hearing this, Yuan Shenya 's expression gradually became calmer, and the ghost hand in the dark crack on the side gradually retracted.

The horrible hell aura gradually dissipated with the disappearance of the ghost hand, and the inky black Holy Spirit Treasure book also tended to nothingness.

The entire No. 4 Division has regained clarity, and Dark Aura who haunted Yuan Shenya completely disappeared.

Feng Yixiu's hearing is also excellent. When he heard Yuan Shenya call that name Shao Si Ming, he immediately recalled it.

When he was in Asura King Capital, Feng Yixiu had heard of the name of Shao Si Ming, she seemed to be a very powerful woman in the Flower of Evil.

Sao Siming’s daughter is Qidie, who also caused a lot of trouble to Feng Yixiu in the Shura bloody battle, but in the end she was killed by Feng Yixiu...

But isn't this young man of the flower of evil?

As the prince of the Sun-Moon Empire, Yuan Shenya is so noble, why is it related to the blood spirit organization!

Just as Feng Yixiu was lost in thought, Shao Siming slowly moved towards Feng Yixiu and walked over.

"My Excellency Asura King, did you meet the rules when you suddenly broke into the game?" Shao Siming stared at Feng Yixiu with a cold face, and you can see that he has a resentment towards Feng Yixiu in his heart. But she still hides very well.

For a while, Feng Yixiu was also a little speechless. He suddenly broke into the match scene of the China High Level League, which naturally did not conform to the rules of the game.

However, the situation was urgent at the time. Feng Yixiu really couldn’t take care of so much. He could only brace oneself to save people...

"Our Sun-Moon Empire has an attitude of friendly exchanges. When you came to your country, you made things difficult for Team Sun and Moon, and we didn’t say much? Now you are still ruining the game of Team Sun and Moon. What is the reason?” The young commander seemed a bit overbearing, and the imposing manner released was even more. It is very scary.

Shao Siming is a Level 8 ninth rank blood Spirit Venerable, only one step away from the Battle Spirit emperor, and his strength is beyond doubt.

Feng Yixiu fell into a disadvantage both in terms of strength and reason, and he was a little flustered for a while.

"Then what is the reason why your Sun and Moon team hurt the killer during the game?"

Suddenly, a heavy and powerful voice came, with a strong and firm tone.

A man with white clothes lightly stepped on a golden long sword under his feet, and moved quickly towards the fourth division. It was the Xuanji teacher.

Xuanji teacher stood beside Feng Yixiu, gently patted his shoulder, and whispered: "You are doing a good job, then let me handle it..."


Feng Yixiu smiled slightly. The arrival of Xuanji teacher made him feel very safe and confident in his heart.

He only had time to treat Kong Pei with his back behind him, and saw that the Queen of Blackthorns instantly produced a small piece of the Forest of Blackthorns.

The vastness of nature like the ocean is condensed into a halo of forest, which instantly attaches to Kong Pei’s body, and the azure jade dragon also releases the soft Azure Dragon holy thunder, the two together heal Kong Pei’s seriousness Injury.

At this time, Kong Pei's complexion was as pale as snow. Although there were not many wounds, he had already suffered shock due to blood loss.

The healing ability of Sun Luo Aura and Azure Dragon Saint Thunder is amazing. The wound on Kong Pei's arm is healing quickly at the speed visible to naked eye.

But after the trauma was healed, Kong Pei was still very weak. The loss of blood and blood could not be recovered in a short time...

Kong Pei regained his consciousness for a moment, see When I arrived at Feng Yixiu, I was also very excited. I held his arm tightly. The first sentence was, "Wind Captain...Please save my teammates!"

He was talking After finishing this sentence, he fell into a coma again, and he was able to say a word thanks to his strong willpower.

Feng Yixiu saw that Kong Pei got rid of his life danger, and went to check the other three team members, and found that only Gonglianglu was still breathing, and the other two team members were already unsaved.

The injury of this male deer is more terrifying than Kong Pei's. A huge penetrating wound appeared on his abdomen, which seems to be a bit horrible to see.

Perhaps because Gonglianglu is a third-rank source Martial Artist, his life force is much stronger than ordinary people, and he did not immediately become extinct in a short period of time.

He was also treated by the Queen of Blackthorns by the natural force, and the wound of horrible to see began to heal slowly, and his life was out of danger.

But Gonglianglu suffered much more serious injuries than Kong Pei. He did not wake up immediately, he was still in a coma...

Shao Siming smiled slightly, indifferently said "Presumably you should be Chiba sword saint, right? You keep on saying that our Sun Moon team hurt the killer, but in this game swords don't have eyes, death is not uncommon. Besides, you have an old saying in China. Well said, the lions and the rabbits still need to do their best! This Canglei team is not as good as others and does not take the initiative to surrender. Can this be blamed on us?"

"Don't take the initiative to surrender? You are really embarrassed to say this Kind of words!"

Feng Yixiu didn't intend to intervene anymore, but he couldn't hold back when he heard the words of Shao Siming.

Although the Sun Moon Team is very concealed, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Team Cang Lei has been manipulated by Yuan Shenya from beginning to end.

The disparity between the strengths of the two is really too big, so big that the members of Team Canglei can't surrender!

Xuan Ji immediately followed Feng Yixiu's shoulder and silently shook the head, then glanced upwards, indicating that there are still many international drones on the head.

Feng Yixiu immediately understood, suppressed his excitement as much as possible, and slowly turned around to continue taking care of Kong Pei and Gongliang Lu.

"It is indeed a mistake of the organizer to place your Sun and Moon teams in the top 100 ranking group, and we are willing to make up for this mistake. We will produce the Twelfth sacred badge as soon as possible, and you will also enjoy and The four Saint Courts have equal privileges." Xuanji teacher said with a serious face.

"hmph...you think it’s pretty beautiful. What do you think of our Sun-Moon Royal team? Is it a toy that can be handled at will?" The young man shook the head with a sneer, "We just have to I don’t want this sacred badge. What can you do with me?"

Hearing this, the Xuanji teacher also browses tightly knit, and this young man’s life is very difficult.

I am afraid that what Sun-Moon Team did was instructed by her, otherwise, relying on the young and energetic geniuses of Sun-Moon Team, she would definitely not think of this level.

The fact is exactly the same. The reason why Sunyue team submitted to humiliation was to make a big killing in the top 100 qualifying, so that Huaxia suffered a heavy loss and lost its face!

"I heard that the top ten new generation Academy is your rising star in China, but I don’t know how it compares to our Sun Moon Team?" Shao Si Ming said with a sneer.


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