In an instant, Liang Meng's entire face turned green, his fists were clenched, and the whole person was trembling slightly.

"As long as I transfer the demonic energy into the Mingmen acupoint, I will be able to resonate with the demonic energy, when the time comes, are you a blood Spirit Master? Of course it is obvious at a glance!"

While speaking, Feng Yixiu’s fingertips condense a trace of demonic energy, step by step moved towards Liang Meng.

Liang Meng's forehead was already oozing cold sweat, and his heart was about to jump out, and he could no longer withstand such a huge pressure.

I saw that she was like a leopard that had been charged for a long time, suddenly bounced from the seat, moved towards the window closest to her rushed past.

Although her speed is very fast, she is not as fast as Luo Xingyun's Star God sword!

Several swords were light flashed but not, before Liang Meng rushed out the window, he had frozen his feet.

The three-divided Star God sword pierced both the soles of her feet, and a sword was already placed on her neck, and she could easily take her life in an instant.

When everyone saw Liang Meng running away, they already understood the truth, and immediately everyone surrounded him.

Feng Yixiu volleyed a finger, wrapped in pure demonic energy and hit the opponent's Mingmen acupoint.

Sure enough, Liang Meng's spiritual power began to appear in chaos, the originally pure Spiritual Qi began to become muddy, and the magic patterns unique to the Demon Hall of Gourmet were all over the body.

In the end, Liang Meng became a Spirit Venerable with blood exuding surging demonic energy!

"It turned out to be a blood Spirit Master! Oh my god..."

"This is too afraid right?! She has been playing in the East China headquarters for nearly ten years. Ah..."

"No wonder we have been in a passive situation, this guy must be making a ghost!"


Everyone started to discuss spiritedly Get up and look at Liang Meng's eyes full of hatred and disgust.

Ye Ming's face also turned green, coldly said: "Didn't expect the core cadres of the East China headquarters actually have the other party's undercover, and I have been kept in the dark!"

Luo Xingyun comforted: "Marshal Ye is not to blame, if it weren't for Commander Feng pointed out, I wouldn't be able to see it. The enemy is dark, we are bright, only blame them for being too cunning..."

"hahaha..." Liang Meng gradually gave a sneer, looking very strange, "What if you pull me out? You just want to attack the Demon Hall of Gourmet, you just don't know what you can do!"

Feng Yixiu said with a sneer: "If I didn't guess wrong, did you reveal the location of Roland and Luo Xueer?"

"he he he ... yes again How about? Those two idiots should have been tortured to death long ago!" Liang Meng whispered.

"It's really you! But unfortunately, your wishful thinking didn't succeed, and they will return safely after today." Feng Yixiu's eyes gradually became indifferent, said separately: "Take her to me take along to withdraw, watch carefully!"

"As you bid!"

The guards responsible for maintaining order put Liang Meng in shackles and took him to the dungeon.

When the scene was in chaos, the second Captain of the Central China Fire Department was about to take advantage of the chaos to leave, but Feng Yixiu spotted him.

"Yao Captain, you are in a meeting now, you can't leave without permission!" Feng Yixiu said loudly.

Suddenly, Yao Captain's movements were obviously taken aback, and his stiff body slowly turned around.

"Commander Feng, I have a stomachache, go to the toilet and be back soon!" Yao Captain said with a slight smile.

Yao Captain has a standard square-faced, as well as the honest appearance of this strong feature, it doesn't look like a cunning blood Spirit Master.

Feng Yixiu indifferently said: "It is a very time now. If you flee without permission, don't you not confess?"

"What are you kidding me? Everyone is like me. Clearly, how is it possible to join the Blood Spirit Master!" Yao Captain said furiously.

"In that case, please come to me. If I wronged you, I will apologize to you in public!" Feng Yixiu's tone was also very tough.

"hmph...who is afraid of whom! Anyway, I have a clear conscience!"

Yao Captain actually moved towards Feng Yixiu and walked over, the posture looks very good Have confidence.

Just when everyone thought it was Feng Yixiu who made a mistake in judgment, Yao Captain broke out when he was only one meter away from Feng Yixiu!

The violent demonic energy exploded unabashedly, a scarlet dagger was held in his palm by his backhand, and moved towards Feng Yixiu's heart like a cheetah!

But Feng Yixiu had already been prepared, the Primal Chaos Demon sword hidden behind him just blocked the opponent's offensive, and kicked it out with a sharp kick.

Yao Captain was subdued by everyone before he stood up. Everyone felt their heads humming...

They couldn’t believe their judgment now. , Yao Captain, who has always been known as a bad guy, is also a blood Spirit Master? !

Shen Ruyu immediately moved towards Feng Yixiu and walked over and whispered: "Big Brother Feng, are you not hurt?"

Feng Yixiu shook the head with a smile, indifferently said: "I have been prepared, so he can't hurt me..."

Marshal Luo looked at Yao Captain who was subdued, and whispered: "didn't expect that we also have spies in Central China. You are really you can't guard against it!"

"Damn Feng Yixiu, I want you to die without a burial site!" Yao Captain glared at Feng Yixiu, wishing to tear it apart.

Feng Yixiu said with a sneer: "Incompetent barking! Take along to withdraw!"

With these two lessons, everyone once again looked towards Feng Yixiu and their eyes filled Respect and admiration.

Feng Yixiu has also completely obtained the command of the two coalition forces in East China and Central China. Regardless of their status, they all obey Feng Yixiu's words.

In this combat meeting, Feng Yixiu removed a total of three high-level undercover agents from the three blood Spirit Masters, and left the situation in the remaining headquarters to be resolved later.

After all hidden dangers are eliminated, Feng Yixiu will begin to deploy the battle plan. Almost every Captain will have a Terrain Map and a deployment map.

"In this battle, everyone must grasp the time. After twelve o'clock, the enemy's strength will be greatly reduced. Then it will be our best time to attack!" Feng Yixiu said solemnly.

Feng Yixiu nodded, Minister of East China Wind Department, suddenly raised her hand, and then she began to speak: "Can I ask the specific reason?"

"The specific reason is me It’s not convenient to say more, but after twelve o’clock, all the backbone of the Gourmet Demon Temple will gradually degenerate. At that time, there will be riots. Then it will be the best time for us to attack." Feng Yixiu said with a serious face.

For a while, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. This statement is also too evil...

All the backbones are all degraded, it is really possible Does this happen?

"This time the commander-in-chief is Feng Yixiu, everyone must strictly implement the military order, including me and Marshal Ye!" Luo Xingyun calmed the scene with a word.

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