"Master Hall Master, then I will retire."

Seeing Gongsun Rang quit the office, Sylvia was ready to follow in his footsteps.

"Sister Wei Ya, why are you so different from me..." Feng Yixiu said with a slight smile.

"You are now High Priest, and you are still the Hall Master of the Blood Spirit Hall, I can't call you Little Junior Sister..." Sylvia turned her head back slowly and said softly.

"What's wrong with this, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid I don't have today. I haven't thanked you well yet." Feng Yixiu said very seriously.

"I didn't help you for your gratitude, but seeing you reminded me of someone." Silvia said softly.

"who?" Feng Yixiu said curiously.

"A little human girl, if it weren't for her, I'm afraid I wouldn't live today." Sylvia's eyes rippled, as if she was thinking of something sad.

"Oh? You are an immortal devil beast, what do you have to do with a little human girl?" Feng Yixiu was even more interested.

"I was not born as an immortal devil beast. Well, in fact, I was just a white cotton snake in the zoo a long time ago. I was supposed to live a carefree life, but suddenly There was a mutation. At that time, all the animals in the zoo were disposed of, but my breeder risked being punished and secretly released me. That breeder was also a little human girl..." West Wei Ya whispered.

"How about that little girl now?" Feng Yixiu asked.

"It has been more than a hundred years, what do you think?" Silvia asked rhetorically.

"Well...when I didn't ask." Feng Yixiu touched his chin a little awkwardly.

"At that time, I often sneaked back to find her, but as my body grew bigger and bigger, I had no choice but to withdraw from the scope of human activities and came to live in the wild isolation area. Then I never saw it again." Silvia whispered.

"But then how did you enter the Hall of Gourmet Demon?" Feng Yixiu then asked.

"I thought I could be a little calmer in the wild isolation zone, but didn't expect the devil beast's world to be more cruel. Only by getting stronger can it not be eaten by the devil beast, but These are not worth mentioning in terms of the dangers humans bring to me." Sylvia said solemnly, her eyes burning.

"If you guessed correctly, you should have been targeted by a human powerhouse?" Feng Yixiu brows tightly knit.

"Yes, I have never hurt a human being on the path of evolution, but I don't know why they always wanted to kill me. In desperation, I can only join the Hall of Gourmet Demon." Sivia sighed. road.

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu was also lost in thought. He didn't know how to answer this question.

It is undeniable that most of the devil beasts are brutal, but there are also a few devil beasts that are very gentle, but they are also driven to a dead end by the Human Race powerhouse.

"After I joined the Hall of Gourmet Demon, I was unwilling to perform missions to fight humans. As a result, many Bounty Missions were unable to do so, and the accumulation of blood spots was relatively slow for so many years." Sylvia bitterly laughed, indifferently said.

"I mean, with your strength, you shouldn't be just a low-level priest..." Feng Yixiu suddenly realized.

"Hey...I really envy you. I can redeem so many blood points with a pen. Unfortunately, I'm too stupid. I can write like a snake. I simply can't learn this." Sylvia Sighed.

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, and immediately took out his High Priest Order, and then performed some operations, transferring 50 million blood points to Sylvia.

"You...what are you doing?" Sylvia asked in surprise after seeing Feng Yixiu's movements.

"This is what you deserve, and you must not postpone it." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and said indifferently.

"But this is too much...I can't finish it." Sylvia was a little worried.

"That's your business, but I want to remind you that you'd better spend it quickly within a month!" Feng Yixiu revealed a mysterious smile and said softly.

"One month, but why?" Silvia asked somewhat incomprehensibly.

"Don't ask, anyway, you can finish spending as soon as possible." Feng Yixiu did not answer directly, and immediately asked: "If there is an opportunity, would you like to return to the zoo?"

"The zoo is so nice...Every day it packs food and accommodation. If it's okay, you can bask in the sun. How comfortable! Why not?" Silvia pouted slightly, wondering.

"It turned out to be like this...I thought those animals shouldn't like to be in the zoo." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and said indifferently.

"Compared with the wilderness area, the zoo is a paradise! But maybe I met a good breeder. As for the other animals, I don’t know what they think... …" Silvia said to herself.

"Then you will treat me as a breeder...I don't have a bad money anyway." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and said indifferently.

"Then I'm welcome! Senior Sister will go shopping at Hidden Treasure Pavilion first!" Sylvia looked at the High Priest order she shook with some excitement, and then turned into a ray of light. Disappeared in the office.

Feng Yixiu lay reclining on the seat, looked at the ceiling blankly and thought for a long time, muttering to himself: "When did the complete break between mankind and devil beast begin? "

He vaguely remembers the history of the ancient times, and there are still many devil beasts standing on the side of humans. The battle of heaven shaking, earth shattering is not all a battle between humans and devil beasts. Also has the help of devil beast.

And the devil beasts are not all devil beasts in the crowd. They also have the help of the Spirit Master of human blood. The two are not completely opposed.

But now human beings and devil beasts are in the same situation, it is impossible to stand on the same front at all.

Rao is a kind devil beast like Silvia who was forced to join the crowd. This is really worthy of human reflection...

After two hours, Feng Yixiu I worked up again and started to take out all the Bounty Missions.

These Bounty Missions cover almost all the core backbones of the Hall of Gourmet Demon, the Elders of the Blood Blade Hall, and the several consecrations of the Hall of Worship are all included.

A total of more than ten points of Bounty Mission, although they can't get the price as high as the Bull Head Palace Lord, but it is also a great generosity of tens of millions.

If these Bounty Missions add up, they have reached nearly 500 million blood points. Coupled with the blood points that Feng Yixiu originally possessed, he has become the well-deserved richest man in the hall of gluttony!

I am afraid that the combined assets of Palace Lord and Vice Palace Lord are not as strong as Feng Yixiu...

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