He suddenly recalled the time when Xiaobailou had just become his first Battle Spirit. He was also very cute.

I guess it treats itself as its own mother...

It's a pity that Xiaobailou didn't speak when he was born, otherwise it should be the same as the Little Monkey in front of him. Cute.

Feng Yixiu's second Battle Spirit is the Demon of Thorn. At that time, it was already the Battle Spirit in the mature form, so it was not friendly to him for a long time.

But with the passage of time, under Feng Yixiu's unremitting efforts, the little demon's prejudice against him has gradually disappeared, and the relationship between them has become better and better.

So when Feng Yixiu considers the third Battle Spirit, the first choice is the cub.

Because this will save a lot of trouble, and the relationship between the two will be deeper. Otherwise, for a mature devil beast, letting him follow a human is obviously A very difficult thing...

For example, Yuan Shenya’s second Battle Spirit, this is obviously a very powerful devil beast contracted with it, and he also needs to sacrifice his own blood. Can you please move the second Battle Spirit, this is the difference!

The more powerful this devil beast, the more rebellious it is. How can they succumb to the control of humans willingly? Presumably Yuan Shenya paid for the devil beast for the second Battle Spirit in order to contract that devil beast. A huge price...

Feng Yixiu bent down slightly, trying to touch the cute little ape spirit in front of him, but he was burned by the flames above his head, and he immediately took it back. Own palm.

"Father...I'm sorry! I will put away the flames."

Innate's violent flames gradually extinguished, revealing his white hair.

Although a little less domineering, but a little more agile, fluttering big eyes are staring at Feng Yixiu.

Feng Yixiu can then smile and touch Innate Yuanling’s hair, which is much softer than I thought and feels very comfortable to the touch.

Innate Yuanling also appears very well-behaved, squinting his eyes very comfortably, and gently shaking his flexible tail...

He has been so lonely these years. I stayed alone in this ghost place for more than three hundred years. Now it's finally time to see the sun again, and he naturally likes Feng Yixiu who worked hard to save him.

"Then I will give you a name?" Feng Yixiu said with a slight smile.

"Okay, okay! My good friend told me that the name is usually taken by father mother." Innate is nodded like pounding garlic.

"There is a hero in our Chinese mythology. I hope you will be as great as him in the future, so you call Kongkong, OK?" Feng Yixiu pondered for a long time, suggested.

"I listen to father! Then I will be called Kongkong from now on..." Innate Yuanling agreed very well.

"Okay! Now we can have a contract ceremony, are you willing to be my Battle Spirit?" Feng Yixiu squatted down and said with a slight smile.

"Empty willing! You rescued me, and I will follow you from now on." Innate Yuanling leaped slightly and jumped onto Feng Yixiu's shoulder.

Feng Yixiu only felt that he seemed to be carrying a huge mountain on his back, and almost knelt off guard.

Although Kongkong's body does not look big, it is currently only less than one meter tall, which is nothing compared to Feng Yixiu, who is more than 1.9 meters.

But its weight is amazing. Feng Yixiu's current strength has reached an extremely terrifying point. It can make him feel so strenuous in an instant. It can be seen how heavy Innate is...

"father? What's wrong with you?" Suspiciously looking at Feng Yixiu, who was a little flushed on Feng Yixiu's shoulders.

"No...it's okay! Just be happy!" Feng Yixiu can only grit his teeth and persist in order to maintain his image.

"How on earth do you want to contract?" asked empty-handedly.

Feng Yixiu flipped his palm, and a heavy holy Spirit Treasure book appeared in Feng Yixiu's hands.

"This is the Holy Spirit Treasure Code. As long as both of us put our efforts on this, as long as you are willing, you will be regarded as completing the contract ceremony, and you will become my Battle Spirit in the future." Feng Yixiu explained patiently.

Innate Yuanling immediately jumped off Feng Yixiu's shoulder, and that foot almost knocked Feng Yixiu over.

Feng Yixiu only felt that his old waist seemed to flash, and he made a sour creak sound...

It seems that I will have a good chat with this little fellow in the future , Don't be sloppy, it's really hard for ordinary people to handle it!

I’m okay. If I accidentally jump on the shoulders of Shen Ruyu or the end of Eastern Summer and the others, then there is no need to compete, just go to the hospital and lie down...

Feng Yixiu took out a dagger made of Mithril, and then gently slid his finger, a drop of red blood dripped on the Holy Spirit Treasure canon.

"Next, it's time to spare you. If you are afraid of pain, just be lighter, just a little bit of blood." Feng Yixiu said distressedly.

"Empty is not afraid of pain..." Innate Yuanling turned out the Mithril dagger in Feng Yixiu's hand, and immediately stroked his finger.

But what Feng Yixiu didn't expect was that Kong Kong's fingers were still intact, and there was no trace of blood.

Innate Yuanling tried again, this time it was very hard, almost almost erasing the fire star.

But there was no effect anymore, the capital of the Mithril Dagger became blunt, and the hand of Innate was still not cut away.

"Oh my God! You are just a cub! Is this impervious to sword and spear?" Feng Yixiu's eyes widened, with question marks all over his head.

Good fellow, this guy was so terrifying as soon as he made a sound, even the Mithril Dagger Capital couldn't harm him. It can be said to be Copper Skin & Iron Bones.

In desperation, Feng Yixiu could only condense the Primal Chaos Demon sword, and then successfully made a small hole appeared on Kongkong’s finger, and a drop of golden blood dripped on the Holy Spirit Treasure Code. superior.

The Queen of Blackthorns immediately treated the wounds for the two of them, and the wound on the finger instantly recovered.

Two drops of blood submerged into the Holy Spirit Treasure canon at the same time, but there was no response for a while.

Feng Yixiu then remembered that he had forgotten to take out the Gourmet Demon Orb, so he immediately took out the Gourmet Demon Orb, and this made the Holy Spirit Treasure Tome emit bursts of rays of light.

Innate Yuanling only feels that the connection between himself and Feng Yixiu has become closer, as if their lives are connected together.

At the same time, the Holy Spirit Treasure dictionary also began to have no wind. The first page gradually began to outline the appearance of Innate, and the empty silhouette gradually became more and more illusory.

In the end, Kong Kong completely disappeared in front of Feng Yixiu, and the first page of the Holy Spirit Treasure was completely outlined, and the Battle Spirit was named "Innate Ape Spirit".

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