"Assemble at the north gate of the Furin Academy on time at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning, and set off for Xuantian Academy together." Xuanji said positively.

"This is the uniform of our Rage Scales team, remember to put it on tomorrow." A lot of dark green clothes appeared in the hands of Teacher Yu, while speaking.

Feng Yixiu and the others received two sets alone, and they couldn't wait to start making gestures.

"This team uniform is really good-looking, the dean's aesthetics is still good..." At the end of the summer, Dongfang Xia looked at the exquisite team uniform in his hand, and his face was full of smiles.

The team uniforms used by the Angry Scales this time are also made of extremely expensive molecular materials, which are not only generous and beautiful, but also very practical.

The overall appearance is dark green, which is also the representative color of the Raging Scale Academy, but under the sunlight, it is a little biased towards the ink golden, which is like this exquisite embroidery, which exudes like True Dragon scales. The gorgeous luster reveals an inexplicable domineering.

It can be said that this is a very high level combat suit, using high-tech materials and technology.

"In order for you to get good results, the dean has taken out almost all the old bottom, I hope you don't let him down." Xuanji teacher said with a slight smile.

"What are you talking about now? Isn't this stressing the children?" Jialan Ziyu glanced at Xuanji, then said softly, "No matter what the result is, at least we have been fighting for it together. Don't have too much psychological burden."

"The two teachers don't worry, we will work hard to win honor for the Academy!" Han Xiao clenched his fists, loudly said.

"Okay, I'm done explaining this matter, you can go back and rest!" Xuanji teacher waved his hand, indicating that everyone can go back.

Feng Yixiu and the others immediately returned to the villa, took a comfortable bath and then returned to their rooms.

The past six months have been so tired. Now that I can sleep comfortably, there is nothing happier than this!


Early the next morning.

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu and the others arrived at the north gate of Furin Academy on time.

What they didn't expect was that at this time, there was already a vast crowd outside the north gate of the Furin Academy, and almost all the students in Furin came to see them off.

This battle is not only related to the honor of Nu Lin Academy, but also to the future of every student in Nu Lin, so no one will ignore it.

"Oh my God...I was not nervous for such a big battle, but now I feel a little flustered!" At the end of Eastern Summer, he saw the neat farewell team at the north gate, too. It seems a little restrained.

"It seems that the burden on our shoulders is very heavy..." Shen Ruyu said with a serious face.

"Let's go, adjust your mentality and appearance a little bit, don't let people wait for a long time." Feng Yixiu sorted out his team uniform a little, said solemnly.

Immediately, the four people moved towards the north gate with smiling faces, and Dean Ren saw Feng Yixiu and the others coming and immediately greeted them.

"It's really fortunate to be able to have you at the Furin Academy!" Dean Ren looked at the four cheerful four people, nodded very satisfied.

"The dean laughed. As a member of the angry scale, we should naturally win honor for the Academy." Feng Yixiu arched his hands slightly, indifferently said.

"hahaha...then I wish you all the champions of the China League, when the time comes, I will personally set a celebration banquet for you!" Dean Ren laughed.

"Master, won't you come with us?" At the end of Eastern Summer, it was said curiously.

Not waiting for Ren Tianze to respond, the Xuanji teacher on the side replied: "As the dean of the Furlin Academy, Dean Ren has a heavy responsibility. Unless there is an emergency, there is no The way to leave the Raging Scale Academy for a long time.”

The Four Saint Courts are located on the Four Great Saint Islands, guarding the four directions of China, and it can be said that they have very important responsibilities.

And the four deans are not qualified to leave Furlin Island at will if they are not necessary. The China High Level League is obviously not an emergency.

"Although I can't go with you, but this China high level league is live broadcast across China, I can also see your performance at the Raging Academy." Dean Ren also felt a bit pity. said solemnly.

"The dean can rest assured, we will not be ashamed of anger!" Eastern summer said with a smile.

"I believe in your strength..." Dean Ren smiled slightly, and immediately looked towards Xuanji teacher, "You should also set off, don't delay the trip."

Xuan The extremely teacher nodded, immediately looked towards the two people on the side, introduced: "These are two senior seniors, and they are also the top experts in the anger scale three rankings. They are also your substitutes for this competition."

"Hello, my name is Geng Bai, a strong attacker of Battle Spirit."

A thin man in the same team uniform as Feng Yixiu and the others stood up and immediately stretched out Own hands.

Geng Bai is the second on the list of three angry scales, and second only to Mu Ziyue's expert. Realm is also stuck in the Level 7 ninth rank Battle Spirit.

I saw him wearing a pair of silver-rimmed glasses, looking gentle, but didn't expect a powerhouse of Battle Spirit of the assault department.

"Senior, my name is Feng Yixiu." Feng Yixiu also shook hands politely.

"You are our Captain, don't call me Senior anymore, just call me by name." Geng Bai showed a kind smile.

"Then deference is no substitute for obedience, Geng Brother Bai!" Feng Yixiu looked towards a petite woman next to him, and said in doubt: "This is?"

"Hello, my name is Xin Tianyue, and Captain calls me Tianyue." Xin Tianyue's eyes smile like a crescent moon, very cute.

Although Xin Tianyue is not an expert on the Rage Scale Three list, it does not mean that her strength is very poor, because he is a very powerful auxiliary battle spirit.

"Hello Sister Tianyue!" Feng Yixiu also bowed slightly to salute, "I have not seen two of them at the Raging Academy in recent years. I am really ashamed."

"We In the senior year, you will often go out to perform alliance missions, and you are a busy person. So it is normal for Captain to have never met us, but I like thunder piercing the ear to your name!" Xin Tianyue said with a slight smile.

"Don't dare to be, it's just a fake name..." Feng Yixiu shook the head with a smile.

"I've had a relationship with Geng Bai Senior and Tianyue Senior Sister, but it's been a long time ago. Why did you all come back suddenly?" Dongfang asked at the end of summer.

"In fact, the eldest sister asked us to come back and help you. I hope we can help a little bit." Xin Tianyue explained.

"It turned out that Mu Senior Sister asked you to come. That's really many thanks to her." Eastern summer said with a slight smile.


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