Feng Yixiu looked at the devil beast in front of him and found that it was indeed very similar to the gluttony on Totem, but there were still some slight differences.

After scanning the data, it was found that the glutton in front of me was a Sovereign-level devil beast, and there was no breakthrough Sovereign-level devil beast to become a legendary grade devil beast.

Sovereign-level gluttony has been terrifying in this way. If it can successfully evolve into Legendary Grade devil beast, it is hard to imagine how powerful it will become!

When the two marshals Luo Xingyun and Ye Ming saw the gluttonous food in front of them, they did not react for a long time. This was a situation that no one had expected at all.

They have never seen the real Four Great Vicious Beasts. Normally, at most, they can see it from information and ancient books, but this is completely different from what they see with their own eyes.

This kind of oppression force from Life Source makes everyone feel the ultimate fear, and the heart is about to jump out of the throat.

But the two marshals are people who have seen the world after all, and the burden on their shoulders does not allow them to retreat. The first reaction is to attack the gluttony!

Marshal Ye Ming was the first to bear the brunt.

Luo Xingyun also followed closely from behind to launch an attack. His attack on Gourmet from above was so fast that only a series of golden flashes could be seen.

Feng Yixiu watched the two marshals attack the gluttonous food, and felt a sweat for them, but also knew that if possible, now is the best time to eliminate the gluttonous food.

If you wait until the gluttonous seal is completely lifted, when it becomes a Legendary Grade devil beast, then I am afraid that no one will be able to resist the gluttonous Demon Venerable at that time!

But after Feng Yixiu scanned the gluttonous data just now, he discovered a desperate fact that gluttony, one of the four evils, has no weaknesses.

Its vitals are hidden in its abdomen, but its abdomen is the most terrifying place, which can swallow everything in the world, just like a real bottomless pit.

This means that if you want to defeat gluttonous food, there is no shortcut other than relying on strong strength...

"Wild Spike!"

Ye Ming shouted furiously, and Bahuang's body was wrapped in the dark attribute aura of purple, and the position of his head turned into a sharp horn sword that was as dark as ink.

The destructive power is even more amazing!

In the face of such an offensive, Taotie stretched out his huge blood claws, slowly moved towards the rushing Bahuang Xiongsi swept over.

But it was this seemingly casually slap that actually knocked the horrendous horrors out of the sky!

Ye Ming jumped up to a hundred meters before the Eight Desolate Wildernesses were knocked into flight. He raised the Promise Warhammer in his hands with both hands, and the whole person was spinning like a Wind-Fire Wheel.

"The sky-shaking blow!"

Wuji Warhammer unreservedly hit the gluttonous head with an unreserved one, and even made a dull metal crash!

Glutton’s huge body actually began to gradually tilt back, but it was only a few steps back...

"Gluttonous feast!"

Only Seeing Taotie shook his somewhat groggy head, he let out a roar that resounded through Heaven and Earth.

The violent and harsh sound waves aroused ten thousand zhang lava waves, like a volcanic eruption, and the lava fire column soared into the sky!

Countless lava began to move towards the vortex in the belly of the gluttony, and a gradually increasing gravitational vortex began to spread out...

Everything in the entire gluttony demon hall cannot escape This terrifying vortex is like an endless black hole.

The attraction to the nearest Ye Ming is the strongest. For a while, I feel that my body is involuntarily attracted to the past.

Although he tried his best to escape this gravitational force, there was still not much effect. He moved towards the lava vortex little by little.

The gluttonous belly is like a melting pot that can swallow and smelt everything. Many Spirit Masters with lower realm blood are sucked into it and they are completely annihilated before they even make a scream.

Some Battle Spirit Masters who were relatively close also wailed for a while, and used their spiritual weapon to insert their spiritual weapon into the ground to delay time.

But even the entire altar is almost swallowed up. It’s just a matter of time before they are swallowed up by gluttony...

Just when everyone felt desperate, a golden drop fell from the sky. The waterfall slashed and completely divided the gluttonous food from the middle into two.

The vortex on the gluttonous belly gradually stopped turning, Luo Xingyun's complexion did not change easily, but instead he drove the golden wings Tianyun sculpture into a dive to pull Ye Ming up, and then quickly left the altar.

Because he noticed that the gluttonous life force did not pass quickly, and the beating sound of the heart was still strong and powerful.

"Everyone leave the altar, hurry up!" Luo Xingyun's voice seemed a little flustered.

Even without Marshal Luo's reminder, they will immediately leave the gluttonous altar, because gluttony is too terrifying.

All Battle Spirit Masters fled madly from the scope of the altar. Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu were no exception. They immediately ordered everyone to leave.

As soon as Feng Yixiu and Luo Xingyun and the others left the altar, they turned their heads and saw gluttonous flesh and blood surging in the gradually separated body, but it was a moment again. Merged together, the slash just now did not cause any harm to him.

"gu lu..."

Everyone shook their throats involuntarily looking at the gluttonous gluttony that was intact.

This life force is too terrifying, so they can't kill it completely, and they don't know how to kill it.

Tao Tie didn't seem to dare to go out of the lava blood pool. After sending out an angry roar, he used a flexible fire tail to roll up the stunned Bull Head Palace Lord.

"Damn human beings, dare to ruin my major event. Sooner or later this deity will swallow all of you!"

After saying that, the gluttonous glutton plunged into the lava blood pool, a piece of The chaotic altar gradually returned to tranquility, except for a few scattered stone slabs floating on the lava.

Everyone fell into silence for a while, no one dared to go to the side of the altar to check, and the gluttonous magic power just now has been terrified by many people.

Feng Yixiu glanced around and found that the main force he brought was about one-sixth less, and many Battle Spirit Masters had already been swallowed by gluttony.

The atmosphere inevitably becomes a little dignified, but compared to the loss of the Battle Spirit Alliance, the loss of the Gourmet Demon Temple is irreversible.

This time their old lair was directly put away in a pot, and the Vice Palace Lord was also captured. All the blood Spirit Masters were all down...

Luo Xingyunpatted Feng Yixiu's shoulder Said solemnly: "It's not your fault. Compared to our previous contests with the fierce crowds, this time is already a big victory. Be happy..."

Battle Spirit Alliance and Tian This is not the first time that the fierce crowd has competed. Although there have been some small collisions in recent years, it is enough to explain some situations.

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