For a while, the entire Xuantian Martial Practice Stage fell into unprecedented silence. Everyone's expressions were surprisingly consistent, their eyes widened, and their chins were about to fall to the ground.

"Wind Captain is great! Let the people of Royal Academy of Sun and Moon see, our High Level Academy in China is not easy to bully!"

I don’t know who it is. He was the first to shout, and immediately the audience began to cheer, and the applause was thunderous for a long time without stopping.

"Oh my God! Wind Captain is so strong, I heard he is only a Level 7 Second Rank Battle Spirit, the guy at Yuan Shenya is a Level 7 ninth rank Battle Spirit!"

"This Sun Moon Royal Team is also too much. It is clearly already in a stable situation, and it is still killing us. It is simply hitting us in the face!"

"It's just... …Fortunately, Captain of Team Ragescale took action . Otherwise, the guys of Team Sun and Moon would not be able to lift their tails into the sky..."

Everyone started to discuss spiritedly, most of them were for Team Sun and Moon. The condemnation of what he did, and the praise of Feng Yixiu.

On the rostrum, Gu Liangyu and Murong Bei Jia were also dumbfounded. They didn't expect Feng Yixiu to actually rescue Kong Pei and get away safely.

"Feng City Lord... actually succeeded..." Gu Liangyu seemed somewhat absent-minded and muttered to herself.

"Thank you! If it weren't for the windy City Lord to save the scene, I will see how you end up!" Murong Bei Jia glanced at Gu Liangyu behind him, coldly said.

Gu Liangyu lowered his head and did not refute.

If it weren't for Feng Yixiu's attack, Cang Lei's team would be annihilated. I am afraid that China's face will be lost, and I am afraid that its status in the world Battle Spirit alliance will be affected in the future.

Yuan Shenya was blasted out of a distance of thousands of meters, lying quietly in a huge pit, motionless.

Feng Yixiu finally escaped from the scope of the vacuum area, and first took a few breaths of fresh air.

"jié jié jié......"

But when everyone felt that things had subsided, a strange laughter suddenly came out.

The laughter is very gloomy, like a low growl of an evil spirit from the Nine Nether realm, which makes people can’t help but have one's hair stand on end.

Feng Yixiu couldn't help but browse tightly knit, turning his head to look in the direction from the laughter, which is the direction of Yuan Shenya.

I saw Yuan Shenya's body entwined with an ink-black aura, faintly converging into a weird Ghost King pattern.

An inexplicable sense of crisis made Feng Yixiu feel the hairs towering up, and immediately took Kong Pei back hundreds of meters.

At this time, Yuan Shenya feels terrifying, as if he is the lord of hell, and Dark Aura, which is as dark as ink, is erupting madly.

Yuan Shenya's body slowly floated into the air under the support of this Power of Darkness, and immediately stood upright, with a wicked smile on his face.

"What a powerful force! Didn't expect to be able to push me to this step. I have to admit that you are indeed strong!" Yuan Shenya stared at Feng Yixiu in the distance. , Coldly said.

Feng Yixiu frowned coldly, the lightning of the right hand began to condense, and the Primal Chaos Demon sword was held tightly in his palm.

"But this level of power is like defeating me, it's far from enough!" Yuan Shenya's voice turned, and he took out a dark dagger from his arms, The palm of his hand was opened, and the blood turned out to be dark golden!

"Ghost King from hell, I offer the blood of the king to summon you, let’s kill as much as you want!"

Yuan Shenya spread his arms and looked a little crazy Meaning, the dark golden blood on his arm sank into the void.

Suddenly, an inky black magic Spirit Treasure book appeared beside him, and the dark demonic energy contained on it was very ancient and mysterious.

This magical Spirit Treasure book has a Ghost King pattern with face looks sinister, which is covered in darkness and is constantly burning.

"This...this is the Second Magic Spirit Treasure Code?" Feng Yixiu couldn't help but browse tightly knit, and immediately shook the head, coldly said: "no! This should be a Holy Spirit Treasure Code!"

The general magical Spirit Treasure canon will never have such a strong oppression force, only the Holy Spirit Treasure canon can produce such a terrifying aura.

And the existence in this holy Spirit Treasure canon is certainly not simple, at least it is the Battle Spirit transformed from the ancient devil beast, a terrifying existence in the legend!

This holy Spirit Treasure tome was madly absorbing the dark golden blood of Yuan Shenya, and then it slowly unfolded.

A dark summon array that was as dark as ink appeared beside him, and the space seemed to be torn apart, creating a huge black crack.

Feng Yixiu's complexion was heavy, he naturally wouldn't sit still, and immediately manipulated a star next to him moved towards Yuan Shenya and attacked him.

Yuan Shenya looked at the approaching Xingmeiquanxing, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised, without any intention of avoiding it.

The formidable power of Xingmeiquanxing Xingmei has been taught by Yuanshenya, so he has not avoided it, which shows that he has absolute self-confidence.

At the crucial moment, a black ghost hand stretched out from the dark crack, which forcibly blocked the attack of Xingmeiquanxing!

This ghost hand is surrounded by dark purple flames, and there is also this irregular magic pattern on it, which is indescribably weird and overbearing.

Xing Mei Zhen Xing, who possesses a mighty force, can't break free from this terrifying ghost hand at all!

"ka ka ka ......"

This ghost hand seems to possess infinite power and power, but with a gentle grip, the stars and meteors start to appear. There are obvious cracks.

The existence of invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable such as Xingmeiquanxing is like a fragile piece of white paper in front of this ghost hand, gradually turning into dust!

Feng Yixiu was also taken aback by the scene in front of him. He never thought that this mysterious Battle Spirit would have such a shocking power before he even showed up!

"Queen of Blackthorns !"

In an instant, Feng Yixiu also felt the tremendous pressure, and immediately summon the second Battle Spirit to prepare for the battle.

"Your Highness Third Prince, that's enough!"

But just as he was about to fight again, a terrifying roar came, and it seemed to be a woman.

Immediately after Feng Yixiu saw a series of phantoms moved towards Division 4, there seemed to be blood-colored cherry blossoms falling along the way.

A beautiful woman wearing a black robe and dotted with blood cherry blossoms instantly appeared beside Yuan Shenya.

For some reason, Feng Yixiu felt a little familiar when he saw this woman, but he couldn’t tell where he saw it...

Yuan Shenya was seeing this person At that time, I became a little calmer, and said separately: "Shao Siming, why are you here?"

The woman called Shaosiming first moved towards Yuan Shenya and bowed slightly. Then he whispered: "Your Highness Third Prince, don’t forget the purpose of our trip. It’s not time to reveal your trump card..."

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