"Big Brother Feng, there seems to be something..." Shen Ruyu pushed Feng Yixiu on the side. Whispered softly.

Feng Yixiu immediately pull yourself together, but what you see is still a vast expanse of whiteness, where can you see the others...

"Yu'er, you still translate for me, Huohuo What did you say?" Feng Yixiu scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Huohuo said that Qi Die has come out, it seems to be a little cautious." Shen Ruyu said seriously.

"It seems that this is going to be ready to go, let's hurry up!" Feng Yixiu nodded, immediately said: "Be careful to keep a safe distance and don't let the other party find us."

Great Xia Dragon Sparrow gently nodded, even if it starts to slowly flap its wings, it is constantly walking back and forth in the clouds.

The Great Xia Dragon Sparrow is now thousands of meters away from Qi Die, not to mention the breath, even the silhouette can’t be seen...

Only Seeing Qi Die seemingly walking carelessly, she reached a deserted wasteland.

She first moved towards and looked around for a while, and after confirming that there was no one around, she summoned out her own Battle Spirit, the psychedelic butterfly emperor.

The psychedelic butterfly emperor slowly flashed its wings, the colorful butterfly powder began to spread out, and Qi Die's body gradually became illusory, until finally disappeared completely.

The psychedelic butterfly herself disappeared together. The psychedelic butterfly powder seemed to have some invisible effects.

Although Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu can't see clearly, they can see that the fuzzy silhouette is gradually disappearing...

"Huh? Why did the woman disappear? Could it be invisible..." Shen Ruyu asked with some doubts.

"It should not be invisible, but fuse together with the all around environment, otherwise Huohuo will not be able to continue to lock the other party." Feng Yixiu thought a little and speculated.

"This guy is really cautious..." Shen Ruyu couldn't help sighing.

"No wonder the Sun-Moon Empire will send this person. It turns out that there is such a convenient Battle Spirit, who can come and go freely without being discovered." Feng Yixiu echoed.

"Huo Huo, continue to follow the other party and keep a safe distance." Shen Ruyu gently patted the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow under him, and whispered softly.

Great Xia Dragon Sparrow followed Qi Die's steps far along the way, hiding in the thick clouds every time, unable to be found at all.

They first left Mysterious Heaven Island and then moved towards the Tianhai Lake below.

I have to say that Qi Die is very careful. The places she chooses are very remote, even if it is a detour, she must choose an unobtrusive route.

After half a day, Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu came to an endless lake.

This lake is Tianhai Lake. If you didn’t know that it was a lake, I’d probably mistake it for the ocean...

The silhouette of Qi Die gradually began to appear, and Feng Yixiu was watching After she appeared, she couldn't help being sighed in relief.

After all, after tracking the "air" for so long, he was really scared and lonely.

Fortunately, Great Xia Dragon Sparrow is still very reliable, so it is not difficult to track such a difficult track.

Tianhai Lake is very large, but the place Qi Die chose is an extremely remote location, which can be a deserted place.

Not long after Qi Die became active, all around sprang out of the entire group from nowhere, and seemed to have been here for a long time.

Despite the distance of kilometers, Feng Yixiu quickly identified the leader according to his body size as the one code-named the wolf thorn...

But this time these people are wearing The clothes of the Black Tortoise Han Family have obvious characteristics. It is the traditional clothing that the Black Tortoise Han Family will wear on formal occasions. The overall feature is mainly black and sky blue.

Feng Yixiu touched his chin and said softly: "Is this trying to pretend to be a Han Family person to confuse the audience? It seems that they are quite prepared..."

"These people from the Sun-Moon Empire are really wolfish ambitions, and they have paid attention to our Huaxia Holy Spirit Secret Realm!" Shen Ruyu was also angry when he saw this.

"Oh...I just hope that the tide clan is not too stupid!" Feng Yixiu shook the head helplessly, indifferently said.

Qi Die glanced slightly, indifferently said: "The first purpose of our trip to King Tide City this time is to pretend to be the Han Family and successfully gain the trust of the other party. If not necessary, You must not use martial power, do you understand?"


Several dozens of people in the film department responded at the same time.

"Okay! Now everyone is following my steps and heading to the King of Tides, but before reaching the King of Tides, there is a natural barrier where there will be a huge whirlpool that can destroy steel. Everyone, be careful not to be washed away." Qi Die's eyes were cold, said solemnly.


The shadow team was nodded together, shouting in unison.

Qi Die was nodded with satisfaction and jumped into the water first, and soon disappeared from sight.

The leader of the shadow club, Wolfstab, follow closely from behind followed along, and then the rest of the shadow club members jumped into the water in an orderly manner one by one.

During this time, Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu also hurry to land in the jungle not far away.

Shen Ruyu watched those people jump into the water one by one, some worriedly said: "Big Brother Feng, presumably this Tidal City must be very deep, but these people just jumped into the water like this, not afraid of being drowned. Is it?"

Feng Yixiu smiled and scratched Shen Ruyu's nose gently, and said softly: "Silly Yuer, did you forget that you are the fourth rank source Martial Artist?"

"Oh...I almost forgot that the fourth rank source Martial Artist can initially transform his body structure." Shen Ruyu slapped his forehead sharply and said softly.

"Yes, the fourth rank source Martial Artist has completely got rid of the category of ordinary person. Ordinary person cannot absorb oxygen in the water, but we can do it with no difficulty, so even in water Life is also no problem." Feng Yixiu explained patiently.

"Only the last four people are left. Let's quickly find a chance to keep up. If we get thrown away, it will be over." Shen Ruyu pointed to the distance, anxiously said.

"Hmm...but before that, I seem to have a better idea." Feng Yixiu touched his chin, showing a sly smile.

Shen Ruyu looked at the other person’s smile, opened the mouth and said: "Do you want to get involved in it?"

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and said indifferently: "He who knows me, Yuer too!"

"Huh? What if we are discovered?" Shen Ruyu said somewhat worriedly.

"The Great Xia Dragon Sparrow is too eye-catching in the water to continue tracking. With Qi Die's perception, it might not be easy for us to track silently, so..." Feng Yixiu said with a serious face.

"Well then, I will listen to you..." Shen Ruyu didn't hesitate too much, so he cleverly nodded.

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