The black clothed guards also bowed their heads and said nothing, and did not dare to look directly at Feng Yixiu's deterrent eyes, which was obviously somewhat guilty.

Feng Yixiu can tell at a glance that this black clothed guard is not normal. A small guard has the courage to dare to do such a cultivation thing.

Only when someone instructs behind him to embarrass the Raging Scale Academy. If he guesses correctly, this person is either the dean of the Xuantian Academy or the patriarch of the Han Family.

"Let's go!"

Feng Yixiu took the lead and walked into the gate of the VIP passage, Han Xiao and Shen Ruyu and the others follow closely from behind.

However, the teams that are lining up to report have different performances, and a small number of them are quite unconvinced.

"Cut...this Angry Scales team can only be proud of this year. It is estimated that Saint Court's position will not be retained after this year."

"It's just...angry In the Four Saint Court until now, they are all crane tails. They have fallen out of the top four in two consecutive circles. What's so good about them!"

"Have you heard? This year, Raging Scales The Captain turned out to be Feng Yixiu, who is in the limelight, that is, the newly appointed Azure Dragon City Lord!"

"The name is not small, but in my opinion it is just an empty name. This Feng Yixiu is only twenty years old, so he dared to participate in the China High Level League. It’s really not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth!"


Everyone is talking quietly, but Feng Yixiu and the others never looked back at them.

A summer insect cannot discuss ice, if Feng Yixiu goes back to arguing with even one sentence, it will be a fall...

Han Xiao heard the voice of the discussion behind him, coldly said: "These guys have abilities when we talk about it! What kind of abilities are behind the talk!"

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, calmly said: "It's mediocre not to be jealous, and sometimes patience is also a cultivation. "

This VIP channel has different check-in locations from ordinary channels, because the check-in location of the VIP channel is in the Second Layer, which is far from crowded like this.

Feng Yixiu and the others slowly went up to the second floor under the envy and jealousy eyes of everyone. As expected, there were only a few teams upstairs.

As soon as they appeared in the lobby on the second floor, they immediately attracted the attention of many teams, and the reactions of each team have nothing common with each other.

The teams that can appear here are all the elites of the four Saint Court and the seven headquarters, and the aura emitted by each person is also very strong.

Han Xiao's eyes unconsciously moved towards a team wearing a black team uniform, and Shen Ruyu also involuntarily looked towards a team wearing a red team uniform.

Feng Yixiu has never seen these two teams, but there is already a little speculation in his mind that these two teams should be the Xuantian team and the Ranyu team.

However, these two teams seem to be hostile to them, and they did not immediately come forward to say hello, but each minding their own business to be busy with their own business.

On the contrary, the rest of the teams moved towards Feng Yixiu with great enthusiasm. They are all elite teams sent by the seven headquarters, and they are all powerhouses out of a million.

"Wind Captain, I am Tuoba Bingfan of the East China Team Captain, but I often hear Marshal Ye talk about you, and it is really extraordinary at first sight today." Tuoba Bingfan politely extended his hand.

Tuoba Bingfan wears a purple team uniform, and is very slender. When he is not smiling, he looks very cold, but when he laughs, he is quite scornful of Marshal Ye Ming, and the whole person looks very handsome.

He is the heir appointed by Ye Ming. The reason why he is so friendly to Feng Yixiu is not only because Feng Yixiu is a member of the headquarters, but also because Feng Yixiu helped solve the true Dragon Crystal nuclear problem. .

"Brother Bingfan praised, I have long admired you too, and Marshal Ye Ming did not praise you less." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and stretched out his right hand.

"hahaha...really? He never praised me in front of me!" Tuoba Bing laughed.

"Hey! Popsicles, hold a pester and chirp... it's my turn!"

A bright smiling woman forcibly pulled Tuoba Bingfan Arrived aside, immediately shook Feng Yixiu's hand.

"Hehe...normally, I always hear your heroic deeds. Didn't expect to finally see Daoist today!" The bright woman said excitedly.

Feng Yixiu was also a little sorry by the attitude of the woman in front of him, scratching his head and said: "Sorry, are you?"

"My name is Xu Huayue, Huaxia’s Hua, Moonlight The moon!" Xu Huayue immediately introduced herself, and then pointed to the people behind her, "I am Captain of the Northwest Team, these are all my players."

"It turned out to be Xu Captain! Long Yang Long Yang..." Feng Yixiu slightly nodded, said with a slight smile.

Norally he heard the names of these marshals heirs, but these people are also very mysterious, most marshals choose to train in secret, and have not really met.

If it were not for the significance of the China High Level League, I am afraid that the seven major headquarters would not attach such importance to this game and send the elites they cultivated to participate in this league.

However, a small part of the heirs of the seven headquarters have already participated in the China High Level League, among which is included the heirs of the North and Southwest headquarters. They also achieved good results in the same session.

This time Captain, with five teams in the seven headquarters, is the successor of the current marshal. It can be said that it is the most luxurious lineup.

"Captain Feng is much more handsome than I thought!" Xu Huayue stared at Feng Yixiu for a long time, her face slightly red.

"Thanks Senior, I thank you for Big Brother Feng..." Shen Ruyu suddenly took Feng Yixiu's arm and responded with a smile.

"This must be Shen Ruyu of the Vermilion Bird family, isn't he? I'm lucky enough to meet!" Xu Huayue immediately recognized Shen Ruyu, said solemnly.

"Senior, you are polite. I am now a member of the Angry Scales Academy, representing the Angry Scales Team." Shen Ruyu smiled slightly and responded politely.

"Shen younger sister is really young and promising. You came to participate in the China High Level League at such a young age. I think you are still working hard and accumulating merits when you are so old..." Xu Huayue said softly .

In just a few minutes, the relationship between the three teams has become very harmonious, much better than the situation where other teams are silent...

No The Xuantian Team and the Burning Feather Team in the distance seemed calm and composed on the surface, but their eyes moved towards this place several times, and their brows couldn't help but wrinkle coldly.

The relationship between the Seven Main Headquarters and the Four Saints Academy looks very harmonious on the surface, but they are not very familiar secretly. After all, everyone is a competitor relationship, and it is not a system, but the current Ragescale Team is an exception.

While the three team members were chatting, Feng Yixiu discovered that a team wearing his battle uniform was observing himself from a distance, but he did not mean to come close.

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