"This is indeed difficult, but the matter is human. I believe that with your deep bond, it must be no problem." Xuanji teacher was silent for a moment and responded.

"Xuanji teacher, I have a suggestion!" Feng Yixiu suddenly raised his hand.

"Oh? Do you have any idea?" Xuanji teacher said with a slight smile.

"The method didn't expect for the time being, but this demon card should help them understand the Battle Spirit harmony technique."

while speaking, Feng Yixiu's second demon The Spirit Treasure Code appeared, and a black gold demon card floated out. It was Qiankun Beast King-Qiankun.

When the Xuanji teacher saw this demon card, he also suddenly realized: "The Universe Armor claims to be able to reconcile the Yin and Yang, and it can indeed enhance the formation of the Battle Spirit harmony technique. This is an excellent way. "

Han Xiao and Dongfang Late Xia also showed excited smiles, so why don't they want to have their own Battle Spirit harmony skills!

"But this can only play a supporting role. At the beginning, you can use this demon card to understand the main points, but you still have to learn to release the Battle Spirit harmony skills independently. After all, this demon card is useful for Feng Yixiu is also very important." Jialan teacher reminded.

"Ziyu is right. The Universe Beast King can indeed allow you to quickly comprehend the Battle Spirit harmony technique, but it is only an auxiliary function, absolutely cannot form dependence!" Xuanji teacher echoed.

"Yeah, we remembered." Han Xiao and Dongfang end of summer were nodded again and again.

"Okay, the general goal is over, now we must strictly implement it. I am mainly responsible for your actual combat training courses. Theoretical course is the so-called know yourself and know your enemy emerge victorious in every battle. She mainly tells you the tactics and the style and characteristics of each Academy." Xuanji teacher said with a serious face.

"I think you are all very tired, so let's take a theory class with you first."

"Today I will tell you about the Four Saint Court and Ten New The origin of the Academy of generations..."

Jialan Ziyu took everyone to a modern classroom that had been prepared for a long time, and began the formal teaching task.

Feng Yixiu has often gone out to practice over the years. As a result, many basic theoretical courses have not been taken, so he listened very carefully.

Through the explanation of Jialan Zi Teacher Yu, they can basically figure out the relationship with the four major Saint Court, the seven major headquarters and the ten major new generation academy.

As a traditional Saint Court, the four major Saint Courts are naturally extraordinary, and they have had the status of Supreme since their inception.

The Seven Headquarters also cultivated many outstanding talents through practical teaching methods, including the successors of the Seven Great Marshal.

As for the top ten new generation Academy, to be precise, the list of the top ten new generation Academy will be cleaned up every Chinese high level league.

However, from the current trend, the ten new-generation Academy has stabilized. As a new force, they do not want to pull the four Saint Courts from the altar all the time.

And this China High Level League is their best opportunity, because as long as the Furlin Academy falls out of the top four, the winning new generation Academy will become the new Saint Court!

The two-hour theory class time per day can be said to be the happiest two hours of the whole night for Feng Yixiu and the others, because after the theory class, you have to receive the inhuman hell training of Xuanji teacher.

Fortunately, there are no dormitories around the Martial Practice Stage, otherwise there will definitely be many complaints.

Because Feng Yixiu and Han Xiao and the others everyday all were hovered between life and death by panda Jiuxian and Chiba sword saint, the screams basically never stopped.

Twelve hours a day, half of which are used to meditate on the spirit cultivator, striving for the breakthrough Battle Spirit realm before the start of the league.

The other half received training courses from two teachers, Xuanji and Jialan Ziyu, and only had one day off a week.

They also used the rest of the day to make up for their sleep. This is already the limit state that the third-rank source Martial Artist can achieve!


Time is like a white horse passing by, and half a year has passed in a blink of an eye.

Today is the last night of Feng Yixiu and the others cultivation, and I will report to Xuantian Academy tomorrow.

At this time, the appearance of Feng Yixiu and the others has not changed much, but the temperament exuded is more stable and has a strong aura that is not angry and prestigious.

They didn't need Xuanji teacher's supervision, so they started warming up very consciously and ran fifty laps around the field.

Feng Yixiu is still carrying the bottle gourd of the panda wine fairy on his back, but it is like walking on the snow when he rushes, leaving no trace on the ground at all.

His movement method originated from martial skill, Yufeng Youlong has also been cultivated to Major Perfection realm, and can easily lift the heavy as if it were light......

The basic source of martial skill, Eight Trigram Palm and Jiu-Jitsu, are also cultivated to Major Perfection's realm, which not only greatly increases his strength, but also allows him to have a more thorough understanding of extreme ghost swordsmanship and anti-random eight styles.

As for Shen Ruyu and Dongfang Late Summer and the others, they have also perfectly completed the goals set by the Xuanji teacher, and their strength has also made a qualitative leap.

All four of them broke through to Level 7 Battle Spirit realm. Except for Feng Yixiu's realm of Level 7 Second Rank, all of them are Level 7 First Rank Battle Spirit realm.

Feng Yixiu this time breakthrough Level 7 Battle Spirit uses the second Battle Spirit Blackthorn Queen, and the black gold demon card absorbed is Qiankun Beast King-Qiankun.

This demon card can fuse the power of Ten Thousand Poison and Sun Luo, and the effect after absorbing it is also stronger, and it can better exert two completely different powers.

After absorbing the Universe Beast King at the same time, Feng Yixiu was pleasantly surprised to discover that after Universe Armament opens the Universe Domain, it can greatly increase the probability of Battle Spirit Concord and Battle Spirit Fusion skills.

It is precisely because of this that Han Xiao and Dongfang finished the impossible task at the end of summer. As long as they are in the state of the universe, the success rate of the Battle Spirit Concord technology has reached 100%.

In this way, the Azure Jade Linlong also has three free card slots, which means that it can arm three diamond-level demon cards.

To be honest, he is also very curious what kind of sparks the combination of the three fantasy diamond magic cards can collide with...

"You are all doing very well! As a teacher It's also very gratifying!" Xuanji teacher didn't hold a straight face today, but showed a gentle smile, "Tomorrow is the day when the China High Level League starts. I won't be training today. Go back and rest!"

"Yeah! Long live the teacher!"

Feng Yixiu, Shen Ruyu and the others couldn't believe their ears when they heard the news and jumped three feet high.

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