Gongsun Rang announced his abdication and became the Vice Hall Master. At the beginning, he was still a little unsure, so the Spirit Master was obviously dissatisfied. However, after Feng Yixiu showed his ability a little, the Blood Spirit Hall all The Spirit Master is convinced.

"sorry...These people of mine have been with me for many years. I saw that you were naturally a little uncomfortable for a while. They should be honest now."

Gongsunrang consciously sat in the guest seat on the side and gave the main seat to Feng Yixiu, who then entered the office.

Feng Yixiu naturally sat on the main seat, and Sylvia stood silently behind Feng Yixiu.

"From now on, you will be the Hall Master of the Blood Spirit Hall. I hope you can make the Blood Spirit Hall of the Gourmet Demon Hall stronger and stronger." Gongsun let said with a slight smile.

"Don’t worry, Mister Sun, I’ve heard the Palace Lord say before that Long Family seems to have shipped a lot of true Dragon Crystal cores to us?" Feng Yixiu said casually .

"It is true. At the time, Patriarch Long transported all the true Dragon Crystal cores in the Dragon Tomb here. The Eldest Young Master of the Long Family exchanged half of the true Dragon Crystal cores for blood points, and gluttonous us One of the Supreme Treasures of the Demon Temple, the Gourmet Demon Orb has been exchanged away." Gongsun Rang responded truthfully.

"Oh...putting it that way Long Family all the true Dragon Crystal cores are stored in our place?" Feng Yixiu continued to ask.

"Yes, this batch of true Dragon Crystal cores are of great importance. The Long Family is afraid of getting into trouble, so they have shipped all the true Dragon Crystal cores to us. Half of them belong to us. Half of them belong to the Long Family." Gongsun let said solemnly.

"so that's how it is, I recently wanted to study the evolution plan of the real dragon Battle Spirit. It may require a lot of real dragon Battle Spirit to do research. Can I exchange some real Dragon Crystal cores?" Feng Yixiu asked tentatively.

"Hall Master joked, most people are indeed not eligible to redeem the true Dragon Crystal core, but now you are the Hall Master of the Blood Spirit Hall, and the treasures in the Hidden Treasure Pavilion are all under your supervision. Won the love of the Palace Lord, those veterans who guard the Hidden Treasure Pavilion will also give you face!" Gongsun Rang said seriously.

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and continued: "You just said that half of the true Dragon Crystal cores belong to Long Family. What if someone asks me for it? I don’t know which ones are ours. , Which ones are theirs..."

"Hey...these all are trivial things, I have some bills and contracts here. Each batch of real Dragon Crystal cores above has detailed records, absolutely not It's wrong."

Gongsunrang immediately searched in the office for a while, and immediately found some bills and contracts, and then handed them to Feng Yixiu.

Feng Yixiu took a closer look and saw that the person who signed the final signature was Long Xiao!

Sure enough, for such an important thing, Long Xiao would definitely not trust others to do it. All the procedures are done by him himself.

But he absolutely didn't expect that these bills and contracts would fall into Feng Yixiu's hands. This is an ironclad proof!

"Mister Sun really does not one drop of water can leak out, so I can rest assured..." Feng Yixiu flipped the palm of his hand and took back some of the contracts and bills. In the ring.

"You just wrote a few more spiritual research plans. That idea is like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies. I was stunned. Can you explain to me again? Fan?" Gongsun let said with a smile.

"This is not in a hurry. In the future, we will have the opportunity to explore and study Dao of Spirit together." Feng Yixiu smiled and put out the book, and continued: "I also heard the Palace Lord say that our gluttony demon temple is in addition to gluttony. In addition to the Supreme Treasure of the Magic Orb, there is another Supreme Treasure, the Holy Spirit Treasure Code?"

"Yes, the Holy Spirit Treasure Code is our most precious treasure of the Gourmet Demon Temple. However, the exchange price is too expensive, and it needs to be recognized by the Gourmet Demon Orb before it can be used, so it has not been exchanged." Gongsun Rang explained.

"Too expensive? How expensive can it be?" Feng Yixiu brows lightly raise, said with a slight smile.

"The Holy Spirit Treasure canon must be at or above the High Priest level to be eligible for redemption, and the required blood points are 500 million!" Gongsun made his face heavy and continued: "And the redemption price of the gluttonous magic beads is equal to The blood Spirit Treasure code is the same, the same is also 500 million, and the two together reach one billion blood points!"


Sylvia behind Feng Yixiu I was sucked in a cold breath when I heard this astronomical figure.

No wonder no one has exchanged these two treasures for so many years, but it is really impossible to exchange them!

This is the Long Family rich and imposing, so I am willing to exchange a large number of true Dragon Crystal cores into blood points, and exchange the gluttonous magic beads away.

But they have not exchanged the Holy Spirit Treasure Code. The only probability is that they cannot afford the price...

One billion blood points, who can Can stand it!

Sylvia has only saved more than one million blood spots for so many years, and one billion can't even think about it.

"Five hundred million is indeed a bit expensive, but it's okay..." Feng Yixiu muttered to himself.

"Listen to what you mean? This is about preparing to redeem the Holy Spirit Treasure Code?"

Gongsun Rang originally thought that Feng Yixiu would retire, but he never thought of Feng Yixiu. Facing difficulties!

But if most people say this, they will definitely be joking, but Feng Yixiu may really have this capital.

Feng Yixiu's blood spot has now exceeded 300 million, and the distance of 500 million is not too far. It can be said that the distance can be reached as long as you step on the feet.

"Yes, since there is such a treasure, as a blood Spirit Master, there is no reason not to fight for it." Feng Yixiu said loudly.

"But now whereabouts is unknown, it’s useless if you get this Holy Spirit Treasure Tome. This can only be used on the basis of having a gluttony orb, and it is still possible to use it if it is not available. If the gluttonous Devil Orb is approved, it will be useless to get both." Gongsun Rang explained patiently.

"This is not a problem, I think the gluttony magic beads will pay the surface of the water sooner or later." Feng Yixiu casually said, and immediately said with a slight smile: "Mister Sun, you Let me first tell me how to redeem the Holy Spirit Treasure Code..."

"If you follow the normal procedures, to redeem this highest level of treasure, you must declare the Palace Lord, and then go through layers of approval. But you don't have to be so troublesome. Just say hello to the Palace Lord big brother. I guess the veteran of Hidden Treasure Pavilion will not dare to stop you." Gongsun Rang said seriously.

"Well...I have completed all these spiritual research tasks first these days. I must trifling 500 million blood points without a problem." Feng Yixiu said to himself.

"Then you are busy first, and I will leave first. You can call me as soon as you have any instructions." Gongsunrang slowly exited the office.

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