"I will give you this sentence as it is. I just hope you don't blame me when the time comes..." Xuanji teacher coldly snorted.

"Xuanji teacher is really very confident..." Mu Han frowned, "Even the Xuantian Team and the Burning Feather Team, they would not dare to despise our Frenzy Team so much!"

"The two team leaders should stop arguing. This game is about to begin. You should pay more attention to the situation of the game..."

The leader of the Jihuang team is sandwiched between them. In the middle, so he played the role of peacemaker.


Xuanji teacher and Mu Han were coldly snorted at the same time, and they soon set their sights on the arena.

"Now, please come to the center of the arena for the Captain of Team Fury and Frenzy." The referee stood in the center of the match, said solemnly.

Captain Feng Yixiu of Team Angry Scales and Captain Meng Mingjie of Team Frenzy moved towards the center of the arena almost at the same time, and their eyes collided violently all the time.

Feng Yixiu is the first to extend the hand, said with a slight smile: "I hope you don’t lose too ugly..."

Meng Mingjie extends the hand and holds it tightly The palm of the opponent originally wanted to increase his strength to give the opponent a powerful force, but found that the palm of the opponent was as strong and powerful as steel, and could not be shaken at all.

"You will pay the price of your blood for your frivolousness!" Meng Mingjie flushed with pain and gritted his teeth violently.

"I now announce the precautions for the game. Both sides have the right to admit defeat. If they continue to take the shot after surrendering, they will be judged to lose the game." The referee started announcing the rules with a serious face and continued:" Now I confirm the players. The Frenzy Team will play four players, and the Furyscale Team will play two players. Please confirm whether Captain is correct?"

Feng Yixiu slowly released Meng Mingjie’s palm, saying with a slight smile: "Confirmation is correct..."

Meng Mingjie shook his red arm abruptly, said solemnly: "Confirmation is correct!"

"Okay! Confirmation procedure is complete Now, the competition venue is officially drawn. Ten seconds after the venue is confirmed, the competition will officially start. Now please let the two Captains return to their respective Safety Sectors." The referee stretched out his arms and signaled that Feng Yixiu and Meng Mingjie can go back.

"Feng Yixiu, I will make it difficult for you to lose!" Meng Mingjie made a ruthless remark before he left, and then returned to their Safety Sector.

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, not intending to reason about Meng Mingjie’s provocation, but returned to the Safety Sector with a relaxed look.

After the two returned to the Safety Sector, the background image on the big screen of Xuantian Martial Practice Stage kept flickering, which was to draw the competition field.

The final competition venue was determined to be on a forgotten ruin. This forgotten ruin is like a lost capital, which appears tangled and complicated.

This mimic map does not have the advantages of blessed by heaven for the Frenzy and Ragescales, but the most suitable for such a map is small-scale street fighting.

The mimic map can only be used in the top ten competition. The reason is that this large-scale mimic map requires a huge amount of consumption and is also a considerable expense.

In the top 100 qualifying competitions, except for the final ten seat competitions, mimic map technology is generally not used, which is also to save costs.


The Heaven and Earth turning upside down change occurred in the Martial Practice Stage of Xuantian, which is rapidly changing the terrain of the competition venue. .

Except for the Safety Sector, the entire competition venue was plunged into darkness, and the Formation of the competition venue seemed to completely block the outside sunlight.

Countless lost ruins began to condense and form, completely blocking all sight. This means that Feng Yixiu simply doesn't know the specific location of the other party.

The three referees formed a triangle. They were looking down at everything that happened below from a high altitude, and they could see every corner of the game field from their perspective.

The audience can also see everything that happens on the game field from a condescending view. Although you can't see it clearly, you can watch everything that happens on the game field through the tracking perspective on the big screen.


There is a holographic projection in the sky above the mimic map, which counts down continuously. Only after the countdown is over, the Safety Sector barrier will Disappear, the two sides can smoothly enter the forgotten ruins.

"Yu'er...This map is not good for melee combat. You don't need to leave the Safety Sector first. After I confirm their specific location, I will introduce them into air combat. When the time comes you As soon as he saw the flower of black thorns, he made a decisive move." Feng Yixiu confirmed the tactics of this battle almost as quickly as possible.

"Hmm...Big Brother Feng, you must be careful!" Shen Ruyu seriously nodded, and immediately condensed the Liangyi Burning Sky Bow, standing on the boundary line of the Safety Sector.

As long as someone appears in the sky, Shen Ruyu's Liangyi Burning Sky Bow will give the most ferocious blow!

"The game begins!"

Feng Yixiu instantly turned on the violent thunder mode with a mechanical and electronic sound, almost instantly breaking into the forgotten ruins.

On the frenzy team, they did not adopt the method of dividing the troops into several routes, but adopted the most secure collective dispatch.

With Captain Meng Mingjie as the center, they began to cautiously explore each other's traces among the forgotten ruins...

Although Meng Mingjie despised Feng Yixiu on the surface, he actually took this very seriously. The game is extremely delicate, and the most aggressive air combat style is not used at first.

Because they know that Shen Ruyu’s spiritual weapon is a bow and arrow, it can be said that it is very suitable for air combat. When the time comes, they may fall into a passive position.

In the case of ground warfare, such complex terrain actually limits Shen Ruyu's performance.

As long as they get the first chance when they meet, they can take the lead to get rid of Shen Ruyu first, and then get rid of Feng Yixiu together.

Even if Feng Yixiu is strong, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the four main forces of their Frenzy Team...

But what Meng Mingjie did not expect is that Shen Ruyu simply did not. Stepping into the battlefield, only Feng Yixiu came out of the Safety Sector.

Shen Ruyu is already setting up a bow and arrow, as long as someone appears in the sky, he will immediately start the offensive!

At this moment, the entire map of the forgotten ruins is extremely silent, and even the slightest footsteps have not been heard. The endless dark night shrouded every corner of the previous ruins.

The teams that can participate in the China High Level League are all elites out of a million. Well-trained, they will never make such low-level mistakes.

Under such a depressed atmosphere, everyone in the audience held their breath for fear that they would disturb the team in the field.

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