit funny.

"What are you guys?" Feng Yixiu was confused.

"hahaha...Feng'er, you finally woke up!" Niutou Palace Lord looked a little excitedly said.

Feng Yixiu was a little uncomfortable looking at the smiling Bull Head Palace Lord, and did not respond for a long time.

"Feng'er! I am too busy as a teacher these days, and I have neglected you a bit. Wouldn't you be angry with me?" Niutou Palace Lord said with a smile.

"No...I'm not angry, how dare I be angry with the master." Feng Yixiu laughed in embarrassment.

"It’s good if you don’t get angry, didn’t expect you to be an Unparalleled Master of Spirit Research, why didn’t you tell the Master earlier?" Bull Head Palace Lord said solemnly.

"Ling Ling Master isn't even considered, it's just some superficial research..." Feng Yixiu touched his nose, indifferently said.

"It's rare! There is such a temperament at a young age, the old man is really ashamed..." Hall Master Sun looked at Feng Yixiu with admiration, nodded.

"If you are a superficial research, all the Spirit Masters in this world are rubbish! The evolution plan you wrote earlier has doubled my strength!" Bull Head Palace Lord somewhat excitedly said.

"Such a young genius, I have only seen it in my life..." The Vice Palace Lord was also secretly nodded.

"Luck..." Feng Yixiu waved his hand, indifferently said.

Although Feng Yixiu said so, he was taken aback. The Black Evolution was really terrifying, and it was able to double his strength!

After thinking about the side effects, Feng Yixiu is relieved. I hope you will be able to laugh in a month...

"As long as the teacher arranges a position for you now, You speak, no matter where it is, even if it is the Great Elder of the Blood Blade Hall or the location of the Great Hall of Worship, I will promise you!" The Bull Head Palace Lord waved his hand, proudly.


The faces of the Great Elder and the Great Worship are a little green.

"Why? Do you have any opinions?" The Bull Head Palace Lord glared at them.

"No...no, that's our pleasure, where can I still have opinions." Great Elder repeatedly nodded and said.

hearing this, Feng Yixiu slightly raised the corner of his mouth.

Now the Bull Head Palace Lord should have completely dispelled his suspicion, and it is just looking for an opportunity to investigate the evidence of the collusion between the Long Family and the Gourmet Demon Temple.

But he doesn’t know what department is specifically responsible for connecting with Long Family. If you ask directly, it seems a bit abrupt...

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