Under normal circumstances, the battle damage ratio between the Battle Spirit Alliance and the Celestial Crowd is not much different, and even the Celestial Crowd is slightly stronger...

But although there were some sacrifices in this battle, compared with the previous record, it was already a big victory!

Feng Yixiu laughed very reluctantly, and said softly: "Marshal Luo, don't comfort me, I'm not so fragile. Actually, I should have thought that this lava blood pool is connected, but I really don't. I thought that this devil beast turned out to be gluttony."

"If you guessed correctly, this lava blood pool is the key to gluttonous recovery. Massive amounts of Human Race blood and devil beast blood allow gluttony to be the fastest The seal was lifted at the speed of, but this gluttony demon temple was caught in a pot. It must be so easy for gluttony to rise again. This time you have done a great job!" Ye Ming walked up slowly, said with a slight smile.

"The fierce beast gluttony is too powerful, and it is impossible to kill it if you cut it in half. I really don't know how to eliminate it completely." Feng Yixiu somewhat worriedly said.

"If the Four Great Vicious Beasts were killed so easily, they wouldn’t be just sealed more than three hundred years ago. The problems that the sages could not solve, we want to solve, it’s difficult. Ah..." Ye Ming sighed.

"Now is not the time to consider these, the most urgent thing is to completely solve the problem of the Demon Temple of Gourmet, I don't know how the other teams are fighting." Marshal Luo said solemnly.

"It should be no problem. The core members of Jifengtang and Blood Blade Hall have lost their battle strength. I think the battle is over now." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and believed himself.

It didn't take long for the two teams to walk towards Grandiose's moved towards, and everyone was smiling with victory.

Zhong Limei walked to Luo Xingyun and respectfully said: "Report to the Marshal, all blood Spirit Masters in the Blood Blade Hall, including several Elders, are arrested and brought to justice!"

Fantasy Ji also walked quickly to Ye Ming's body, loudly said: "Report to the Marshal, all blood Spirit Masters in the worship hall, including all worships, will be arrested and brought to justice, waiting for the marshal's release!"


The two marshals said with a big smile in unison.

This is arguably the most beautiful battle since they became the marshal, and it is of great significance.

Followed by the two teams of grandiose's moved towards here, it was the team led by the two ministers of the fire department who went to rescue the hostages.

Behind them were a large number of rescued Battle Spirit Masters and civilians, most of which were solved from the dungeon.

Due to the special situation in the dark dungeon of the Endless Colosseum, it must be released after strict investigation. Now only a small number of people have been released.

Most of these people have pale faces on their faces and their bodies are extremely weak, presumably because of long-term anemia.

Feng Yixiu saw Bai Yuan walking in the forefront at a glance. He still held a thin little girl in his arms, smiling and saying hello to himself.

"Feng Yixiu, thank you for your great grace!" Bai Yuan walked quickly to Feng Yixiu and bowed respectfully.

"You are polite... Without your cooperation, I don’t think it’s easy to get in. It’s not easy for you to stay in this horrible place for so many years." Feng Yixiu quickly helped Bai Yuan up. , Said softly.

Feng Yixiu can understand how difficult it is for Bai Yuan to stay in the Gourmet Demon Temple for a period of time. It is not something ordinary people can do to be able to maintain one's heart in this situation.

"I am a warrior in the East China headquarters, these all are what I should do." Bai Yuan smiled slightly, said solemnly.

"If you want to get rid of the blood Spirit Master identity, I can introduce you to Asura King." Feng Yixiu said with a smile.

"many thanks..." Bai Yuan slowly lowered his head, "As long as there is a need for me in the future, go through water and tread on fire!"

" It’s not necessary to go through water and tread on fire. From now on, take good care of the younger sister.” Feng Yixiu smiled and patted each other’s shoulders, indifferently said.

Among the bustling crowd, a burly woman quickly squeezed out and shouted: "Marshal Ye, didn't expect I can see you again!"

Ye Ming moved towards the direction where the sound came from, and immediately smiled and waved his hand: "Roland, you are really good!"

When Feng Yixiu heard the name of Roland, he turned subconsciously. The body does not dare to look directly at each other.

If you let the other party know that you are a man, you might cut yourself off...

Thinking of this, Feng Yixiu couldn't help but shudder, and simply turned his back.

"Big Brother Feng, what's wrong with you?" Shen Ruyu noticed something wrong with the seal, frowned.

"No...nothing, let's go quickly!" Feng Yixiu whispered.

"But...why?" Shen Ruyu stroked his chin.

"Don't you like the excitement? There will be a celebration banquet later, it must be very troublesome!" Feng Yixiu whispered.

"But it must be divided into occasions! This time you must be the protagonist of the celebration party, how can you run as the protagonist!" Shen Ruyu smiled and held Feng Yixiu's hand.

"Well..." Feng Yixiu was still stunned by Shen Ruyu, so he could only stand still.

Fortunately, neither Roland nor Luo Xueer recognized themselves. After they took off their masks, let alone their looks, their genders changed.

They really saw a ghost if they could recognize it...

Luo Xueer next to Roland glanced around, and then suddenly asked: "Marshal Ye, Do you know Li Xiufeng?"

Ye Ming shook the head, indifferently said: "I haven't heard of it, what's the matter?"


Feng Yixiu is fortunate that he didn't reveal the name he used in the Hall of Gourmet Demon, otherwise it would definitely show up.

But just when Feng Yixiu felt that the danger was relieved, Bai Yuan suddenly pointed at Feng Yixiu, loudly said: "He is Li Xiufeng, what is the matter with the two of you?"

Suddenly , The smile on Feng Yixiu's face gradually solidified, and a helpless look towards Bai Yuan.

Bai Yuan looked at Feng Yixiu’s expression, only to realize that he might have said something wrong, a little embarrassed: "You guys talk first, I still have something..."

After all, Bai Yuan applied oil on the soles of his feet and disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving only Feng Yixiu with a wry smile on his face.

Roland and Luo Xueer immediately walked to Feng Yixiu's face. After examining them, they waved their hands: "How is it possible that Li Xiufeng is a girl..."

Shen Ruyu Brows frowned, didn't Feng Yixiu become a woman after entering the hall of gluttony?

I was thinking that it was foolproof, why are there still beautiful girls coming to the door, and it seems that they are still very worried.

"What's the matter? You recruit me honestly!" Shen Ruyu quietly pinched Feng Yixiu's arm, looking angry like a lively deer.


Feng Yixiu grinned in pain, frowned: "I swear, I really didn't do anything!"

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