However, Feng Yixiu still tried to touch this immortal stone, as if he had touched a hot red soldering iron, and immediately withdrew his hand.

"My God...this is too hot too!" Feng Yixiu blew his palm that was scalded out of blisters, and barked his teeth.

Immediately, Feng Yixiu condensed the Primal Chaos Demon sword again, trying to test the hardness of this immortal stone.

First, I slashed it lightly, but found that it had no effect, and it didn't even leave a simple mark.

He could see that this stubborn stone was stronger than he thought, so he swung a knife with all his strength.


Feng Yixiu was bombed out again, and his arms became a little numb, leaving only a light mark on it.

The hardness of this immortal stone is harder than that of meteorite, so he is a little helpless...

Feng Yixiu revolves around the immortal stone again Circle, but saw a completely different situation on the back.

I saw that the exposed part of the jade stone behind this immortal stone is actually blue ice, and the heat released from it is no longer heat, but icy cold air.

"Good guy... it's still a devil beast with dual attributes!" Feng Yixiu immediately reacted.

If the guess is not wrong, the devil beast life bred in the immortal stone is at least a double attribute devil beast, and maybe more than that.

Feng Yixiu is even more interested this time. In any case, he must accept this devil beast as a Battle Spirit!

"But how can I let it come out on its own initiative?" Feng Yixiu touched his chin, not knowing what to do for a while.

The immortal stubborn stone is too hard, and I can’t split it with all my strength...

When Feng Yixiu was helpless, Feng Yixiu’s second demon Spirit The Treasure code emerged on the initiative, and the Queen of Blackthorn instantly appeared beside him.

"Little demon, why did you run out by yourself?" Feng Yixiu asked with some doubts.

"I felt a strong ancient aura. I was afraid of the danger the Lord would encounter, so I came out to take a look..." Queen Blackthorn explained.

"Then you are here just right, the ancient breath you feel should come from this rock. I want to collect it as the third Battle Spirit, but I don't know how to make it come out." Feng Yixiu helplessly shook the head, said solemnly.

"Master, you can actually let me communicate with it first." Queen Blackthorn said seriously.

"That's right! I forgot that you can communicate with devil beast, so I'll trouble you." Feng Yixiu slapped his forehead sharply and shook his head.

"You are polite, please wait for me a little bit."

After that, Queen Blackthorn moved towards the immortal stone in front of her with an elegant and domineering step. Past.

Feng Yixiu was a little surprised that this time Immortal Stone did not send out threatening rays of light, but seemed very calm.

Feng Yixiu is also at a loss. Could it be that the devil beast in the immortal stone hates humans, or is it because the Queen of Blackthorn looks beautiful?

I saw the Queen of Blackthorns slowly stretched out the slender jade hand, gently placed her palm on the immortal stone, and then slowly closed her eyes.

For a while, the Queen of Blackthorn also released rays of light from her body, seeming to be echoing each other with the Immortal Stone.

After a full half an hour, Queen Blackthorn gradually opened her eyes and walked towards Feng Yixiu with a smile on her face.

"Why have you talked for so long? What did it tell you?" Feng Yixiu immediately leaned forward.

"The devil beast bred in this immortal stone seems to be a cub, not too mature, but he is not hostile to me." Queen Blackthorn said with a slight smile.

"Since there is no hostility, why does it seem to threaten me as soon as I approach..." Feng Yixiu frowned.

"It said that humans locked him in this ghost place at the beginning. There is not much Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi in this place for him to absorb, and it is very lonely, so it is normal to resent human beings. "The Queen Blackthorn explained in a low voice.

" turns out to be like this! Feng Yixiu silently nodded.

"It said that you would cut it with a knife as soon as you came. It was a little scared..." The queen continued.

"I didn't want to let it out..." Feng Yixiu touched his head in embarrassment, then whispered, "This little fellow is quite grudge." "

"But I have explained to it and conveyed your idea of ​​including it as Battle Spirit, but it doesn’t seem to understand what Battle Spirit means, I also explained to him For a long time, it said that as long as you can help him break the demon-binding lock that traps it, it promises to become your Battle Spirit. "The Queen of Blackthorns said solemnly.

Feng Yixiu glanced at the four black lacquered chains that are stronger than his arms, and they are also browse tightly frowns.

Surrounded by the ancient seal rune, faintly exuding black light, the whole immortal stone is very strong.

This thing does not look so easy to break!

"Fight! "

Feng Yixiu clenched the teeth with a stomped foot and secretly cheered on himself.

I saw him walk up to a magic chain with a serious face, and immediately The Primal Chaos Demon sword slashed up.


The huge rebound force made Feng Yixiu a few steps backwards, and the seeds of the head were also humming. , My arms are trembling uncontrollably.

However, the seal rune of the mysterious black that binds the magic lock has also become a little darker, and you can’t see it unless you look closely...

"I really don’t know what horrible thing this magic lock is made of, it can be so hard! "Feng Yixiu frowned.

"It’s not that this magic lock material is hard, but that it has the rune seal of the Black Tortoise Saint Spirit King. Seal is no longer so strong, otherwise you simply can't help this seal. The Queen of Blackthorn walked to Feng Yixiu's side and explained.

"Oh my God...this magic lock turned out to be the handwriting of the Black Tortoise Saint Spirit King. No wonder it is so hard. "Feng Yixiu sighed, and immediately wondered: "But this immortal stone can make the Black Tortoise Saint Spirit King pay so much attention, it seems that the background is not simple! "

"The devil beast that the master can see is naturally not simple. "The Queen of Blackthorns said with a slight smile.

"hehe... said with a slight smile ! Feng Yixiu touched his nose, "Anyway, I still have a lot of time now, I still don't believe that I can't help these few magic locks!" "

After saying that, Feng Yixiu once again swung the Primal Chaos Demon sword in his hand, slashed on the mark just now, and was shot out again.

With such repeated slashing actions over and over again, the Primal Chaos Demon sword will crack every 100 times, so I can only switch to the Azure Dragon Holy Spear and continue to slash.

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