"You brat is really bottomless! I can't see through you at all. If I don't agree, I feel that you will go out to buy things..." Ren The dean suppressed the joy in his heart and said with a straight face.

Feng Yixiu laughed of indifferent expression, he hasn't pulled out the holy spirit card of Azure Dragon inheritance yet!

You can't stand it anymore? ! This dean is also very good to take...

"You have passed the dean's level, but I haven't passed this level yet! Don't be happy too early..." Xuan Very suddenly coldly said.

"Huh? We finally convinced the dean, Xuanji teacher, don't mess with our mentality!" Han Xiao said with a sad expression.

"I have to say that your hole cards are indeed jaw-dropping, but this China high level league and the local mid-level league cannot be generalized. There is absolutely no chance of winning by a great realm, so don’t think that. There will be a miracle like the Central China League." Xuanji teacher calmly said.

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, walked slowly to the window, and suddenly opened the curtains.

The angle of this window is just right to see the Azure Dragon World Tree covering the heavens, shielding the sun. Despite the distance of several kilometers, the visual shock is still very powerful!

"For half a year, I guarantee that all members will be promoted to Battle Spirit!" Feng Yixiu's eyes were burning, and he cut the line.

Dean Ren trot all the way to the window, immediately opened the glass window, and took a deep breath greedily. Despite the distance of several kilometers, he also felt that the Spiritual Qi in the air became stronger.

"Good boy! This is really something that can't be done without you..." Dean Ren said somewhat excitedly.

This level of Azure Dragon World Tree benefits not only the Yuanmen Lingfu, but also the entire Raging Scale Academy!

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and looked towards Xuanji teacher: "teacher, can we participate in this China high level league?"

"It's alright..."


Xuanji teacher looked at the Azure Dragon World Tree towering in the distance, nodded in a daze.

"I have fulfilled all of your conditions, can we also mention some conditions?" Feng Yixiu said loudly.

"You brat! Even bargaining with us..." The haze in Dean Ren's eyes was completely dissipated, and he returned to his seat with a smile, "Go ahead! I want to see you brat want to propose." What are the conditions?"

"I hope that Academy can perform gene repair for the Battle Spirit of Han Xiao and Dongfang at the end of summer, so that their Battle Spirit will become the ultimate Battle Spirit." Feng Yixiu said very seriously.

Ren Tianze responded without even thinking about it: "Okay! I promise you!"

Xuanji heart trembled, loudly said: "The ultimate gene repair of the complete body is a sky-high price. Thank you, Dean!"

Feng Yixiu had a gene repair experience at the Central China headquarters. At that time, Xiaobailou was only in the growth stage.

Only the Battle Spirit, which is close to the limit, has the need for gene repair. It can be said that everyone who can access this technology is an elite.

The price of this gene repair technology is also ridiculously expensive. The higher the Battle Spirit of High Rank, the more expensive it is to perform gene repair.

And this is not something that can be done with "money". At present, only the four major Saint Court and the seven major headquarters have complete Battle Spirit gene repair technology.

The top ten new-generation academies who want to use these technologies have to go through layers of audits. The general academy just don’t even think about it...

The price of Battle Spirit's gene repair can be said to be an astronomical figure, this figure is so big that Feng Yixiu can't help but lament when he sees it!

There is no doubt that the reason why the other three Saint Courts have cultivated so many extreme Battle Spirits is naturally the use of gene repair technology, which can be said to have paid a great price.

"many thanks, great dean!"

Han Xiao and Dongfang Xia Mo almost laughed from ear to ear, and quickly bent over to thank them.

"I should thank you! If I am expelled from Saint Court this time, I won't even be able to keep this gene repair instrument..." Dean Ren said frankly.

Even if Feng Yixiu doesn't propose it, he will do it, even if it will shrink the financial situation of the Nurin Academy!

"Great Dean, we will definitely not let you down, this time we will let the Furin Academy become the top of the four Saint Courts again!" Feng Yixiu saw Dean Ren so without the slightest hesitation, My heart is also very moved.

"Good child! Just do your best, but safety must be the first priority." The shoulder of Patted Feng Yixiu, Ren Tianze, said with a slight smile.


Three days later, the gene repair room of the Raging Scale Academy.

I have to say that if it weren't for Dean Ren himself to lead Feng Yixiu to death, I would never have imagined that this dusty and secret room in front of me was an extremely important gene repair room.

Han Xiao opened the door gently, a lot of dust was splashed, and people couldn't help coughing, "Ahem! This place is too much..."

"The experts from the headquarters will be here soon. Please clean them up quickly and don't let people read the jokes." Dean Ren reminded.

Due to the decline of the Raging Scale Academy, this gene repair room has not been used for a long time, and naturally it looks very dilapidated.

However, after a few people’s careful cleaning, it immediately restored the original appearance of the gene repair room, full of a sense of future technology.

A very sophisticated huge gene repair instrument appeared in front of everyone, exuding the luster of rare metal.

"Little friend Feng, long time no see!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded behind Feng Yixiu.

Feng Yixiu suddenly came back to his senses, surprised: "Old Chu! You are an expert invited by the dean!"

"Why? Look down on me, this old man Fogey?" Chu old frowned.

"Where...I'm just so happy to see you." Feng Yixiu touched the back of his head, said with a smile.

"You just talked about it, why didn't I see you go to visit me in the Central China Forest Department?" Old Chu pretended to be angry and stern.

"Isn't I too busy this time! I will definitely visit you when I have time..." Feng Yixiu bowed his head somewhat sorry.

"hahaha...I just made a joke with you, didn't expect you to take it seriously!" Old Chu smiled at the shoulder of Patted Feng Yixiu, "I often hear Marshal Luo talk about you. This has become the Azure Dragon City Lord, and I have to take care of my old fogey in the future!"

"Chu, you laughed, how can I take care of you!" Feng Yixiu said with a big smile.

"You brat is good at everything, but too humble, can I still know your ability?" Old Chu smiled and looked at Feng Yixiu, "I know you are busy... so I am not Please take the initiative to visit you and do a gene repair by the way."

Dean Ren looked at the relationship between the two of them as if they were the grandfather and grandson, and finally found a chance to interject, and said softly: "Professor Chu, can you start now?"

"Got it! What kind of reminders, I'm so annoying..." Chu Old Bai glanced at the dean, and then walked to the gene repair instrument.

This skilled person speaks hard, and Ren Tianze can only laugh awkwardly.

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