"Commander Wind, even if you arrange the battle according to your ideas, Marshal Ye and I will assume full responsibility if there is a problem. You must not have a psychological burden." Ye Ming also agreed.

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, and felt a lot more at ease in his heart. If it weren't for the help of the two marshals, he would be a bit vain.

After all, there are almost all elites here, most of them are Battle Spirit powerhouses, as well as their previous bosses in Central China. It is impossible to say that they are not nervous...

Completely After relaxing, Feng Yixiu began to conduct detailed War Section, and divided his troops to various important locations in Taotie Underground City.

Among them, Minister Zhong led a team to attack the Blood Blade Hall, and Minister Huan Ji led a team to attack the Hall of Worship.

The Minister of Fire Department of Central China went to the gluttonous dungeon to save people, and the Minister of Fire Department of East China went to the Underground Colosseum to rescue the people in the dark dungeon.

Feng Yixiu specially asked to pay attention to the two sisters Roland and Luo Xueer, as well as the younger sister of Bai Yuan, and gave the photo to the head of the Ministry of Fire.

The most important gluttonous palace is led by Marshal Ye and Marshal Luo. Feng Yixiu is also among the most important team.

"Does everyone understand?"

After Feng Yixiu arranged all the combat tasks, loudly said.


Everyone yelled in unison, the sound shook the sky.


Feng Yixiu gave an order, except for the two marshals, Shen Ruyu and Silvia, everyone disappeared in the Conference Hall instantly.

Marshal Luo pondered for a moment, and whispered: "Commander, this Long Family is an unstable factor. I will not send someone to stabilize it. I am afraid that there will be some changes."

hearing this, Feng Yixiu also realized this, and meditated: "Marshal Luo said that, but now our manpower is really stretched..."

"Hey... this time Suddenly in the battle, we don't have time to wait for the support of other marshals. Time is not and the others." Marshal Ye also sighed.

"Long Family, let me go over there!"

Suddenly, Silvia walked over seriously.

"Sister Wei Ya, there is a Han Wu guard over the Long Family, he is the Battle Spirit emperor, try not to conflict, just keep them steady." Feng Yixiu did not refuse, said solemnly.

"This is my marshal order, presumably that Han Wu has not been confused to that point. Seeing what the marshal order It shouldn't be does." Marshal Ye handed over the marshal order at his waist. Sylvia.

Sylvia took the token, said with a slight smile: "Many thanks to your trust, I won't let you down......"


There is still half an hour before 12 noon.

The Battle Spirit coalition has silently controlled all the transmission points and cracked the complicated rune of Transmission Formation.

Feng Yixiu has been looking at his watch, waiting for the planned battle time to arrive.

"Start action!"

The time was accurate to milliseconds, and Feng Yixiu used the intercom between Captain to give orders.

For a time, all the hidden Transmission Formation in the entire Azure Dragon City became one after another beam of light, heading straight into the sky!

Tens of thousands of Battle Spirit coalition forces arrived at Taotie Underground City almost at the same time, and immediately began combat operations.

It is worthy of being a professional Combat Unit. The efficiency of action is extremely high. Everyone is like a sophisticated combat machine, instantly gaining an advantage.

There are many traps in the gluttonous Underground City, but those who have Terrain Map simply cannot touch these traps, and can attack the weakest place of the opponent through the deployment map.

In just ten minutes, the entire gluttony Underground City was quickly occupied by most, and those blood Spirit Masters simply didn't have much room for resistance.

One of the big reasons is that today is the day when the magic dragon Legion was established. Most of the elites all went to the altar in the Gourmet Palace to participate in selection activities.

The Battle Spirit Legion carried by each minister can be said to be like a hot knife through butter, and go to various important locations that need to be conquered according to the plan.

The main force led by Luo Xingyun and Ye Ming is even more unstoppable. The Star God sword array can be said to be in full view.

Luo Xingyun controls thousands of Star God sword qi covering thousands of meters. The main force is already in the end before it arrives!

The power of Sword God is terrifying!

Ye Ming specializes in dealing with those hard bones that can withstand the Star God sword. The Eight Desolation is more like a bulldozer. The sharp sharp horn can easily pierce the level 8 blood Spirit Venerable magic armor. !

It can be said that the Eight Desolates have achieved offensive and defensive integration, acting as a giant tank. When they encounter the steel city wall, they will directly hit it directly. It is simply a violent aesthetic!

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu are stupid on the sky blue jade dragon, they simply don’t need to do it, these two marshals are too fierce!


The gluttonous altar.

"What the hell is going on?" The Bull Head Palace Lord also felt the violent vibration of the ground, and suddenly stood up from the throne.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay for a while, most of them here are young blood Spirit Master elites, and they don't know what happened.

These people can be said to be the future of the Gourmet Demon Temple. They came to participate in the selection ceremony of the magic dragon Legion, but they did not expect unexpected situations to happen.

"Not good...major event is not good!"

A bloodied Spirit Master stumbled over and knelt in front of the Bull Head Palace Lord.

"How many times has the deity told you, don't panic in case of trouble, how decent you are!" The Vice Palace Lord calmly sat on the vice throne, coldly said.

"But... but the Battle Spirit coalition forces have already fought over, and most of our fortresses have been lost. It is estimated that they will come to us soon!" Bloody Spirit Master said loudly.

"What! How many people are there in total?" Niutou Palace Lord brows tightly knit, asked.

"I'm not quite clear either, but they came from all directions. They seem to know us well, and they are focused on attacking the weak points of our defense. They are totally unstoppable! And I still see Arrived at East China Marshal and Central China Marshal also rushed over." Blood Spirit Master said in a panic.

"Damn it! Someone must have leaked important information!"

Niutou Palace Lord glanced around and found that neither Sivia nor Feng Yixiu had come.

He clearly remembered that he had invited Feng Yixiu and Sylvia to the show, so there must be some tricks before such an important day.

"Where are Li Xiufeng and Sylvia?" Niutou Palace Lord asked immediately.

"You sent someone to investigate before, but you didn't find the two of them. They seemed to disappear suddenly..." a guard replied tremblingly.

"These two traitors! I want you to die without a burial site!" The Bull Head Palace Lord raised the sky angrily roared.

"It's not the time to entangle these things. People are calling. We can't submit to humiliation, right?" Vice Palace Lord said coldly.

"hmph...there are only two marshals who dare to attack us, I think they are tired of living!" The Bull Head Palace Lord laughed disdainfully.

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