Just as Feng Yixiu was blocking the language, Hall Master Sun opened the mouth and said: "If Feng'er doesn’t dislike it, she can come to Spirit Hall to guide our work. The position of Hall Master can also be handed over."

"I don't know what exactly this Spirit Hall is responsible for? I don't know if I can do it..." Feng Yixiu asked euphemistically.

"Blood Spirit Hall controls the financial power of the Gourmet Demon Temple, and its main work includes the spiritual research project, and by the way is responsible for the management of the treasure vault account supervision." The public Hall Master Sun responded immediately.

"Well...that's quite suitable for me. After all, I don't like to fight and kill." Feng Yixiu tried his best to hold back the joy in his heart, hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

The functions of the Spirit Hall are similar to those of the Forest Department of the Battle Spirit Alliance. They control the financial power, which naturally also includes financial connections with the outside world.

If you become the Hall Master of the Blood Spirit Hall, it is not easy to get the iron proof of Long Family collusion...

"But...the old man has a presumptuous I hope that the request will be fulfilled.” Hall Master Sun said with a slight smile.

Suddenly, Feng Yixiu became a little nervous, said solemnly: "But it doesn't matter, if you can help, it will definitely not be delayed."

"In fact, it is not a major. Event, I hope I can learn under yours, just be an apprentice." Hall Master Sun said respectfully.

"Hall Master Sun, you are a special-grade Spirit Master, one of the veterans of the Gourmet Demon Hall, isn't it too good?" Vice Palace Lord said with a look of astonishment.

"There is nothing wrong with the so-called master as a teacher! I am afraid that Miss Feng'er will not let me be an apprentice..." The male Hall Master Sun looked at him with an iron-hearted appearance. With Feng Yixiu.

"I don't dare to learn, at best, it's just communication. Hall Master Sun is serious..." Feng Yixiu said politely.

"The student will assume that you have agreed, and my Hall Master order will be handed over to you now." The male Hall Master Sun quickly took out his Hall Master token and held it in both hands. Sent in front of Feng Yixiu.

When Feng Yixiu was about to take it, he was bounced off his arm by a powerful force before touching it. The whole arm felt a little numb.

"Look at my head. I forgot to transfer the blood spot to you when I was excited. Only the High Priest level of the blood spirit Hall Master is eligible to inherit. I will transfer the blood spot to You."

Niu Tau Palace Lord took out his Palace Lord order, and in one operation, all blood points worth more than one billion were transferred to Feng Yixiu.

Vice Palace Lord and Hall Master Sun also reacted and transferred their blood spots to Feng Yixiu.

Feng Yixiu’s previous priesthood order has been upgraded to the High Priest order, which is the highest level of existence besides the Palace Lord order and the Vice Palace Lord order.

However, there are also different positions for the same High Priest. For example, the Great Elder and Hall Master in the Blood Blade Hall and the Blood Spirit Hall are both at the High Priest level.

The difference between High Priest and Blood Spirit Hall Master is the relationship between equivalent to military rank and specific position. It is no longer just a fictitious name, but real power.

This can be regarded as a veteran-level existence in the Hall of Gourmet Demon. It can be said that it has a great power of speech and real power in the crowd.

High Priest order is not only a symbol of status and rank, but also has the function of storing blood points, which can display the amount of blood points possessed.

At this time, the blood point data on Feng Yixiu's High Priest Order is so long that it makes the scalp numb, and a series of nine digits is enviable for drooling...

Earn a full 300 million blood points in one day. This is a dream that how many people can't reach for a lifetime!

But this envy belongs to envy. No one dares to have any crooked thoughts towards Feng Yixiu. If he dares to touch Feng Yixiu, it is probably no different from suicide.

After all, Zhou Yuan just now was a bloody example...

Niu Tau Palace Lord looked at Feng Yixiu’s blood balance and said with a big smile: "It’s really helpless Ah! As the Temple Lord of the gluttonous demon, my blood spot is only a little bit more than you, hey..."

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, and did not respond, but just put the High Priest order and the blood spirit Hall Master Ling Du put it away.

What is trifling 300 million blood points? I am going to hoho everyone in the entire Gourmet Demon Temple once, and I can pit one by one!

This is a good thing that can make money and deceive people. Feng Yixiu has always been happy...

Feng Yixiu and Niu Tau Palace Lord and the others exchanged greetings for a long time, and then again At the invitation of the Palace Lord, Niutou came to the gluttonous palace to have a big banquet.

This time the banquet can be said to have gathered all the big figures in the Gourmet Demon Temple, and everyone rushed to toast Feng Yixiu.

Feng Yixiu just left the gluttony palace after he was satiated and satiated, many veterans of the gluttony demon hall Feng Yixiu surrounded Tuantuan.

"Master Hall Master, can you help me write a spiritual research plan if you are tired, the price is easy to say!"

"Go go go! Obviously Lao Tzu asked first , You can go to the back for me to line up!"

"As long as Hall Master is willing to write a spiritual research plan for me, the old man is willing to give a billion blood points!"

… …

Almost all the elders of the Gourmet Demon Temple rushed over. They didn't dare to mention it just now at the banquet. They were all overwhelmed as soon as they left Gourmet Palace.

After all, everyone wants to become stronger, even if it spends a huge amount of blood points...

Of course, Feng Yixiu will not refuse all those who come. All the spiritual research task books prepared by the elders have been accepted.

The lowest realm among these veterans is also Level 7 ninth rank Battle Spirit, most of them are Level 8 Battle Spirit powerhouse, which can be said to be the mainstay of the Gourmet Demon Temple.

As long as Feng Yixiu pits all of these people, the future attack on the Demon Temple of Gourmet Demon can be said to be as easy as blowing off dust......

After some flattering , Everyone left alone, only Feng Yixiu and Sylvia, and Gongsun Rang stayed in place.

Gongsun Rang saw that Feng Yixiu had received a stack of task books, and exclaimed: "Don't you choose it?"

The general Spirit Master is accepting the task of researching spirits. At the time, they will carefully screen whether it is possible to complete, but Feng Yixiu does not take care of the order.

Feng Yixiu waved his hand, indifferently said: "What's so good about this, Mister Sun may be looking at the task of spiritual research, but in my eyes, these are all tickets!"

Gongsun was blinded, and involuntarily extended his thumb, said solemnly: "Expert is expert, and the profoundness of thought is not understandable by ordinary spiritual masters like us."

Feng Yixiu With a smile, he took away all the tasks of researching spirits, said with a slight smile: "Where is this Spirit Hall? Please also ask the male Mister Sun to lead the way..."

"Please follow me! "

Gongsun Rang immediately led the way, and Feng Yixiu and Sylvia immediately followed along.

Feng Yixiu came to the immediately of the Blood Spirit Hall and took over all the work of Hall Master with Gongsun Rang.

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