"In the end, when there are only two people on the shore, it is the best time for the two of us to take action. Let's solve one by one." Feng Yixiu whispered.

"Understood!" Shen Ruyu's expression gradually became serious, nodded.

Both of them stared closely at the movements of the people in the shadow department, and saw them one by one jumping into the water one after another.

When there were only two people left, Feng Yixiu turned into a purple lightning and rushed out.

"Wind-style·Break the army!"

I saw a fast as lightning-like sword light flashing past, and one of the two men simply did not expect to be attacked suddenly .

Before it could react, a purple rays of light appeared between the neck, and the head slowly slipped off.

At the moment of Feng Yixiu charge ahead, Shen Ruyu naturally did not sit idle, but set up the Liangyi Burning Sky Bow in his hand, a ribbon of extinction like a hot knife through butter The sound of breaking wind cuts through the space.

When the woman in the shadow club was about to draw her sword to deal with Feng Yixiu, her throat was sealed with an arrow. As the wound was scorched, no blood flowed out at all.

The cooperation between the two seems to have been rehearsed countless times. It can be said that the cooperation is seamless!

The two people in the shadow club simply didn’t even have time to make the call, so they completely cut off their vitality...

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu did not dare to delay too much time. Instead, he quickly rushed to the sides of the two corpses and stripped off their coats.

I have to say that Shen Ruyu is still very careful. I saw a crimson flame burst out of the palms of her hands, and the two corpses were burnt completely and turned into fly ash.

"It's a coincidence. It's a man and a woman. Let's have a set." Feng Yixiu neatly put away his clothes, and then put the man's clothes on him. .

Shen Ruyu didn't appear to be twitchy either, she put on the woman's clothes very quickly, then began to slowly close her eyes, and began to enter the ultimate state of subtlety.

This is the first time Shen Ruyu has used extreme control to change his appearance. Obviously, he is a bit unskilled.

Feng Yixiu can change his appearance much faster than Shen Ruyu. It takes less than ten seconds to change a person completely.

This is the function of the fourth rank source Martial Artist after mastering the extreme, being able to control the operation of every cell in his body, just like controlling his own hands and feet.

Shen Ruyu slowly opened his eyes and quickly asked: "Big Brother Feng, how is it? Do I look like that person just now?"

Feng Yixiu took a look Fan, nodded, said: "I can't say that it looks like it, it's exactly the same!"

"That's good, so I won't be discovered..." Shen Ruyu is also sighed in relief , Indifferently said.

"But there may be a weak spot." Feng Yixiu brows slightly wrinkle.

"Ah? What other weak spot?" Shen Ruyu said worriedly.

"Because these people are all blood Spirit Masters, they emit unique demonic energy. Although the appearance can change, the breath is not that easy to change." Feng Yixiu explained patiently.

"What can I do then?" Shen Ruyu said anxiously with a face.

“It’s okay, you just follow me, as long as you are not too far away from me, I can let my breath cover you, so I can get through.” Feng Yixiu thought slightly For a while, said with a slight smile.

"Then I'll follow you soon..." Shen Ruyu was relieved, and immediately looked at the calming water level, and urged: "Let’s catch up quickly, in case it causes Doubt is not very good."

Nodded, whom Feng Yixiu agrees with, immediately plunged into the water first, and Shen Ruyu also followed closely from behind and plunged into the water.

Since becoming the fourth-rank source Martial Artist, the two of them did not feel suffocated in the water at all, but looked very calm.

This feeling does not seem to be much different from the feeling on land, except that there is a little resistance to the movement.

For Martial Artist, the source of the powerful strength of the owner, the battle strength is definitely discounted compared to the ground, but it doesn't hurt.

As soon as Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu entered the water, they had already moved a little apart from the large group in front of them, but they were quickly integrated into the team.

As the Captain of this shadow department action, the wolf thorn has always been very cautious. When he saw the two arriving slowly, he quickly moved towards the two of them and swam over.

"What's the matter with you two? Such an important task, how dilly-dallying..." Wolfspur said with displeasure.

Feng Yixiu immediately responded in a very fluent Sun Moon Empire language: "Lord Wolfstab, sorry...I just went to make it easier."

This sentence made the wolf stab. Putting down half of his defenses was not because of his fluent Sun-Moon Empire language, but because the other party correctly called out his code name.

But this is not enough for the always cautious wolf thorn to completely dispel the doubts in his heart.

I saw the wolf stabbing sweeping Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu with a scrutinizing gaze. After indeed feeling the spiritual power of the blood Spirit Master, the suspicion in my heart gradually disappeared.

"Be a little bit more positive in the future, our shadow club won't raise undisciplined people!" Wolfthorn said fiercely.

Feng Yixiu hurriedly nodded, and smiled: "My lord said so, we must pay attention to it from now on!"

The wolf thorn is only satisfied with nodded, even if he swims to the team again. In the front, leading the whole team forward.


Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu both put out a breath deeply.

After all, it’s sneaking into combat. It’s definitely impossible to say it’s not nervous...

Feng Yixiu is really afraid that the wolf stab will ask more difficult and private questions. Fortunately The other party does not have this idle time.

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu have followed the team silently since then, and they also know the truth in saying more.

So when I can not speak, I naturally don’t want to say a word of nonsense...

Feng Yixiu seems to be careless on the surface, but in fact it is secretly remembered The route to the King of Tides.

Feng Yixiu's memory is very exaggerated now, and I am afraid it is not enough to describe his amazing memory now.

But I have to say that the road to the King of Tides is winding and winding, no wonder it has not been discovered for so many years.

Feng Yixiu also felt a lot of the terrifying aura and low roar of the devil beast along the way, but they all cleverly avoided those powerful existence.

As they got deeper and deeper, the visibility became lower and lower, like the darkness of night.

I saw that Shao Si Ming Qi Die took out something that looked like Luminous Pearl. Although it was not large, the light emitted could illuminate the area within a hundred meters.

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