The audience was also amazed by Feng Yixiu's courage. They dared to go deep into the danger alone and face the four main forces of the frenzy team alone!

As soon as the game was at first, Feng Yixiu relied on the speed advantage of the Thunder Element source Martial Artist to first come to the center of the forgotten ruins.

The center of the forgotten ruins is a lost altar, which is the most open place in the entire map.

I saw Feng Yixiu immediately summon the Queen of Blackthorns, and then threw out two golden demon cards, the Queen of Senro-Senro!

However, the Queen of Blackthorns just planted a large amount of Blackthorn seeds around the Lost Altar, and did not let these seeds germinate immediately.

The Queen of Blackthorns is best at positional warfare. As long as the opponent can be attracted to the battlefield full of Blackthorn seeds, then the upper hand will be steadily gained.

"Master, the Blackthorn Seed has been planted, but I just don't know how to attract the other party?" The Queen of Blackthorn communicated with Feng Yixiu using her heart and soul, but did not speak.

"Little demon, make a wooden stake similar to mine. Remember to use the flame seed to simulate the temperature of the human body and hide in this bush." ​​Feng Yixiu glanced around. Circle, and soon his gaze will be locked in the vicinity of one of the few bushes.

The Queen of Blackthorns waved gently, and immediately a wooden stake similar to Feng Yixiu's body was made.

I saw Feng Yixiu take off his coat, and then put the coat on the stake, hiding it in the bushes.

"Is this hiding too hidden, will the other party not be able to find it?"

The Queen of Blackthorn looked at the bushes for a long time, and found that she could not find the wood at such a close distance. How can the other party discover the existence of the pile at such a distance?

Feng Yixiu smiled mysteriously, indifferently said: "Don't worry...because I shook hands with that guy, they will find it."

The Queen of Blackthorns still has a face. Confused, but out of trust and understanding of Feng Yixiu, he did not continue to inquire.

As time passed, Feng Yixiu kept his eyes closed and seemed to be calculating the ebbing of time.

Suddenly, Feng Yixiu opened his eyes suddenly, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised, indifferently said: "Time should be almost up...little demon, quickly find a hidden place to make a flower of thorns, we can It’s gone."

"Yes! Lord!"

The Queen of Blackthorn glanced around, and immediately planted two huge thorns in an unremarkable corner. The flower.

The two flowers of thorns bloomed slowly, Feng Yixiu and Queen Blackthorn entered into different flowers of thorns respectively, and they almost sank under the ground at the same time.

The screen switches to the Frenzy Team. Since they are four people acting together, the speed is inevitably slower than Feng Yixiu.

At this time, in the frenzy team, only two Battle Spirits were released by summon, one of which is the control system Battle Spirit, Scarlet Blood Demon!

The Scarlet Blood Demon bat can release ultrasonic waves to explore the surroundings, so he acts as a radar-like presence of the entire team, as long as Feng Yixiu appears in the vicinity, it can detect the position in advance.

The other Battle Spirit is called the Lion Face Mastiff King. Although its battle strength is not as good as the remaining two Battle Spirits, it has a unique ability.

As soon as Meng Mingjie left the Safety Sector, he asked the Lion-faced Mastiff King to sniff his right hand, letting it rely on the special Battle Spirit technique that was traced thousands of miles to find the trace of Feng Yixiu.

So they have been under the leadership of the Lion-faced Mastiff from the game at first, and have been moving towards the most central lost altar. They are preparing to sneak attack Feng Yixiu!

The footsteps of the entire group of Frenzy Team are extremely gentle, walking silently through the night, step by step approaching the Altar of Lost.

Suddenly, the Scarlet Blood Demon bat stopped, as if it sensed something alive.

Yu Meng, the owner of the Scarlet Blood Demon bat, whispered softly: "I have sensed the enemy's trail, right in the bushes."

Meng Mingjie was proud of it. With a smile, he whispered softly: "This kid probably didn't expect that he would find his trace so soon..."

"Captain, what should we do now?" Master Guan of the Lion Face Mastiff King Feng whispered.

"Of course there was a surprise attack. The four of us attacked together. This kid is dead!" Meng Mingjie slightly raised the corner of his mouth and gritted his teeth.

"Why is Feng Yixiu alone, why not Shen Ruyu in the vicinity?" Vice Captain Xu Wenhua asked with some doubts.

"They should act separately...but this is just right, let's defeat them separately!" Meng Mingjie pondered for a moment, and continued: "We will take action together and execute plan B later!"


The other three of the frenzy team echoed in unison.

But what they don’t know is that Feng Yixiu and Queen Blackthorn are under their feet. Hidden under the ground, they completely escaped the detection of Scarlet Blood Demon and the Lion Face Mastiff. .

Feng Yixiu knows everything about the frenzy team, and even they can barely hear their whispers.

The Frenzy Team quietly approached the bushes hidden by "Feng Yixiu", and they formed an encirclement from four different directions.

Captain Meng Mingjie and Vice Captain Xu Wenhua also summon their own Battle Spirit, both of which are the monarch-level Battle Spirit of the assault system.

Among them, "Gray Demon Bear" is Meng Mingjie’s Battle Spirit, and "Xiaoyue Silver Wolf" is Xu Wenhua’s Battle Spirit, both of which are powerful ultimate Battle Spirit......

The movements of the four are very consistent, which shows that their fighting qualities are also very good, and everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.


Meng Mingjie made a gesture of wiping his neck when confirming that all four of them had reached the best offensive distance, and communicated with everyone with his lips.

Scarlet Blood Demon, as the battle strength of the control system, was naturally the first to launch an attack. I saw Yu Meng throw out a black gold demon card that strengthened the sound wave.

"Ultrasonic interference!"

With an order from Yu Meng, the Scarlet Blood Demon bat moved towards the bushes and sent out a burst of ultrasonic interference.

This is an extremely difficult to defend against sound wave control Battle Spirit technique, as long as the move, it will be controlled for at least three seconds.

Of course, their target "Feng Yixiu" is naturally motionless. After all, he is just a stake...

It is precisely because of the understanding of the bloody mephits that everyone in the Frenzy Team There is no doubt about Feng Yixiu's motionless.

Auxiliary Battle Spirit Lion Face Mastiff immediately released the auxiliary aura, bloody aura to the two Battle Spirits of the assault system!

This can greatly increase the attack power and speed attributes of the Grey Explosion Devil Bear and Xiaoyue Silver Wolf. The two Attack System Battle Spirits release dazzling blood light all over, like a hungry tiger rushing towards "Feng Yixiu "!

I like the Divine Grade pet evolution system, please collect it: ( The Divine Grade pet evolution system is the fastest to update novels.

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