In the past six months, Jialan Ziyu’s theory class has analyzed all the new generation academies of the previous time, including this Canglei Academy.

Canglei Academy previous time China High Level League ranked seventh in the new generation of Academy, and the strength is not strong...

"Hi... Feng Captain laughed Our New Century Academy and the Four Saints Academy are incomparable." Kong Pei smiled and waved his hand, and immediately wondered, "Don’t all the Four Saints Academy have special guides? Don’t you?"

Feng Yixiu was also taken aback, and frowned: "There is a guide?"

"Our new generation Academy has arranged a guide. You Four Saints Academy is impossible! This Xuantian Academy is too much... …" Kong Pei said with some doubts.

"It is estimated that only our Angry Scales team doesn't have it...but it doesn't matter. We are here to participate in the competition, not to go sightseeing." Feng Yixiu frowned, indifferently said.

"Feng Captain is really broad-minded, then I will take you to the Central Building to report now, so as not to miss the time." Kong Pei immediately led the way, Feng Yixiu walked with him, and the rest The others follow.

"We met so many teams along the way, they all seemed to avoid us deliberately, but you are willing to walk with us, can I ask the reason?" Feng Yixiu hesitated for a moment , I still asked.

"Hey...these teams are probably afraid of Xuantian Academy's misunderstanding. After all, this Xuantian Academy is the host. They are the host of this league, and you have a bad relationship with Xuantian Academy. It's not a secret anymore, so they naturally don't want to contact you." Kong Pei explained with a smile.

"Since you know the pros and cons, why are you willing to help us?" Feng Yixiu was even more puzzled.

"Our Canglei team is not afraid of the shadow crooked, and disdain to please the scrupulous guys like Xuantian Academy!" Kong Pei's eyes were awe-inspiring, and his conversation suddenly changed. "But there is another reason. "

"Oh? What's the reason?" Feng Yixiu asked quickly.

"Do you remember the cat?" Kong Pei was a little shy when he mentioned the name.

"Of course I remember, she is Vice Captain of the Feng Department team, and we are the brothers of Life and Death Friends." Feng Yixiu said with a slight smile.

"hehe...Actually, I am now pursuing Mao You. She said that as long as I get the top five in the new generation team, she promised to associate with me." Kong Pei looked a little sorry, while speaking, his eyes were a little erratic. .

Feng Yixiu can tell at a glance that Kong Pei really likes cats. This kind of look and flustered feeling can't be pretended.

He didn’t gossip to ask how they met, maybe they got acquainted from the same alliance mission...

"Then I’ll congratulate you in advance, I think With your strength, you can definitely get the top five of the new generation team! Believe me, I think people are always very accurate..." Feng Yixiu smiled and said sincerely.

"hahaha...then you are fortunate!" Kong Pei smiled happily, "I often hear cats mention you again. Every time I mention you, it is a word of praise. I boasted you to the sky!"

"No no...that's a cat too exaggerated." Feng Yixiu shook the head with a smile.

"I don’t think it’s an exaggeration. Nowadays, there are not many people like you who possess great magical power and are humble and polite." Kong Pei’s attitude towards Feng Yixiu may have been influenced by the cat, and he is quite fond of the house. a feeling of.

The two talked happily along the way, and Kong Pei's impression of Feng Yixiu became better.

I don’t know that someone from Xuantian Academy has been eyeing Kong Pei, just because he was talking and laughing with Feng Yixiu along the way......

"This is the Central Building. The lobby of the building is the reporting office. I have something to do, so I won’t send you in.” Kong Pei stopped in front of the stairs of the central building, said with a slight smile.

"Many thanks, Brother Kong Pei..." Feng Yixiu expressed his thanks for cup one fist in the other hand.

"hehe...maybe you will be a family in the future, so don't be polite to me!" Kong Pei patted Feng Yixiu's shoulder, and then led his team away.

At this time, the people coming, people going of the central building, this time the team to participate in the China High Level League can be said to be the most in the past.

Feng Yixiu led Shen Ruyu and the others moved towards the inside of the central building, but saw two completely different entrances.

One of them is very crowded, and the other entrance seems to be the VIP entrance. The clear surface on it is the VIP passage of the Four Saint Court and the Seven Headquarters.

Feng Yixiu walked straight towards the empty VIP channel, which attracted the attention of many queuing teams, most of which were jealous.

However, when Feng Yixiu was about to step into it, he was stopped by the guards guarding the VIP passage.

"Sorry! Only the four Saint Court and the seven headquarters can enter the VIP passage. Please take the ordinary passage." The tone of the black clothed guard was very indifferent.

Before Feng Yixiu could speak, Han Xiao on the side couldn't help but roll up his sleeves, and said furiously: "You are blind! Didn't you see the badge of our Raging Scale Academy!"

The black clothed guard's eyes swept across the anger scale badge on Han Xiao's chest, revealing a trace of contempt, but it was quickly covered by indifference.

"It's really sorry. We received a notice that the Rage Scale Academy has lost the Saint Court qualifications. Please go through the ordinary passage!" the black clothed guard coldly said.

"Hey! I have a violent temper, Believing or Not Young Master, I beat you up badly with many teeth knocked out!" Han Xiao grabbed the black clothed guard's jacket abruptly, forcibly It's lifted up.

"You are attacking the staff, be careful to lose the qualification!" The black clothed guard was not only not angry, but showed a tricky smile.

"Damn! Young Master, when have I experienced this kind of bird gas!" Han Xiao was so angry that he was about to shake his fist, but was stopped by Feng Yixiu.

"Don't be fooled!" Feng Yixiu reminded in a low voice.

Only then did Han Xiao put the black clothed guard down and pushed him abruptly, coldly said: "The Dog acts fierce when his Master is present! I'm not fooled by you! "

Feng Yixiu, with a cold complexion, slowly took out a Chinese Hero Medal from his hand, indifferently said: "You can stop me and try again?"

The black clothed guard is here I was shocked when I saw the China Heroes Medal. This China Heroes Medal is the highest authority. What a trifling VIP channel is!

"Please come in..." The black clothed guard almost uttered these two words with gnashing teeth, and soon the exclusive pass card was placed in the induction zone, and the door of the VIP passage was slowly opened.

Feng Yixiu slowly put away the hero medal, walked slowly to the side of the black clothed guard, and whispered: "This is how your Xuantian Academy treats guests? Go back and tell your back. People who have the ability to see the real chapter in the ring, don’t let me look down!"

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