"Han Xiao and Dongfang at the end of summer, you can bring out the Battle Spirit summon." After adjusting the instrument, Old Chu said with a serious face.

The two of them were about to release their Battle Spirit summon, and Nine Nether was the first to carry out gene repair.

Nine Nether walked slowly into the genetic repair warehouse, and the transparent tempered glass warehouse door slowly fell.

The complete gene repair technology cannot be completed by one person. In addition to Chuci, there are also a team of more than a dozen people working together.

"Ding! Detected repair target: Nine Nether Dark Tiger"

"Scanning for genetic vulnerabilities."

"Ding! Repairing..."


Obviously, gene repair is very painful. Nine Nether has always been tight and seems to be suffering from great pain.

But it also knew the importance of this gene repair, and endured the intense pain, silently waiting until the gene repair was completed.

Two hours later, when everyone felt a little sleepy, an electronic sound awakened everyone.

"Ding! The target Battle Spirit was successfully repaired."

"The defense attribute SS-Rank has been upgraded to SSS-Rank."

After the gene repair is completed, I don't know if it is Feng Yixiu's illusion. He only feels that the dark aura from Nether Tiger's body is more refined, and his body size has become larger.

At this time, the skeleton of Nine Nether is harder than before, which is comparable to the strength of special alloys, and the defensive power has been greatly improved.

"ka ka ka..."

After the gene repair warehouse door slowly opened, Nine Nether came out with graceful and domineering steps, exuding The aura is also very powerful.

At the end of Eastern Summer, he lightly stroked the head of Nine Nether Minghu, and said excitedly: "Xiao Hei, thank you for your hard work..."

Nine Nether, Minghu seems to enjoy the end of Eastern Summer very much. The caressing, like a well-behaved little kitty, makes a comfortable purr.

Chu Lao wiped the sweat from his forehead. The gene repair procedure could not tolerate a little sloppy and consumed energy very much.

"Next!" Chu Lao was about to strike while the iron was hot, and quickly summoned Han Xiao. Han Xiao patted Plow by water sea turtle shells, said with a slight smile: "eight small, that you ......" Plow by water leisurely crawl to the sea turtle Inside the huge evolution warehouse, the glass warehouse door slowly closed.

Obviously, Xiao Ba’s endurance is much stronger than that of Nine Nether. The pain of gene repair seems to be only this for him, and he even wants to sleep.

It took more than two hours for the gene repair to be completely completed. The limbs of Tiangang's water-driving vessels have obviously become longer, and the water entangled around the body has become more turbulent.

After the glass warehouse door is opened, the movement speed of Tiangang through the water is indeed much faster. It is no longer only relying on the strength of the limbs to crawl, but can manipulate the water flow to speed up its movement.

I saw that its limbs were surrounded by water dragons, and its huge claws did not completely touch the ground, but stepped on the water, moving towards Han Xiao as if drifting.

There is no doubt that Tiangang Chasing Water has successfully repaired its genes, and the agile attribute has also changed from SS to SSS.

As a result, Han Xiao and the Battle Spirit of the Eastern Summer have become the ultimate Battle Spirit.

This also means that Feng Yixiu’s team will also be the ultimate Battle Spirit for all members!

"Huh..." Mr. Chu was finally sighed in relief. He moved towards Feng Yixiu while wiping his sweat and walked over, "The foundation of these two complete Battle Spirits is very good. It's a rare success."

"Will this gene repair still fail?" Han Xiao asked with some doubts.

"Of course there is a probability of failure, and the probability is still very high!" Chu Old Bai glanced at Han Xiao and said angrily.

The success rate of gene repair is only about 40%, and after failure, the second gene repair cannot be performed.

The success rate of gene repair has a lot to do with the Battle Spirit foundation and the person who manipulates the gene repair.

"Professor Chu is a master of gene repair. At present, Battle Spirit's gene repair success rate in his hands is the highest, reaching 48%, but he ranks first in China!" Ren Dean Quickly echoed.

"Many thanks to the praise of Dean Ren..." Dean Ren smiled slightly, "This gene repair has also been completed. Is it time for Dean Ren to pay the fee?"

"Hahaha... let's take a step to speak." Dean Ren laughed and pulled Old Chu aside, whispering.

Feng Yixiu was also very interested in not eavesdropping. He first saw from a distance that Dean Ren took out his black gold alliance card, as if he was swiping the card to pay for the alliance currency.

It just didn't seem to have been paid in one lump sum. I vaguely heard about credits and the like.

As one of the four deans of Saint Court, the dean is a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse, even if it’s a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse. It can make him all on credit, which shows that this gene repair is really expensive. It’s outrageous...

"The old man really didn’t earn your alliance currency this time for gene repair. It was simply a cost price. The materials needed for gene repair are so expensive, and I can’t help it." Soundtrack.

"Professor Chu, of course I know, but it's really a bit tight recently. I will pay 2/3/2021 first, and the rest will be returned to you as soon as I have the money." Dean Ren said. Difficult, whispered.

Naturally, Ren Tianze knew the market price of complete gene repair. Mr. Chu did not charge an extra penny, and even the artificial technology fees were paid by himself.

"Well...I just want to look at Xiaoyou Feng's face, otherwise, with my character, I won't bargain with you." Old Chu nodded, said solemnly.

"Many thanks, Mr. Chu can understand." Dean Ren quickly thanked him.

After the two discussed, Chu Lao moved towards Feng Yixiu with a smile and walked over.

"Little friend Feng, I want to ask you some questions about spiritual research. Do you have time now?" Old Chu said with a slight smile.

"Where is Mr. Chu talking, you can come here in person, I have time even if I'm busy..." Feng Yixiu laughed.

The dean also took Shen Ruyu, Han Xiao and the others out with the heart and soul, and several people immediately rushed to the Yuanmen Lingfu to start training.

"I haven't seen you for such a long time, but I have a lot of long-puzzling questions that I want to ask you to answer." Chu Lao said, while pulling out a lot of research information.

Feng Yixiu also patiently solved the doubts in his mind for Mr. Chu, but this time he still kept his mind and did not easily write out the complete spiritual research plan.

This time the overall quality of the battle strength in the China High Level League is greatly improved, which is inseparable from the spirit research plan he wrote at the beginning. He doesn't want to create a stronger opponent for himself.


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