Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, flipped his palm slightly, and two volumes of blueprint appeared in his hand.

Slowly place two blueprints on the conference table and unfold them. It is the Terrain Map and the deployment map of the gluttony Underground City.

Each location is marked in great detail. It took Feng Yixiu a full month to complete it.

"Good boy! It didn't disappoint me!" Ye Ming looked at the two blueprints and was overjoyed for a while.

He understands the function of these two blueprints better than anyone else. As long as there are two things, the difficulty of attacking the Demon Temple of Gourmet is directly reduced by half!

"I will now let my subordinates copy these two blueprints, and then let the Ministers of the Fire Department and the Wind Department distribute them." Ye Ming also knew that time was precious, and immediately prepared to act.

"Wait a minute!" Feng Yixiu stopped Ye Ming.

"What's wrong?" Ye Ming was also stunned, with some doubts.

"The two pieces of confidential information cannot be distributed now, lest it beat the grass to scare the snake..." Feng Yixiu's eyes were deep, indifferently said.

"Do you mean that you are afraid of the enemy's undercover in the Wind Department and the Fire Department?" Ye Ming reacted immediately.

Feng Yixiu nodded, said solemnly: "Yes, there must be undercover agents in the East China headquarters, and there are more than one."

Ye Ming was also lost in thought, frowned: "Nayi What do you think you should do now?"

"Apart from the East China headquarters, are there other helpers for this time operation?" Feng Yixiu asked in a low voice.

"Marshal Luo has always been worried about your safety. He has been at the East China headquarters these days. Several Captains from the Wind Department and the Fire Department have also arrived. They should be coming here now. "Ye Ming said truthfully.

"Well, there is still some time before the action time. Let's wait for them to come and hold a combat meeting." Feng Yixiu said seriously.

"Okay!" Ye Ming repeatedly nodded and said.


In half an hour.

Luo Xingyun led the elite of the Feng Department to arrive, the Minister of the Feng Department Zhong Limei, and several other Captains all arrived.

Without much time for greetings, Feng Yixiu immediately launched an emergency combat meeting under the call of Feng Yixiu.

The protagonist of the combat meeting at this time is obviously Feng Yixiu, and Marshal Luo and Marshal Ye are sitting on both sides, and then the minister and each Captain.

Zhong Limei also greeted enthusiastically when he saw Feng Yixiu, and said softly: "Xiaofeng, long time no see!"

She hasn't seen Feng for a long time. Yixiu, I didn't expect to meet again in this way.

Feng Yixiu's growth rate is also amazingly fast, whether it is the honor or the strength that can be used to describe incredible...

But what surprised him most was the battle this time At the meeting, with the presence of Marshal Ye and Marshal Luo, Feng Yixiu turned out to be in charge of the battle.

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and whispered: "Minister Zhong, long time no see..."

Marshal Luo glanced at Zhong Limei and whispered: "It's now during the combat meeting. , It’s related to a major battle, don’t talk about personal matters."

"As you bid!"

Zhong Limei is nodded, and his expression becomes serious.

"The commander-in-chief of this annihilation operation is Feng Yixiu, and his order is the order of Marshal Luo and me. If anyone dares to violate it, military law will deal with it!"

Marshal Luo takes the lead Standing up, under some remarks, those who were whispering were immediately suppressed.

Feng Yixiu stood up slowly, said solemnly: "Many thanks, the love of the two marshals can make me the commander-in-chief of this battle, but before the meeting opens, I have to get rid of a few Only assholes..."

tone barely fell, the whispers that had just been suppressed sounded again, and everyone's reaction was different.

Most people’s expressions are very surprised, while some are a little flustered...

The third place after Ye Ming is sitting on the top 30 seats. A year-old woman, she is Captain Liang Meng from the first team of the East China Air Force, but her expression is surprisingly shocked, as if she is deliberately suppressing her emotions.

Feng Yixiu's sharp eyes scanned in front of everyone present, and finally stopped in Liang Meng's direction.

For a while, everyone noticed that Feng Yixiu's eyes were a little unusual, and immediately looked towards Liang Meng.

Liang Meng didn’t panic at all, indifferently said: "Commander Feng, what do you mean by looking at me like this? Is it possible that doubt me?"

Feng Yixiu Shook the head with a smile, indifferently said: "I don't doubt you, but make sure that you are the undercover of the horrendous people..."

"hahaha...It's a joke, I am the Captain of the East China Air Ministry The time spent is much longer than you, and there are countless blood Spirit Masters killed. Why do you doubt me?" Liang Meng's tone was still very determined.

"hehe...it’s because I have your name on the list in my hand!" Feng Yixiu has a list of appear out of thin air, "this list is based on the reward order in the Gourmet Demon Temple. Can you explain to me, why is there no you on it?"

Suddenly, Liang Meng, who was very calm just now, showed a little panic in his eyes, and his sitting posture became very stiff. .

"hmph...Who knows if the list in your hand is fake or not, I also suspect that you are a spy sent by the Gourmet Demon Temple! You obviously want to cause civil unrest, and then introduce us into the long-established setting Good trap!" Liang Meng stood up abruptly and pointed angrily at Feng Yixiu angrily roared.

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately aroused intense discussion among many people, especially among the members of the East China Ministry of Wind.

Liang Captain has been serving in East China for many years. Normally, there is nothing unusual about it. How can one believe that he is a blood Spirit Master undercover!

If Captain Liang’s guess is correct, then it is very likely that this battle is walking right into a trap...

This has not yet officially launched the operation, Feng Yixiu, the general manager The identity of the commander was questioned, which was undoubtedly a very unfavorable situation.

"Shut up all!" Ye Ming yelled abruptly, and the violent spiritual pressure covered the audience, instantly quieting the entire Conference Hall.

Only Liang Meng stood with an angry face, his eyes looking towards Feng Yixiu could almost burst into flames.

Luo Xingyun glanced at Liang Meng coldly, coldly said: "Now I'll give you three seconds to sit down, otherwise I don't mind letting you stand forever does not raise."

Liang Meng just glanced at Luo Xingyun, only to feel like being pierced by Ten Thousand Swords Piercing the Heart, and he felt a trace of coolness on his back, and sat down with a ghostly spirit.

Feng Yixiu then continued to open the mouth and said: "Since I dare to speak out in public, there is naturally a way to test it. The reason why you cannot test the authenticity of the blood Spirit Master is because of the high level of blood. Spirit Master's superb camouflage techniques, but these methods are used to deal with Battle Spirit Master, can not prevent the blood Spirit Master!"

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