Murong Bei Jia also stood up with a smile on his face, and said in a deep voice : "Thank you for the excellent performance of the Angry Lins team, and the only one who has no defeat at the moment is the Angry Lins team. The Huaxia team, this marshal also hopes that you will be able to overcome all obstacles and eventually win the championship!"

hearing this, all the spectators in the entire Xuantian Martial Practice Stage are cheering for the name of the angry scale team.

This sentence is obviously for the extremely arrogant Sun-Moon Team, and it can fiercely suppress their arrogant arrogance...

The Sun-Moon Empire came here. The fans now seem to be completely wilted and are no longer as active as they used to be.

Even if they are not Battle Spirit Masters, they can see the terrifying of the strength of Team Fury...

Originally, these people thought that Team Sun and Moon won the championship with no difficulty, but it was I didn't expect China to have such a young genius!

If you look closely, you can see that in the Sun-Moon Empire fan group, the eyes of many people have become a little bit gloomy, as if a poisonous snake may be violent and hurt at any time.

If Feng Yixiu didn't know that there were members of the Shadow Club in the Sun Moon Team, he would definitely not be able to find these people.

But now I really feel the faintly discernable murderous aura attack. Although I am not afraid, I am inevitably a little uncomfortable...

These evil flower shadows The members are like a dark sword with a handle hanging over their heads. I don't know when it will give Feng Yixiu a thunder blow.

'It seems that you have to start first to be strong, otherwise it will be a disaster to keep it sooner or later...' Feng Yixiu brows slightly wrinkle, thinking secretly in his heart.

The Qi Die on the team leader's bench also stood up, looking towards Feng Yixiu again, and his eyes were also intriguing. He quietly left the Martial Practice Stage of Xuantian, and the Sun Moon team also left together. Several people.

As soon as Feng Yixiu returned to the player seat, he heard many congratulations from other teams Captain.

The significance of this game is worthy of being insignificant. In future games, there will be almost no rivals except for Team Burning Feather and Team Xuantian.

Feng Yixiu one after another thank you, after all, except for some extreme people in the seven headquarters, most Captain treats Feng Yixiu very kindly.

Not long after being seated, Captain Xu Huayue of the Northwest Team came over with a grin.

I saw Xu Huayue standing next to Tantai Yangxu for a long time, without speaking, just staring at her quietly...

Tantai Yangxu helplessly spread her hands. said with a bitter smile: "Go! You talk, I'll make room for you!"

After saying that, Tantai Yangxu slowly stood up, standing aside with a look of lovelessness.

Xu Huayue then slowly sat next to Feng Yixiu, said with a smile: "Captain Feng, I'm actually here to talk to you about the game..."

"Talk about the game?" Feng Yixiu was also confused, and immediately wondered: "Do you want us to release the water?"

Because Feng Yixiu knows that the seven teams have an unwritten rule, Never surrender before the game.

After all, every seven headquarters team represents the seven headquarters. It is nothing to lose the game. If you lose the backbone, it will make you laugh...

Even if you are on the court. If you concede defeat later, you won't be ashamed of the entire headquarters.

"How can the things between these colleagues be said to release water? Just don't let us lose so ugly..." Xu Huayue smiled slightly and said seriously.

Feng Yixiu's face was full of black lines, and after a little thought, he said with a slight smile: "It's not a problem, then we will only go to Han Xiao and the end of summer in the East..."


The reason why he said this is actually the result of careful consideration.

I am worried about how to take a while to solve the Black Tortoise Secret Realm issue. Now the other party has come to discuss it, naturally, there is no reason to refuse.

"In order to show our sincerity, we won't let all the main players participate."

While speaking, Captain Xu Huayue of the Northwest team filled out the match information form in front of Feng Yixiu .

Except for the positive Vice Captain, the rest of the North China team are also substitutes.

After finishing this, he passed the pen in his hand to Feng Yixiu and said in a joking tone: "I am not a vanishing pen..."

Feng Yixiu laughed He touched his nose, just glanced roughly, did not really check, and said: "I believe in your character, the check is unnecessary."

Since the other party is so honest, Feng Yixiu also filled out the match information form in front of the opponent.

Among them, only Han Xiao and Dongfang Xiamo played, and the other two were also substitutes...

Then they submitted the match information form to the referee team together. No magic cultivator change.

"The Captain of the wind is really magnificent. If you come to the Northwest in the future, you must come and play with us..." Xu Huayue smiled and slowly got up.

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu nodded with a smile did not say much.

As soon as everyone in the Northwest team left, Han Xiao, who had been silent just now, was a little puzzled: "Captain, why did you let me and Xia Mei play, then Xiaoyu?"

Feng Yixiu Smiled slightly, and said softly: "I and Yuer have an important thing to do these days. I can only work hard for you."

"Big Brother Han Xiao, don't ask, Captain arranged this way. There must be his reason." Dongfang immediately agreed at the end of summer.

Suddenly, Han Xiao seemed to think of something, nodded with a smile.

They also remembered that Feng Yixiu mentioned the Black Tortoise Secret Realm clues. This important thing must be this thing...

The reason why Feng Yixiu wanted to Shen Ruyu brought it, on the one hand to make it easier to track, and on the other hand to deal with the worst-case scenario.

The Great Xia Dragon Sparrow can be tracked at extremely long distances when armed with the eagle eye.

Feng Yixiu is best at tracking on the ground, but at high altitude, the tracking ability is probably not as good as Shen Ruyu.

If there is a conflict between the two sides, Feng Yixiu can use the Battle Spirit Concord technique if he carries Shen Ruyu.

That is a powerful Battle Spirit technique with a cross-level challenge, especially after using the Holy Spirit card, the formidable power is extremely powerful!


Two days later, the Sun Moon Team will live.

This is the day when Qi Die is going to Tianhai Lake, and Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu have been guarding here early.

However, the place they chose was thousands of meters away from the residence of the Sun and Moon Team, amidst a white cloud.

This is the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow armed with eagle eyes can clearly see the situation thousands of meters away, Feng Yixiu only feels trapped in a white world.

I don't know how long it took, Great Xia Dragon Sparrow let out a slight cry, which seemed to remind Shen Ruyu and Feng Yixiu behind them.

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