When the left hand is numb, change to the right hand and continue to slash. Feng Yixiu repeats the boring movements day and night.

The forest made by the Queen of Blackthorns continuously provides Feng Yixiu with massive spiritual power supply, and she has been patiently by her side.

However, all these immortal stones can be felt. Feng Yixiu's impression in the heart of this young beast has also undergone a subtle change of unnoticeable influence...

This Black Tortoise Tower You can't see the Sun & Moon Transformation, and naturally you don't know how much time is. Feng Yixiu is just repeating a slashing action intently.


Only a crisp sound was heard, the last demon-binding lock was also completely cut off, and the only chain on the immortal stone fell weakly to the ground. .

" Huh ...Finally all broke!"

Feng Yixiu wiped a bead of sweat on his forehead, lying directly on the ground, I feel like I can't lift my hands anymore.

At this moment, he was in the mood to take a look at the time and found that he had been in the Black Tortoise Tower for half a month.

This means that his day and night slashing movements continued for a full three hundred and sixty hours!

"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly, Feng Yixiu felt the entire ground vibrate violently, and the initiator of all this was the immortal stone.

The immortal stone releases ice blue and Dark-red Flame, which are constantly intertwined, and the outermost rock layer is instantly transformed into powder by two violent forces.

At this time, the true face of the immortal stone is fully displayed in front of Feng Yixiu's eyes. Above it is the fusion of ice blue and dark red, which is very beautiful, as if it was born with Supreme Taoism.

“ka ka ka ……”

Cracks gradually appeared on the jade stone, one after another dazzling rays of light illuminated the dark top of the Black Tortoise Tower, It seems that Heaven and Earth are eclipsed by it.

Feng Yixiu, they are inside the Black Tortoise Tower and cannot see the changes in the outside world. The wind and clouds above the Black Tortoise Tower are changing, and dark clouds and auspicious clouds are arbitrarily disturbing Heaven and Earth.

At this moment, almost everyone in Xuantian Academy has seen this amazing change on the Black Tortoise Tower, which naturally includes everyone on the Xuantian Martial Practice Stage.

It's a pity that Xuantian Martial Practice Stage is still very far away from the Black Tortoise Tower. When they were about to find out, Heaven and Earth were calm again.

Originally, Gu Liangyu stood up abruptly while watching the game comfortably, with a hint of ominous premonition in his heart.

When he was going to check out the Black Tortoise Tower, Murong Bei Jia on the side coldly said, "Dean Gu, I’m afraid to persuade you to watch the game well. I’ll do the Black Tortoise Tower. Just deal with it."

Gu Liangyu bitterly laughed, and sat down helplessly. Now he is not qualified to manage the internal affairs of the Academy.

'There should be no problem! After all, the top floor of the Black Tortoise Tower needs a key to open...'Gu Liangyu in the heart whispered.

Unfortunately, he didn't expect that the thing he feared the most had happened. Feng Yixiu still came to the top of the Black Tortoise Tower and broke the seal of the immortal stone.

Fortunately, the devil beast in the immortal stone does not intend to escape from the Black Tortoise Tower, but will soon become the Battle Spirit of Feng Yixiu.

If Dean Gu learns about this, I'm afraid he will be so angry that he can't sleep for three days and three nights...

The top floor of the Black Tortoise Tower.

An Innate ape no more than one meter high appeared in front of Feng Yixiu, his eyes looked very pure, and he was looking around with curiosity.

Although the Innate Spirit Ape in front of you is not big, the breath it releases is quite amazing, and it doesn't quite match its compact size.

The scattered jade stone condensed two completely different rays of light, which gradually gathered on the Innate ape spirit, making him full of burning flames...

This ling ape's petite body is covered by blue and black magic patterns, and the left arm is wrapped with icy blue rays of light, releasing the ultimate ice breath. The dark-red Flame wrapped around the right hand arm, releasing the breath of Extreme Hot.

The whole body's hair is replaced by the light blue flame, especially the flame above the head is very bright, which means hair stands up in anger.

The ape is conceived from the immortal stone. When born, it does not distinguish between good and evil, and acts entirely by instinct. It is natural, so it is like a pure white paper.

I have to say, this is the most handsome ape Feng Yixiu has ever seen. The most important thing is that it is just a cub, and it has such power. If it evolves into a complete body, then it is worth it!

Looking at the handsome and extraordinary Yuanling in front of him, Feng Yixiu couldn't help but stare at the gold star...

Feng Yixiu was looking at Innate Yuanling, and Yuanling didn't look at it anymore. Focus on the person in front of you.

Although Yuanling is still in the young Spirit Rank stage, it does not mean that he is stupid or naive. After all, he has his own sense of autonomy in the gestation stage.

He can perceive everything that is happening outside, so it stands to reason that it is much older than Feng Yixiu!

But what he has come into contact with is everything in nature. Compared with human society, it is still not worth mentioning, so it is not a problem to say that it is a blank paper...

Innate Yuanling jumped in front of Feng Yixiu very dexterously, looked up at Feng Yixiu, indifferently said: "mother, can you take me out?"

Feng Yixiu was obviously taken aback , This Innate ape can speak as soon as he is born!

My god! This is too powerful!

"What did you call me just now?" Feng Yixiu was a little confused.

What happened to the devil beast and the devil now? Why do you like to call yourself father mother so much!

Feng Yixiu is very depressed right now, if someone hears it, shouldn’t you get me wrong...

But then again, if you have to call it, it shouldn’t be father?

"I had a friend before. She was a white fox. She often lay on the stone and chat with me. He told me that the first one he saw after birth It's mother." Innate Yuanling looked towards Feng Yixiu and his eyes were full of rays of light.

Feng Yixiu looked at Innate Yuanling's pure eyes, as if he had seen a newly born baby, and couldn't bear to refuse for a while.

This devil beast that pops out of the stone does not have a father mother, or Heaven and Earth is its parent...

"Well...you like to call It’s up to you if you want, but can you not call it mother? Father, okay?” Feng Yixiu persuades.

"Okay! Father...my friend Little White Fox also said that no matter who it is, there is a father mother! What about my mother?" Innate Ling Yuan looked towards the Queen of Blackthorns on the side , Wondering: "Can she be my mother?"

"She might not..." Feng Yixiu face full of black lines, and immediately said with a slight smile: "Don't worry! You will have Mother, I believe Yuer will definitely like you very much!"

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